The more you go, the more you will be able to survive.

Living in this era, although Lu Cheng can rely on his own strong strength and advanced weapons and equipment to have enough self-protection power. But it cannot directly affect the overall situation.

Therefore, Lu Cheng had to rely on the foresight of the time traveler, prepare for a rainy day, and leave a retreat in advance.

As time passed, the number of soldiers under Lu Cheng increased day by day, and soon reached more than 120 people, enough for a full company.

Lu Cheng did not continue to expand his troops, because he really couldn't afford to support more people. These more than 120 soldiers are more than 120 mouths, and the food consumed every day is not a small amount.

The prey near Zenda was almost killed by Lu Cheng. If he wanted to gain something, he had to go further.

When Lu Cheng recently crossed the river for reconnaissance, he would also go hunting in the mountains and forests on the opposite side, bring back some prey, and have the soldiers transport it back. In addition, Lu Cheng also sent people to nearby villages and towns to buy some food supplies from the people.

In this way, the next two or three months will pass. When the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and start a full-scale attack on Southeast Asia, China will begin to organize an expeditionary force.

At that time, these defeated soldiers in Zenda will also be incorporated into the expeditionary force, and someone will take care of their food.

The batch of guns that Lu Cheng got from making a fortune before, the rifles have basically all been distributed, and some box guns have also been used as prizes and given to those soldiers with outstanding training results.

More than 120 soldiers, now have weapons accounted for a small half, and during normal training, basically two or three people use the same gun to practice shooting, as well as the maintenance and upkeep of the guns.

Every two or three days, Lu Cheng would take people to the forest outside Zenda City to do outdoor survival training, so that they could get more familiar with the jungle environment and practice jungle combat in advance.

During this period, Lu Cheng would personally guide them on how to identify various plants and animals in the wild, which ones are edible, which ones are poisonous, which ones can be used to replenish the body's water, which ones can be used to heal wounds, etc.

These more than 100 soldiers have completely gotten rid of the state of being defeated soldiers, regained their spirit, and have a little bit of elite meaning.

If they can lead them to win a few more battles and build confidence for them, they can become real elites.

Not only are these defeated soldiers making progress, but even Chen Xiaozui has made great progress.

Under the effect of the body-strengthening pills, Chen Xiaozui's body quickly entered the secondary development stage, and his physical fitness was also improving little by little.

Chen Xiaozui is not yet 20 years old and is still in the growth stage. He can absorb the efficacy of the body-strengthening pills very well and improve his physical fitness quickly.

In less than a month, Chen Xiaozui's physique has improved significantly, reaching a level of about 11.5, and it is still improving.

While his physique has improved, Chen Xiaozui's figure has also redeveloped. Under Lu Cheng's professional massage, the jade bowl on his chest has also grown a lot, becoming more pleasing, making Lu Cheng love it.

Seeing that taking medicine and exercising has such obvious effects, and Brother Lu is getting more and more fond of his body, Chen Xiaozui has become more attentive in his exercise.

Not only that, after consuming enough bullets, Chen Xiaozui's gunmanship has also improved significantly, and he has also learned fighting skills, dagger assassination skills, etc. from Lu Cheng.

After three months, Chen Xiaozui's physique has approached 14 points, and the improvement is getting slower and slower. In the future, it will only increase to about 14.5 at most, and it is difficult to reach 15 points.

However, 14 points is already far beyond the standard of ordinary people. Even in the future, after training, he can become a qualified special forces soldier.

It is not an exaggeration to say that with his 14-point physique, Xiaozui can fully play the role of a machine gunner.

While his physique improved, Xiaozui's performance at night also improved a lot. His physical strength, endurance, and body flexibility all made Lu Cheng more and more satisfied.

Moreover, Xiaozui was also obedient to Lu Cheng, dared to try, and did whatever he was asked to do, serving Lu Cheng very comfortably.

If it were not for the need to improve the relationship with the soldiers under his command, Lu Cheng really wanted to stay with Xiaozui every day.

After all, how could it be more comfortable to be squeezed together with a group of rough guys than to hug your wife?

Fortunately, the soldiers have cleaned the sanitation very well recently, and the shelter is not like before, full of flies and fleas. Instead, it looks like the back

The dormitory of the World Army Camp.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in the United States, and the Pacific War broke out. Immediately afterwards, the Japanese launched a full-scale war against Southeast Asia.

On December 23 of the same year, China and Britain signed the "Agreement on Joint Defense of the Yunnan-Burma Road". The Chinese side began to prepare to form an expeditionary force to rush to Myanmar to assist the British army in fighting the Japanese army.

One morning, in Zenda City, a refugee shelter.

The soldiers who had finished morning exercises had just finished breakfast and were resting in the yard when they suddenly heard the sound of a jeep outside.

Then, a "bang" of gunfire immediately alarmed all the refugees.

"Gather, gather, hurry up!"

All the soldiers in the yard looked at Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng certainly knew what was going to happen next, and then stood up and gave an order: "Gather!"

All the soldiers immediately put down their things, picked up their weapons, came to the yard, and stood in three neat rows.

Soon, a colonel wearing a colonel uniform, a helmet, a whip in hand, and a pistol on his waist walked into the yard.

Seeing the deserters standing in a neat row in the yard and looking full of energy, the colonel officer was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he said: "My surname is Yu, and my name is Xiaoqing. My superior told me that if I go to Burma to fight, I will be given a fully equipped reinforced regiment. I said I understand, why?"

After speaking, Yu Xiaoqing looked at everyone, and seeing that everyone was motionless and had no reaction, he continued: "Because I want my regiment, I want my comrades-in-arms to think of my regiment commander when they mention the three words Yu Xiaoqing. When I think of my comrades-in-arms, I think of my regiment! My superior was angry, and he said that he would give you the Sichuan Army.

He knew, and I knew too, that the Sichuan Army was a regiment that had been defeated. But I said, okay! I want the Sichuan Army, because the Sichuan Army fought the Japanese very bravely and fiercely."

Listening to Yu Xiaoqing's speech, Yao Ma, the only veteran of the Sichuan Army in the team, felt proud.

The following Lu Cheng was laughing in his heart. If he really wanted the Sichuan Army, why did he run to this deserter shelter to find someone? Among all the defeated soldiers on these three streets, there were only a few from the Sichuan Army.

Moreover, Yu Xiaoqing and his soldiers never regarded these defeated soldiers as human beings. Why did they come here to give speeches and deceive these defeated soldiers?

Lu Cheng really had no good feelings for Yu Xiaoqing, who could only brainwash people and paint pie in the sky.

It is said that Yu Xiaoqing also worships Yue Fei and respects Qu Yuan.

But in fact, the more a person lacks something, the more he likes to talk about it.

Facts have proved that Yu Xiaoqing has neither the ability and loyalty of Yue Fei, nor the integrity and courage of Qu Yuan who is willing to die. What he has is only a self-touching and generous speech, but he eventually became another "Tang Ji"...

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