The soldiers were very happy.

During this period of time, seeing that the soldiers in Lu Cheng's shelter had enough food every day and went out for training in the morning and evening, the other soldiers were envious and wanted to follow Lu Cheng.

When they heard that Lu Cheng was recruiting people, the soldiers came to sign up, all wanting to have two full meals first.

Lu Cheng asked Meng Fanle, A Bao, A Yi and others to be responsible for registration and recruitment, and select some soldiers with better physique.

In recent days, in addition to training with his dozens of soldiers, Lu Cheng would visit other shelters from time to time to understand the situation and treat other wounded soldiers.

Before Lu Cheng came here, people died every day in these nearby shelters and were carried outside to be buried. Sometimes several people die in a day. Human life is not worth money.

The higher-ups don't bother to care about these defeated soldiers. They just let them rot here as long as they don't cause trouble.

Since Lu Cheng came, those with minor injuries have been getting better quickly after treatment. Even those with serious injuries have not had their wounds worsened, and they all have hope of survival.

Even many shelters have followed Lu Cheng's advice and started cleaning and tidying up the yard, trying to give the wounded a better environment.

These defeated soldiers are grateful to Lu Cheng. Just because Lu Cheng treats them as human beings.

If conditions permit, Lu Cheng really wants to gather all the defeated soldiers and reorganize them.

Unfortunately, Lu Cheng now has limited resources. Even if he wants to buy supplies, the small place of Zenda is too poor and there are not many supplies at all.

Now, the training of the defeated soldiers has basically been on track, and there is no need for Lu Cheng, the battalion commander, to keep an eye on them all the time. This also gives him more time to do other things.

The next day, Chen Xiaozui, who had recovered, began to practice shooting and disassembling and assembling firearms again under the guidance of Lu Cheng.

Since the bullets of the dog-tag rifle were limited, Lu Cheng also asked Chen Xiaozui to practice shooting with a box gun to master the basic shooting essentials.

After practicing shooting, Lu Cheng took out a small bottle of brown pills the size of peanuts and handed it to Chen Xiaozui: "Xiaozui, this is a pill for strengthening the body that I made using the ancestral method of the Lu family. From now on, you will take one pill every day. I will teach you to box, and your physique will get better and better, and your strength will get stronger and stronger."

Chen Xiaozui took the small bottle handed over by Lu Cheng: "Brother Lu, this should be very precious, right? Why don't you keep it for yourself?"

"I have eaten it a long time ago, otherwise I wouldn't have such great strength. You must listen to me, take one pill every day, and receive a certain intensity of exercise every day."

"Well, I listen to you."

"Of course you have to listen to me. Keep taking medicine and exercising. Our children will be strong and smarter than ordinary children when they are born."

"Is this true?"

"Of course it is true. I won't lie to you."

"Didn't you say before that you would lie to me for the rest of my life?"

"This is different."

"I know..."

In the previous life, after 70 or 80 years of research, Lu Cheng continuously improved and concentrated the drugs that can improve physical fitness, and finally made three kinds of body-building pills. Taking them in three courses can greatly promote the secondary development of the human body and improve the physical fitness of a person by about three points within 3 to 6 months.

Of course, the number of body-building pills required will vary depending on the age and physical condition of the user, and the final effect will also be different.

However, after Lu Cheng's in-depth examination, Chen Xiaozui's physical foundation is still very good, at least much better than Xu Hongdou and Chen Nanxing last time.

In the original drama, Chen Xiaozui was able to carry the fainted Meng Fanle home, and his strength was still not small.

After Chen Xiaozui took the pills obediently, Lu Cheng began to teach her a set of health exercises, which can exercise most of the bones and muscles in the body, which is conducive to the better efficacy of the health pills.

After arranging Chen Xiaozui, Lu Cheng bought a lot of thick ropes in Zenda City and stored them in the storage space.

One morning a few days later, Lu Cheng asked Yao Ma, Kang Ya and others to take the newly recruited soldiers to organize physical training outside Zenda City. He took A Bao and Meng Fanle to the Nujiang River outside Zenda City.

Meng Fanle was still a little confused: "My battalion commander, you have nothing to do, but what are we doing here by the Nujiang River? Do you want to go fishing in the river?

? "

Lu Cheng looked at the surging and turbulent Nujiang River in front of him and asked, "Fanla, why do you think the higher-ups sent troops to garrison in western Yunnan?"

"Is there any need to ask? Of course, it's to protect the Burma Road?"

"Since the Burma Road is so important, what if the Japanese invaders attack from the other side in the future?"

Meng Fan was stunned: "Battalion Commander, are you saying that the Japanese invaders may attack from Myanmar in the future? This shouldn't be too likely, right? The Sakura Country is so small, and its troops have been distributed all over the north. The war in China has long been in a stalemate. How can they advance from the south again? This is impossible..."

Meng Fanle is an intellectual who has been to university after all, and he knows something about the overall situation, but he has never thought that the Japanese will attack Southeast Asia.

"Moreover, the Philippines is still the territory of the old Americans. If the Japanese want to attack Southeast Asia, they can't avoid it. There are British troops in Burma, Vietnam, India and other places..."

"Never underestimate the madness of the Japanese. They can do anything. Moreover, the expansion of the Japanese now has affected the interests of European and American countries. The United States has also launched economic sanctions against the Japanese. If the Japanese want to break the current deadlock, attacking Southeast Asia may not be a way..."

After listening to some of Lu Cheng's analysis, Meng Fanle was silent for a long time and then sighed: "According to you, Zenda will not be peaceful for long."

"In troubled times, where is the place of peace? Therefore, we can only plan ahead and make more preparations. What if one day, the higher-ups ask us to cross the Nujiang River and go to Burma to fight the Japanese, where we are unfamiliar with the place and it is easy to suffer losses.

Therefore, we must make some preparations first. On the one hand, we should be familiar with the terrain on the other side in advance. On the other hand, we should leave several retreat routes in the Nujiang River. If we suffer a loss on the other side in the future, we can't wait until we run for our lives to find that there is no way to escape. "

"Captain, nothing has happened yet, and you are considering these things?"

"Before thinking about victory, think about defeat first, haven't you heard it?"

A Bao didn't interrupt the whole process. Although he had studied in a private school for a few years and recognized some words, he didn't understand these national affairs. He only recognized one thing, that is, listen to the captain.

"Captain, tell me, what do you want us to do here?"

"Today, we will scout the terrain first, find out the situation on the riverside, and see where the river surface is wider and the water flow is slower, which can be used to cross the river. We must find at least five or six places suitable for crossing the river, mark them in advance, and draw a blueprint.

Tomorrow, I will take a rope to the other side and arrange a rope to cross the river. A Bao, after returning, you will find a few people and make a raft. Recently, we have been going to the other side every day to conduct reconnaissance and familiarize ourselves with the situation. Meng Fanlao, you have to follow us, do some reconnaissance, and draw maps. "

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