After a while, the girl came to the scene.

Chen Xiaozui

Soon, when Lu Cheng and Meng Fanle came near the girl, the girl hurried over and saw Lu Cheng's military uniform. She obviously knew the collar badges: "Hello, sir, have you heard of the Sichuan Army? Do you know where they are fighting now?"

Lu Cheng did not answer directly, but asked: "Girl, what is your name? Why do you want to know about the Sichuan Army?"

"My last name is Chen, my name is Xiaozui, my brother is the company commander of the Sichuan Army, and there has been no news for a long time. I just want to know where they are now."

Meng Fanle, who was standing aside, heard this and was about to say something, but was stopped by Lu Cheng.

The Sichuan Army was destroyed a month or two ago, leaving only a few scattered defeated soldiers who fled to various places.

"Miss, I'm sorry, we don't know where the Sichuan Army is now. But there are many people coming to the south recently, so someone should know."

"Thank you, sir."

After the two walked away, Meng Fanle said, "Sir, the Sichuan Army was destroyed a long time ago."

Lu Cheng nodded, "I know, but people always have to have some thoughts when they are alive, right? Let's go, let's go to the shelter first."

After turning around in the alleys of the town and asking the scattered defeated soldiers along the way, we finally found a shelter.

The houses on the two or three streets nearby were basically requisitioned as shelters to accommodate the defeated soldiers.

Walking on the streets, you can see wounded and defeated soldiers leaning against the wall everywhere, wearing tattered clothes and looking listless. Some of them seem to be asleep, and some may have died.

From time to time, some defeated soldiers would come with stretchers to check, and when they found those who were dead, they would carry them directly to the wasteland outside and bury them.

There was a shortage of medicines above, and they would not distribute medicines to these defeated soldiers at all.

Seeing this situation here, Meng Fanle also gave up. He wanted to rely on the shelter to heal his injured leg, but it was probably impossible.

All the way to a dilapidated yard, there were some defeated soldiers scattered in the yard in twos and threes. Seeing Lu Cheng and Meng Fanle coming, those defeated soldiers just looked up and ignored them.

All the defeated soldiers here have one thing in common, as if they have lost their souls, doing nothing, lying down and rotting.

When these defeated soldiers are good, they can get two meals a day, and when they are bad, they can only have one meal, and there is no oil and water or nutrition. It is good enough that they can avoid starving to death.

In this case, who is willing to move more and waste their physical strength?

The defeated soldiers who came here basically have no weapons. Either the weapons had been discarded when they fled, or they had been exchanged for food. Some of the defeated soldiers even pawned their uniforms, leaving only a pair of shorts and a vest.

Fortunately, it is still summer and the weather in western Yunnan is relatively hot, so the defeated soldiers will not freeze to death even if they are shirtless.

The main structure of the house here is built with wooden materials, divided into two floors. There are also some defeated soldiers upstairs, leaning on the railings of the second-floor porch to bask in the sun.

Some defeated soldiers saw Lu Cheng's uniform and the major's collar badge, and they were still whispering about something there.

"Hey, this is a major."

"What's wrong with the major? Didn't he flee here after being defeated like us?"

"That's right, guess how long it will take for his gun to be pawned for food?"

"It'll only take me two weeks at most."

"I guess one week. Look at this major, he is so delicate and tender, and he looks like a rich kid who has never suffered. He might not be able to stand being hungry for two days."

Lu Cheng ignored the discussion of these people and walked towards a room inside with Meng Fanle.

At this moment, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old, thin and small defeated soldier suddenly squeezed out and shouted: "Battalion commander, battalion commander, you are still alive."

Lu Cheng turned his head and looked, and after a brief recollection in his mind, he remembered who this person was.

In the last battle before, in order to cover the retreat of the remaining dozen soldiers, Lu Cheng took the initiative to stay and block the enemy, and bought time for the dozen soldiers to escape.

The little soldier in front of him was one of the soldiers who escaped at the beginning.

"Abao, how did you get here? Where are the others?"

"Captain, I finally found you. We thought you had already... We ran into a small group of Japanese soldiers on the way. Dazhuang and Zhuzi were killed, and the others all ran away. I was the only one who came here.

One. Battalion commander, are you okay? Are you injured? "

Lu Cheng raised his hand and patted the young soldier on the shoulder: "I'm fine."

Hearing the young soldier named Abao calling Lu Cheng the battalion commander, the eyes of some of the fleeing soldiers around him looked at Lu Cheng differently.

Abao's real name is Deng Zongbao. He is also from the Central Plains. He is a fellow villager of Lu Cheng. He joined the army at the age of 16 and has fought for two years. He studied in a private school for a few years at home and can recognize some words. He used to be a messenger beside Lu Cheng, responsible for running errands.

Two days ago, Abao fled here and heard other fleeing soldiers talking about how incompetent their superiors were. Abao told them a lot about Lu Cheng's bravery in killing the enemy and leading by example. The deeds of taking the initiative to cover the retreat.

Because A Bao's words were a bit exaggerated, he only praised Lu Cheng as Zhao Zilong of Changshan in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Yang Zaixing in the Complete Biography of Yue Fei, which also made these defeated soldiers curious about Lu Cheng.

After all, an officer who can lead by example and take the initiative to cover the retreat of his soldiers is definitely a rare species in the memories of these defeated soldiers.

Just look at the admiring eyes of A Bao after seeing Lu Cheng, and the look of tears of joy, you know that what A Bao said before should be somewhat credible.

"Okay, stop crying. Fortunately, you are still alive, otherwise I will give the position of messenger to the guy next to me."

A Bao heard this, turned his head and looked up and down at Meng Fanle: "Battalion Commander, he can't do it, his legs are lame, and he must not run as fast as me."

"Okay, okay, I still let you be a messenger. Where is your gun? ”

“Captain, I still have my gun. It’s upstairs. You said that, the man and the gun are still there. But there are not many bullets left. There are only five rounds left.”

“It’s okay. Everything will be there.”

With this messenger, Lu Cheng, the battalion commander, is at least not a commander without troops.

As for Meng Fanle, he is not Lu Cheng’s soldier at the moment.

“Sir, look at my leg. Do you still care?”

“As long as you are willing to follow me, I promise to cure you.”

“Okay, I will listen to you.”

Lu Cheng knew that it would be difficult to subdue an old soldier like Meng Fanle in a short time, but there was still some time before the plot began, so Lu Cheng was not in a hurry.

A skinny old man wearing a tattered jacket and a tattered military cap came over and glanced at Meng Fanle: “What’s wrong with you kid? Do you want me to take a look at your injury? "

The two defeated soldiers on the side saw the old man coming out and both said to encourage him: "Veterinarian Hao, can you cure people? Don't cure people to death again."

Veterinarian Hao, the army doctor of the cannon fodder regiment, is also, he is like an old father among the defeated soldiers of the cannon fodder regiment.

If Shi Jin, the squad leader in the Soldier Assault, is the mother of the army, then Veterinarian Hao is the well-deserved father of the army.

Of course, Veterinarian Hao's medical skills are very limited, and without any medicine, he has basically never cured anyone.

Even, every time Veterinarian Hao starts to wipe his sweat, it means that a wounded soldier is about to die.

Despite this, Veterinarian Hao's kindness and mercy are absolutely worthy of a doctor's benevolence.

As Veterinarian Hao himself said, it is better to have something than nothing.

In the original play, the death of Veterinarian Hao also made the entire cannon fodder regiment completely crazy.

Meng Fan heard others' booing, looked at the dirty Veterinarian Hao, and really didn't dare to let him treat his leg...

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