The autumn is a season of harvest, and the villagers of Shuangshui Village are very happy this year. They make full use of various wastelands in the fields to plant some pig grass or corn. The extra harvest can naturally make their families better off and have more meals.

Under the same sky, people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

Just as the villagers of Shuangshui Village were immersed in the joy of harvest, Tian Fujun and Tian Runye, who were also from Shuangshui Village, were in a difficult environment at the moment.

After Tian Fujun went deep into the grassroots and investigated the situation of the entire Yuanxi County, he found that many people were in extremely difficult situations, and some people even started to eat Guanyin soil.

In this regard, Tian Fujun tried his best to change this situation, but all the suggestions he made were rejected by Feng Shikuan, the top leader of the county. The two often had fierce quarrels, and the people below also took sides.

Since Feng Shikuan himself was the top leader of the county, one level higher than Tian Fujun, and was supported by Miao Kai, the top leader of the city, he naturally won the support of the vast majority of people.

This also led to Tian Fujun wanting to do something practical for the people, but he was powerless and was even gradually sidelined.

Tian Fujun's lover Xu Aiyun saw this and naturally wanted to help her husband with all her strength, and also tried harder to match Tian Runye and Li Xiangqian's marriage.

As long as Li Xiangqian's father Li Dengyun could support Tian Fujun, Tian Fujun's situation would be much better.

Since Li Xiangqian met Tian Runye, he has been pestering her to marry Tian Runye, even if Tian Runye repeatedly and clearly refused, he still pestered her.

In order to marry Tian Runye, Li Xiangqian even cut his wrists and committed suicide, threatening his parents with death to let them help him marry Tian Runye.

Li Xiangqian also often went to Tian Runye's school to show his goodwill to Tian Runye's colleagues, used his connections to ask school leaders for the key to Tian Runye's room, and helped Tian Runye clean up.

This series of crazy actions not only failed to win Tian Runye's favor, but made Tian Runye hate Li Xiangqian even more.

But Xu Aiyun always supported Li Xiangqian behind the scenes, trying her best to create opportunities for the two of them, and took the initiative to invite Li Xiangqian to dinner at home.

On this day, Xu Aiyun took the initiative to create opportunities for the two of them again, and let Li Xiangqian drink to boost his courage.

As a result, Li Xiangqian was indeed emboldened by alcohol, and after drinking, he actually wanted to molest Runye.

If Tian Fujun had not returned in time, I'm afraid Tian Runye would have suffered a great loss.

It was a coincidence that Lu Cheng came to visit Tian Fujun with gifts. As soon as he walked to the door of Tian Fujun's house, he saw Li Xiangqian running out in dishevel, reeking of alcohol.

Lu Cheng recalled the original plot and guessed something. He sighed in his heart. It was really not the right time for him to come today.

Just when Lu Cheng was about to turn around and leave, he saw Tian Fujun chasing Xu Aiyun out. It was obvious that the couple had a dispute.

Tian Fujun had always disagreed with his wife's excessive interference in his eldest niece's marriage, and he did not approve of using this kind of political marriage to gain support from others.

But Xu Aiyun was stubborn and never thought he was wrong.

Lu Cheng stood outside the gate of the courtyard, watching Tian Fujun and Xu Aiyun walk out one after another, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Xu Aiyun glanced at Lu Cheng, and Lu Cheng hurriedly greeted him. Xu Aiyun replied and rode away on his bicycle.

Tian Fujun sighed helplessly, then looked at Lu Cheng: "Lu Cheng, why are you here? What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just came to the county to buy some medicines, and came to see you."

"Then come in and sit down."

"No, I just came to see you."

"Come in, look at you kid. You're being polite."

As he said that, Tian Fujun pulled Lu Cheng into the yard.

At this time, Tian Runye in the yard still had red eyes. Seeing Lu Cheng coming over, he hurriedly greeted him, then turned into the house to wash his face, and went to get Lu Cheng a soda.

After entering the yard, Tian Fujun saw that Lu Cheng was still holding something in his hand, so he said, "Look at you, kid, what are you taking from me? We have everything we need. Wait, you can take these things back."

"Uncle Fujun, if it weren't for you and Director Xu's help, I wouldn't have the opportunity to study in the county hospital. I mean I didn't have the chance to thank you properly, and these things are just a little token of my appreciation."

"Okay, next time you come, don't take anything again. If you take something again,

I won't let you in if you don't want to."

After sitting down in the house, Tian Fujun asked, "Lu Cheng, how is Shuangshui Village now? How is the harvest this year?"

"It's all good. Although we have only allocated some more marginal land, it is at everyone's disposal. Everyone is very enthusiastic about work and has managed those wastelands very well. This year, we will definitely produce a lot more grain than last year, and everyone will not have such a hard time during the New Year."

"That's good. You and Shaoan have made great contributions."

"If it weren't for Uncle Fujun, this matter would be difficult to implement. By the way, will Xiaoxia come back today?"

Tian Fujun turned his head to look at Tian Runye, and Tian Runye said, "She should be back. What do you want to do with Xiaoxia?"

"Actually, I want to borrow a set of high school textbooks from Xiaoxia. "

Lu Cheng came here, of course, not just to see Tian Fujun and his wife, but also for that side quest.

Tian Xiaoxia died in 1983 while saving someone. If you want her to escape this disaster, you don't have to wait until the accident in 1983 to rush to the place and pull her out of the water.

The best way is to try to interfere with her fate from now on and let her go to another path.

When Tian Fujun heard that Lu Cheng wanted to borrow a set of high school textbooks, he immediately became interested: "Why did you think of borrowing high school textbooks? Aren't you concentrating on studying medicine?"

"I only studied until the second year of high school and was forced to drop out of school. I have never learned all the high school knowledge. High school math, physics and chemistry knowledge is the foundation, and it is also very helpful for studying medicine. I want to complete all the knowledge in high school."

"So that's the case. Your idea is very good. Loving to study is a good thing. I heard from Aiyun before that you were very talented when you were studying medicine. Even the county hospital considered whether to recruit you. "

Lu Cheng really didn't know this, but thinking of the current situation of Tian Fujun and his wife, it would be difficult for Lu Cheng to use their relationship to step into the county hospital.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't have this idea at first.

The college entrance examination will be resumed in two years, and Lu Cheng is ready to prepare well. By then, as long as the grades are good, can't you choose the best medical school in the country at will?

"Uncle Fujun, actually I have an immature idea, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"Uncle Fujun, do you think the current recommendation to go to college is really good?"

Nowadays, the college entrance examination has been stopped, and the recommendation of workers, peasants and soldiers to go to college is implemented. That is, college students are recruited by the recommendation of the masses, approval of the leaders, and review by the school.

The college students recruited in this way have a weak cultural foundation, and the cultural knowledge differences between the same students are also very large. The selection criteria are also difficult to be fair, and naturally they cannot cultivate real talents.

Tian Fujun was stunned when he heard this: "Lu Cheng, don't say such things out. ”

“Uncle Fujun, I’m just telling you this. I won’t say a word when I go out.”

If Lu Cheng didn’t know Tian Fujun’s character clearly, and if he hadn’t received favors from their family and wanted to complete the side quest, he would never have said this.

“That’s good. Of course I know that the current system is not good, and I also know that the big pot meals in rural areas are not good. But these cannot be changed at present.”

“I believe that all this will change. Although the winter on the Loess Plateau is relatively long, it will always pass, and there will always be a day when spring comes. I have always believed in a saying that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If there is a change one day in the future and the college entrance examination is resumed, I must take the college entrance examination, go to the best university, and learn the best medical skills.”

Tian Fujun was stunned again when he heard this, and then looked at Lu Cheng in surprise: “You kid, what you say really doesn’t sound like a high school student. It surprised me a little.”

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