After collecting all the guns, Lu Cheng threw out two more explosive packs, blowing up the ammunition warehouse and the cotton warehouse respectively.

Then, Lu Cheng went to catch up with his team, carrying a Lee Enfield rifle on his back and a Sten submachine gun in his hand.

To be honest, the Sten submachine gun is a completely cheap and shoddy finished product. The cost of a Sten submachine gun is less than $10, and the main body is basically just a steel pipe plus a spring.

This also makes the Sten submachine gun very easy to jam and fire, and it is called the "King of Misfires" by the British Army.

During the march of the British army, gunners holding Sten submachine guns were generally not allowed to walk in the middle of the team, but could only walk in front to avoid the guns from accidentally firing and hitting the buttocks of the people in front.

In comparison, the quality of the Bren light machine gun is still very good, much better than the crooked handle.

As for the Lee Enfield rifle, it is also the fastest bolt-action rifle in World War II. The excellent design allows the gunner to pull the bolt with the smallest amplitude and fire continuously.

A skilled shooter can even use this bolt-action rifle to produce the effect of a semi-automatic rifle.

Moreover, the Lee Enfield rifle has a capacity of ten rounds, which is much better than the 5-round capacity of ordinary bolt-action rifles.

For shooters like Lu Cheng, more ammunition capacity and faster shooting speed means that more enemies can be annihilated in a short time.

The Lee Enfield rifle, because it uses 7.7mm bullets, is also called "British 77", and some people in later generations call it Xiao Li Feidao.

Just as Lu Cheng caught up with his soldiers, a jeep suddenly drove over in front of him. All the soldiers immediately alerted and pointed their guns at the jeep in front.

The jeep soon came closer. There were only two people in the car, a driver and an officer wearing a lieutenant colonel uniform and holding a "British 77" in his hand.

When Lu Cheng saw this face, he immediately thought of the old acquaintance in the soldier assault, Yuan Lang.

"Hey? They are all good. They have made a fortune?"

A Yi saw the lieutenant colonel uniform on the other party and took the initiative to salute: "Sir, which unit are you from?"

"Me? I'm your regiment commander!"

Lu Cheng immediately stood up: "Do you know which team we are from? How dare you pretend to be our regiment commander?"

Long Wenjian looked Lu Cheng up and down: "Are you their commander? Aren't you from the Sichuan Army?"

"We are indeed from the Sichuan Army. But our regiment commander is Yu Xiaoqing, not you. This lieutenant colonel of unknown origin. "

"Yu Xiaoqing is dead. My name is Long Wenjian, and I am now the head of the Sichuan Army."

Lu Cheng laughed, took two steps forward, approached Long Wenjian, pulled his shoulder, and whispered: "Lieutenant Colonel Long Wenjian, I have never heard of him. However, I have heard a military song, left, right, left, left, left, brothers from all walks of life come to join the group, wearing yellow leather and carrying fire, straw sandals and leather shoes are all recognized..."

Long Wenjian's face changed, and he looked at Lu Cheng, who was close at hand, with some surprise. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak when he opened his mouth.

"Captain Long, impersonating a commander is punishable by death. I advise you to change your clothes as soon as possible. I can order my soldiers to pretend that they have seen and heard nothing."

Long Wenjian smiled: "Brother, how do you know..."

"I can't tell you this. Of course, if you want to continue to pretend to be a lieutenant colonel, you can, but think about it later."

Long Wenjian looked at the other soldiers around him and immediately changed the subject: "Where are you going?"

"To the airport."

"Then I'll go with you."

"Of course no problem. However, we have to go through the forest, and your jeep."

"It's just a car, it's lost."

"It's not yours anyway, right?"

"Brother, are you really not going to expose me?"

"I don't have the time."

A group of people quickly entered the forest, and Long Wenjian also jumped off the jeep with his soldier and followed.

After entering the forest, Lu Cheng personally took a submachine gun and walked in front, constantly observing the movements within a radius of 500 meters.

Soon, Lu Cheng noticed that a large group of people were approaching quickly, and immediately led the soldiers away from the roadside and hid two or three hundred meters away.

Soon, a large group of Japanese soldiers on the road in the forest drove sidecar motorcycles and marched forward quickly, followed by some Japanese soldiers on bicycles.

Lu Cheng casually

He handed the telescope to Meng Fanle who was standing by: "It seems that we have to take a detour to the airport."

There are two or three hundred Japanese soldiers in this group, and they all have transportation. They must be the vanguard of the Japanese soldiers, and there should be other Japanese soldiers behind them.

With only the dozens of people under Lu Cheng, it is difficult to kill the enemy in a short time, and it is easy to expose the target and attract more Japanese soldiers.

Then, Lu Cheng took out a map that he had prepared long ago, checked the current position, and prepared to take a detour.

Long Wenjian, who was standing by, came around at some point and stood beside Lu Cheng: "Captain Lu, why do you take that road? Go around in the direction of eleven and half."

"You have foresight. It seems that we really didn't follow the wrong person."

After the group of Japanese soldiers ran away, Lu Cheng immediately led people to take a detour and rushed to the airport.

After walking for two or three hours, Lu Cheng ordered to stop to rest and eat.

Fortunately, after six months of training, these soldiers have good physical fitness and have not been exhausted.

While eating, Long Wenjian also learned from these soldiers that their battalion commander killed more than 20 Japanese soldiers with two pistols by himself, and took away a warehouse of weapons and equipment from the British.

Long Wenjian was a little unconvinced about the former. It was simply a fantasy to kill more than 20 well-trained Japanese soldiers with just two pistols.

Of course, Long Wenjian did not argue. He still hadn't figured out how Lu Cheng knew his details.

After a simple meal and a short rest, it was already evening. He set off with his men. As they walked, they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire in the woods ahead.

Judging from the location on the map, there were only a few miles left from the airport. Lu Cheng immediately ordered everyone to march quickly and rush to the place where the firefight took place.

Soon, the situation ahead had already appeared within Lu Cheng's radar scanning range. Lu Cheng also figured out the situation ahead in advance. It seemed that a team was blocked in a valley by two machine gun positions with cross-covering.

Lu Cheng turned around and took the Bren light machine gun from Mi Long, handed the Sten submachine gun to him, and rushed forward.

Seeing this, the other soldiers also quickly loaded their bullets and followed quickly.

Soon, Lu Cheng suddenly waved his hand, and everyone stopped immediately, lying on a small earth slope and looking forward.

There were two Japanese machine gun positions in front, forming a cross-fire point, blocking a group of people in the valley.

Lu Cheng immediately ordered: "Meng Fanle, Kang Ya, you guys attack the machine gun position on the left, Milong, Bula, you guys attack the right. Fire when I sound my gun..."

In fact, the two machine gun positions in front of them only had 20 to 30 Japanese soldiers in total, and now they were attacked from behind. Even if Lu Cheng went alone, he could quickly eliminate all the enemies.

But we must always give these soldiers a chance to exercise.

As Lu Cheng's machine gun opened fire, more than 10 machine guns, more than 10 submachine guns, and nearly 20 rifles fired almost at the same time. More than half of the Japanese soldiers on the two machine gun positions were killed on the spot, and some who wanted to fight back were also killed in time by Lu Cheng's machine gun.

In a moment, Lu Cheng easily killed all the Japanese soldiers on the opposite side with zero casualties.

When the troops in the valley saw the Japanese being wiped out, someone immediately shouted loudly: "Which unit are you from?"

Hearing this voice, Doubing immediately became excited: "It's Yao Ma and the others!"

Lu Cheng pulled Doubing back who had stood up: "Squat down. When the situation on the battlefield is unclear, showing your head is courting death."

"But that's Yao Ma."

"Don't worry, Bu La, shout."

Bu La immediately shouted loudly: "Yao Ma, I'm Bu La. We and the battalion commander are here."

The people in the valley immediately rushed out and soon came close. There were about fifty or sixty people, including Yao Ma, Li Liansheng and others.

Seeing Lu Cheng, everyone immediately stepped forward and saluted: "Battalion Commander!"

Lu Cheng nodded, then walked to Li Liansheng and kicked him to the ground: "You son of a bitch, this is how I taught you to fight. More than 60 people were trapped here by more than 20 devils, and I still had to bring people to rescue you. Li Liansheng was demoted from second lieutenant platoon leader to private, and Yao Ma took over as platoon leader!"

Li Liansheng did not dare to refute anything, and quickly got up from the ground with a smile on his face: "Battalion Commander, I will definitely change next time."

Milong on the side couldn't stand it anymore: "You are really embarrassing for our four eastern provinces."

In the original play, Li Liansheng was also caught by the devils at this time, and they kept shooting at him, but they didn't shoot at the fatal place, just to torture him.

This guy has been training for half a year, and he still has

He has changed his bad habits and doesn't use his brain much in battle. He is not suitable to be a platoon leader. He should start as a soldier.

Li Liansheng was appointed as the platoon leader by the higher-ups before, but now Lu Cheng is in charge...

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