The crowd was so busy that they had to fight.

When Lu Cheng returned to the shelter, he saw that the door of the shelter where he was was already surrounded by people, and the smell of meat was wafting from the yard.

"What's going on? Make way!"

The defeated soldiers saw the gun in Lu Cheng's hand and quickly retreated to the side.

After the crowd retreated, Lu Cheng found that there were also several soldiers in the yard, blocking the door to prevent those outside from rushing in.

Seeing Lu Cheng coming back, these people were relieved: "Sir, you are finally back. Those guys outside are just coveting our meat."

Lu Cheng turned his head and looked outside the yard: "Okay, let's go first. If you want to eat meat, go and fight with your own ability."

Although those people were a little reluctant, they were frightened by Lu Cheng's power and still dispersed.

Lu Cheng did not have the idea of ​​inviting other defeated soldiers to come in and eat meat together. There were too many defeated soldiers here. If he let these people come in, more people would come later, and there would not be enough for these two wild boars.

Moreover, letting the defeated soldiers who followed him eat meat first would highlight their differences from other defeated soldiers, and would also make them more grateful to Lu Cheng and cherish the opportunity to become Lu Cheng's soldiers.

The pig-killing dishes in the yard had been prepared just now, but A Bao kept holding a gun and did not let everyone eat first, waiting for Lu Cheng to come back.

Now, as soon as Lu Cheng came back, these defeated soldiers cheered immediately: "Captain, the dishes are ready, waiting for you to come back, please try it."

Lu Cheng took the pair of new chopsticks handed over by A Bao, picked up a chopstick of pork and tasted it, the taste was so-so.

In fact, the skin of adult wild boars is rough and the meat is thick, and the meat is not very delicious.

But Lu Cheng still nodded and gave a positive answer: "Not bad."

A Bao immediately took out a clean new bowl, scooped a bowl for Lu Cheng first, and handed Lu Cheng two white flour cakes: "Captain, you eat first."

"Okay, let's eat together, be careful, don't eat too much."

"Thank you, Captain."

A group of people sat together to eat a pot of rice, and they also had more recognition of Lu Cheng, the battalion commander.

While eating, Ma Dazhi, who was born in the Guangdong Army and was nicknamed "Snake Butt", said: "Captain, what should we do with the remaining pork and offal?"

"Let's do this. The weather is quite hot now, and the meat can't be kept for a long time. Take out half of it tomorrow. Sell it at the market and exchange it for food, which will be enough for everyone to eat for a while. Make the rest into bacon and save it for later. Cut off four or five pounds of the better ones for me, I will keep them for use. Also, deal with the pheasants and rabbits and eat them in the next two days."

"Yes, Captain."

Hearing that Lu Cheng had thought of everything for them, the defeated soldiers were even happier.

After dinner, Lu Cheng showed Meng Fanle some medicines and the knife, scissors, and needles and threads for surgery: "I have prepared everything. It's night now and the light is not very good. I will perform surgery on you tomorrow at noon to treat the injury on your leg."

Seeing this, Meng Fanle immediately became excited: "Thank you, battalion commander."

Lu Cheng got up and walked to the first floor of the east wing. Veterinarian Hao in the room was feeding several wounded soldiers, and he sent pork that he himself was reluctant to eat to the mouths of wounded soldiers one by one.

"Veterinarian Hao, there are still some left in the pot for these wounded soldiers, you should eat some too, don't be reluctant."

"I thank you on behalf of these kids, sir."

"You're welcome, we are all brothers eating from the same pot. Besides, I have also studied medicine. I will show everyone tomorrow. If it can be cured, I will find a way to cure it for everyone."

"Thank you, sir!"

Several wounded soldiers in the room also hurriedly thanked him.

These wounded soldiers were basically in a state of fending for themselves. Except for veterinarian Hao, no one would care about them. They were naturally excited to hear that Lu Cheng was still going to treat them.

In fact, the five or six wounded in the room were not seriously injured. Those who were really seriously injured could not hold on until now and had died long ago.

These wounded soldiers, because of the lack of medical care and medicine, did not receive any treatment, allowing their wounds to fester and become inflamed, and eventually their minor injuries became serious injuries and they died.

As long as Lu Cheng could heal these desperate wounded, they would definitely become Lu Cheng's loyal fans faster than those ordinary soldiers.

After arranging everything, while it was not completely dark, Lu Cheng came to Chen Xiaozui's door with a piece of pork weighing five or six pounds, and knocked on the door as he had agreed with Chen Xiaozui before.

The door was opened and knocked a few times.

Soon, Chen Xiaozui opened the courtyard door from the inside and saw Lu Cheng standing at the gate: "Brother Lu."

Lu Cheng glanced at Chen Xiaozui: "Next time, don't rush to open the door, ask who is standing outside."

"Brother Lu, didn't you say that you would knock three times and then four times? I remember it all."

"That won't work either. What if someone else knows? You must be on guard against others. Okay, take the meat back first, close the door, and I'm leaving first."

Lu Cheng handed the pork in his hand to Chen Xiaozui and turned away.

Chen Xiaozui carried the heavy pork in his hand and looked at Lu Cheng who had already walked to the entrance of the alley. A warm current flowed through his heart.

The next morning, Lu Cheng got up early and went out to exercise.

I slept on a wooden board covered with hay last night, and I didn't sleep very comfortably.

Moreover, the snoring of the fleeing soldiers around was one after another, and many of them had fleas on their bodies. The environment was really bad.

After running all the way to the woods outside the village to practice boxing and exercise physical fitness, Lu Cheng returned to the shelter for the fleeing soldiers.

When he came back, the chefs had already prepared the meal.

After Lu Cheng finished eating, he arranged some work for them, and asked several people to carry some pork and offal to sell at the East Gate Market.

Lu Cheng himself stayed at the shelter and checked the wounds of each wounded soldier. After that, he spent less than 10 minutes to perform a minor operation on Meng Fanle, cleaned the ulcerated and inflamed part of the wound, completed disinfection and sterilization, applied the special trauma medicine made by Lu Cheng in his previous life, and sutured the wound skillfully.

This series of operations dazzled everyone, and Veterinarian Hao was even more impressed: "Sir, your skills are really amazing. If I had your level, I wouldn't have to watch those kids suffer..."

Lu Cheng glanced at Veterinarian Hao: "Veterinarian Hao, can you read?"

Veterinarian Hao nodded, and Lu Cheng directly took out a "Field First Aid Manual" and handed it to Veterinarian Hao: "Take this and study it carefully. It should be useful."

"Okay, okay, thank you, sir."

The battlefield first aid manual that Lu Cheng handed out was compiled by himself and some doctors in the world of Embroidered Spring Blade. It is all in traditional Chinese characters, with detailed illustrations and texts, and there is no publisher or printing date. It only describes some of the most common battlefield first aid knowledge, usually for entry-level military doctors.

At that time, I stored two copies in the cross-border backpack. Because the manuals were very thin and did not take up much weight, I kept them there. I didn't clean them up in the last world. Now I just took them out and gave them to Veterinarian Hao.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng checked the injuries of some other wounded soldiers, performed surgery on three with relatively minor injuries, and gave preliminary treatment to the other three.

"Okay, that's it for now. I'll find a way to get some more medicine. I'm sure I can cure you all and make you alive again."

"Thank you, sir. You gave us this life. From now on, we will follow you."

"Call me battalion commander in the future."

"Yes! Battalion commander!"

After finishing all this, Lu Cheng went to the clothing store in the city and bought himself a set of ordinary clothes, two pairs of new cloth shoes, and two bars of laundry soap at the grocery store. He came to Xiaozui's house and gave all his dirty clothes to Chen Xiaozui to wash.

Chen Xiaozui was very happy when he saw Lu Cheng bringing him clothes: "I will wash them for you right away, and then send them to you after they are dried. From now on, let me wash your clothes."

Lu Cheng was not polite: "Okay, I'll trouble you in the future."

"It's not a bother, it's not a bother."

In fact, letting Chen Xiaozui help him wash his military uniform was a kind of protection for her.

Of course, it was mainly because Lu Cheng was used to being served by others and was too lazy to wash clothes...

(Thanks to "Annei Xiangyun Dantian" for the great health care. I will try to have six to seven chapters today. Thank you)

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