After Lu Cheng's treatment, and with the food and oil provided, the wounded soldiers in the shelter quickly stabilized and began to get better.

The wounded soldiers who had lost hope and had dull eyes were now full of hope, thinking about recovering from their injuries as soon as possible so that they could serve as soldiers for Lu Cheng.

At the same time, the uninjured soldiers, after eating a few days of full meals, also recovered a lot of spirits, and were soon pulled by Lu Cheng outside the city of Zenda to start physical training.

During the training, Lu Cheng taught them all kinds of survival skills on the battlefield, as well as necessary field survival training, some common poisonous insects and poisonous plants, how to prevent diseases, what kind of plants can be eaten temporarily, etc.

After two or three days of teaching, the spirits of these defeated soldiers improved a lot, but there were still two or three guys who knew nothing and couldn't help asking curiously: "Battalion Commander, didn't you say you would teach us how to fight? Why are you not teaching us anything about fighting now?"

"Why? You all want to learn how to fight? How to win a battle?"

Bula, a soldier from Xiangnan, immediately stood up: "Sir, we have lost too many battles and want to win too much."

"That's right, I just want to kill the devils, even if I only kill one, it's not in vain to be a soldier."

In fact, these defeated soldiers have experienced too many failures since the war started, and they really want a victory.

From Deng Zongbao, these defeated soldiers knew how fierce Lu Cheng was in fighting. When fighting, one person fired a gun and needed two or three soldiers to load him. He could kill several devils in the time it took to drink a cup of tea.

At first, they didn't believe it, but during the training these few days, Lu Cheng's strength, speed, fighting ability, shooting skills, etc., opened the eyes of these veterans who thought they had fought many battles.

When fighting with bare hands, more than 30 defeated soldiers combined couldn't get close to Lu Cheng. He knocked down a few of them when he approached, and he could ensure that they were not injured.

"If you want to learn how to fight, you must first learn how to save your life. There is an old saying that goes, "If you keep the green mountains, you will never be afraid of running out of firewood." As long as you are still alive, there will always be opportunities to kill the devils in the future. Don't think that what I gave you seems to be used to escape and save lives, but it is indeed the most useful.

Of course, learning these is only the last resort. When you arrive on the battlefield, the first thing you think of is to kill the devils, and do everything you can to kill the devils. Since you are my soldiers, Lu Cheng, I can make a promise to you that I will not abandon you or give up! On the battlefield, as long as you are still alive, even if you are surrounded by the enemy, I will definitely rush in and rescue you!"

When Lu Cheng said this, his attitude was sincere and serious, and his tone was ups and downs. He fully exerted his leadership and persuasiveness far beyond ordinary people, making these soldiers unable to help but believe from the bottom of their hearts that Lu Cheng would really lead them to victory and that Lu Cheng would never abandon them on the battlefield.

Trust and obedience are built up bit by bit on some ordinary details. Keep your word, do what you say, set an example, distinguish rewards and punishments, and be fair and just. These are what a general should do.

Lu Cheng was a soldier king in "Soldier Assault" and led troops to fight in the world of "Embroidered Spring Knife". He has rich experience in how to grasp the psychology of grassroots soldiers, how to mobilize their enthusiasm, and how to cultivate loyalty bit by bit.

Some teams are strong because of iron discipline, some teams are strong because the soldiers have faith, and some teams are strong because they have a charismatic general.

The future Yu Xiaoqing, the division commander, wants to be a charismatic general, and he is also very good at brainwashing his subordinates. But he has no ability, so he can only be a giant in thought.

As for Lu Cheng, his charm has reached 20 long ago, and he has been a captain, so there is no need to say much about leadership. In terms of personal ability, there is naturally no need to say much.

If we only talk about combat effectiveness, Lu Cheng can be said to have exceeded the scope of normal humans.

After spending ten days together, these soldiers have begun to truly recognize Lu Cheng from the bottom of their hearts, and have also begun to become significantly different from other defeated soldiers.

If it were not for these veterans before, they would never take the initiative to propose the idea of ​​winning the battle.

"Battalion Commander, didn't you say that we have guns? When will we start practicing shooting?"

"You all want to touch the gun?"

"Of course

I haven't fired a gun in several months."

"Okay, I'll get you a few guns in the next two days. Three days later, we'll have a physical fitness test. Whoever performs best, I'll give him the best gun..."

In fact, there are quite a few guns on the black market and in the pawnshops of Zenda City. They are all sold by the defeated soldiers, and the price is not expensive.

Lu Cheng only needs to take out a small part of the gold bars in the cross-border backpack to arm all his soldiers, and even let them choose the best guns.

But Lu Cheng will not do this directly, that is, to mobilize their enthusiasm little by little, so that they can be more serious in training.

"Okay, today's training is almost done. Snake butt, if you want numbness, you two take people back to cook. Bu La, A Bao, Dou Bing, you people follow me and go into the mountains to hunt. Our meat is almost gone, and it's time to replenish it..."

"Yes, battalion commander. "

After calling the roll, Lu Cheng led a dozen soldiers and headed for the distant forest. As early as two or three days ago, Lu Cheng bought some bullets for the Zhongzheng rifle, specifically for hunting.

The group walked towards the forest in a mighty manner. Lu Cheng also turned on the thermal sensing radar again and quickly found a suitable hunting target.

This was the third time Lu Cheng went out hunting. Every time he would bring different defeated soldiers to help carry the prey and let them see his marksmanship and ability to find prey.

Soon, one or two gunshots were heard from time to time in the forest. Every time a gunshot was heard, a prey would be harvested. Never fire a blank.

Lu Cheng demonstrated his ability to hit the target with every shot with his actual actions.

Pheasants, hares, wolves, wild boars, large ones were dealt with with guns, small ones were dealt with with flying knives, or with a hunting bow bought from a hunter.

When the group walked out of the forest, everyone carried some prey, or medicinal herbs and edible fungi collected in the jungle, hunting and collecting medicine at the same time.

A full harvest always makes people happy.

After filling their stomachs, nourishing their spirits, training their physical fitness, and igniting their hope and fighting spirit, the defeated soldiers can become veterans.

In the future, training the soldiers of the cannon fodder regiment and improving their battlefield survival and combat effectiveness will be of great benefit to completing the mission.

After returning to Zenda City, Lu Cheng asked several soldiers to take some of the prey to sell and send the rest home. He himself carried a pheasant and a hare to Chen Xiaozui and took back his own clothes.

Every time Lu Cheng came, he could bring warmth and comfort to this lonely girl.

Lu Cheng always took some time to patiently listen to Xiaozui talking about the gossip in Zenda City and the life in life. Trivial.

Xiaozui is a girl who loves life very much. Even though her family is poor, she will collect some wild flowers on the roadside to decorate the house, and will also collect some small items that no one wants, put them in the right place, and decorate her home.

Of course, Lu Cheng will not stay at Xiaozui's house for a long time. He also has his own things to do.

Hunting alone cannot feed thirty or forty mouths, not to mention equipping them with weapons.

After leaving Xiaozui's house, Lu Cheng came to the only pawnshop in Zenda City and took out a few gold bars: "Boss, I want to buy a few guns from you. They must be of good quality, and each gun must be equipped with fifty rounds of bullets."

When the boss saw the big customer coming, he immediately smiled: "This officer, please take a seat..."

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