The enemy was in a hurry, and the enemy was busy.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and clean up the battlefield."

"Yes, battalion commander!"

Soon, thirty or forty soldiers wearing only shorts rushed forward and took away all the food and supplies from the devils. In addition to the leather, even their shoes were not spared.

A total of 26 devils, almost two squads.

At this time, most countries in the world adopted the system of squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions. The devils were unique. They combined the military system of Germany during World War I and the current US military system to come up with a set of squads, squadrons, squadrons, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions.

A squad is actually an infantry squad. It is usually equipped with 1 machine gun team and 2 rifle teams, as well as a squad leader.

Two rifle teams, each with four people, are equipped with Type 38 rifles.

A machine gun team, 1 team leader, 1 main shooter, 2 ammunition handlers, a total of 2 Type 38 rifles, 2 quivers, and a light machine gun.

A squad leader is usually also equipped with a Type 38 rifle, a total of 14 weapons.

These 26 people contributed 22 Type 38 rifles, 4 quivers, and two crooked handle light machine guns to the soldiers under Lu Cheng, instantly arming more than half of Lu Cheng's soldiers.

There are also some kettles, individual rations, grenades, bayonets, cigarettes, etc., which were all divided up by the soldiers.

Lu Cheng picked up the Colt M1911 that he had just discarded and handed it back to the pilot: "Lieutenant Mike, your gun is very good."

"Yes, sir, now this gun has helped you kill 7 devils. It is already a pistol full of honor. I will definitely keep it well. After returning, I will definitely tell your story to my companions, so that they will also know that China also has supermen. Salute to you, sir!"

No matter where you are, the strong will be respected and admired.

Lu Cheng smiled faintly, put away his pistol, and then walked to Lieutenant Price, who had an injured arm, and checked the wound: "Lieutenant Price, you may not be able to fly a plane for the time being."

"Sir, being alive is better than anything else. Thank you for saving my life. If you hadn't helped me, I'm afraid I would have gone to see God."

"You may need to wait for decades to see God. Now, you should follow me to the airport. Two pilots, even if we lose the plane, we can still get to the airport, right?"

"Of course, with the commander leading us, we will definitely get back to the airport."

Then, everyone hurriedly left here and ran towards the woods.

A plane just crashed here, and a gunfight broke out again. Soon, more devils will be attracted, and they must hurry to evacuate.

After seeing Lu Cheng's strength and having weapons, Lu Cheng's soldiers have been completely spirited, and even look forward to meeting some more devils and giving them weapons and food.

Lu Cheng always kept the thermal radar on and soon found several people busy in the woods a few hundred meters away.

Recalling the plot in the original play, there should be a British military warehouse ahead, but when Meng Fanle and others fled there, they were regarded as enemies. Those British blew up all the weapons, leaving only some useless Burmese floral cloth.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng immediately called out: "Milong, Abao, Doubing, follow me, run forward!"

Then, Lu Cheng ran towards the location of the warehouse first, and soon saw two British in front, hurriedly moving some things onto the jeep, and another British found a pack of explosives, and it seemed that he was about to blow up the ammunition.

Lu Cheng immediately shouted in English: "Stop!"

The British soldier in the driver's seat of the jeep thought he had encountered an enemy, and quickly raised his rifle and was about to shoot at Lu Cheng, but Lu Cheng shot first and hit the opponent's rifle, and the opponent's rifle immediately slipped out of his hand and fell on the car.

"Stop, we're one of our own!"

As he spoke, Lu Cheng had already rushed forward quickly, raised his foot, kicked away the explosive pack in the hand of a British guy, and pointed his pistol at the two guys who were moving things: "Stop, I'm from the Chinese Expeditionary Force, we're one of our own!"

Then, Milong, Doubing and others also rushed over with guns, and the four British guys didn't dare to move anymore.

"Hello, we are the Chinese Expeditionary Force, your allies, don't be nervous, I

We are just ordered to come and receive the equipment we are going to give us."

"Sir, are you really from the Chinese Expeditionary Force?"

Lu Cheng patted his uniform and collar badge, and showed his officer certificate in front of the other party: "Okay, the higher-ups ordered us to come and receive the supplies. Since you are ready to leave, leave this to us."

While talking, the follow-up people also arrived one after another. The two American pilots saw everything on the scene and the explosive packs on the ground, and they also thought of something.

"Fuck, are you going to destroy this place? This is the supplies for the Chinese allies!"

Now it is a joint operation between China, the United States and the United Kingdom. When the British asked for support from the Chinese Expeditionary Force, they did promise to leave the supplies to them.

Seeing that there were still Americans, the British were relieved: "We will leave now, and this is left to you. "

The British also heard the plane crash and the gunfight.

Recently, the British have been scared by the devils and just run away.

The situation is unclear, and they don't know if there will be more devils coming. The British don't bother to care about anything else and just get on the jeep and run away.

Lu Cheng called out: "Everyone, put down your weapons and equipment, open the warehouse, and change your equipment!"

"Yes, battalion commander!"

Milong rushed into the armory first, and then ran out with a Bren light machine gun: "Hurry up, change your equipment, the British weapons are better. "

In the small munitions warehouse, there were enough weapons and equipment for a company, including Bren light machine guns, Sten submachine guns, Lee Enfield rifles, Webley revolvers, Browning high-powered pistols, 60mm mortars, grenades, etc.

The soldiers under Lu Cheng were all dumbfounded, and quickly dropped their Type 38 rifles to exchange for new equipment.

Lu Cheng looked at his soldiers, one by one, rushing to hold light machine guns and mortars, and few of them took rifles, and quickly said: "Doubing, can you shoot a cannon? Just hold a mortar. Bu La, can you use a light machine gun? Kang Ya, take off the three pistols on your waist. One by one, don't embarrass me. "

Then, Lu Cheng began to distribute: "We'll wait a moment, and we have to march to the airport. You carry too much equipment, how can you run fast? Everyone listen to my orders, take all the light machine guns, one rifle for each person, and bring enough bullets. Kang Ya, you take five people, two mortars and corresponding shells..."

After the distribution, Lu Cheng asked everyone to take some individual rations, change into British military uniforms, and throw all the rest of the weapons into the warehouse.

Then Lu Cheng ordered: "You retreat first, I will blow up this place, and we can't leave these weapons and equipment to the devils."

"Yes, battalion commander."

After everyone turned around and left, Lu Cheng immediately put all the remaining guns and ammunition into the storage space.

Originally, there were 150 rifles, ten light machine guns, six mortars, twenty Sten submachine guns, and corresponding various bullets, mortar shells, grenades, pistols, etc.

Except for the light machine guns and Sten submachine guns, which were basically all taken away, most of the other rifles, mortars, etc. were still left, and there were even more bullets and shells.

Lu Cheng unpacked all these things and put them all into the storage space.

Fortunately, the storage The space is flexible, which can minimize the gaps between items inside and fit as many things as possible, so that Lu Cheng can take away most of the company's weapons and equipment, and also take the weapons and equipment of those devils.

It's a bit regrettable that there are no heavy machine guns and anti-tank weapons here.

There are nearly 100 rifles, more than 20 pistols, 4 mortars, and sufficient bullets, shells, and grenades in the space, which can arm another company.

And the soldiers under Lu Cheng have been armed to the teeth...

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