The two of them were very happy.

It was almost noon when Tian Xiaoxia came back from school and saw Lu Cheng still chatting with his father at home. She was also a little surprised: "Brother Lu Cheng, you are here. What are you talking about with my father? You are so happy."

"Talking about some things in the village with Uncle Fujun."

Tian Fujun smiled and said: "It's not just about the village. Lu Cheng is very thoughtful and has foresight. Xiaoxia, you young people should sit together and talk more."

Tian Xiaoxia immediately nodded in agreement: "I also think Brother Lu Cheng is very thoughtful, and many of his ideas coincide with mine. We have a lot of common topics. By the way, Brother Lu Cheng, why didn't you bring your sister-in-law this time? I haven't seen my sister-in-law yet, and I don't know what kind of girl can make Brother Lu Cheng you I am attracted to her."

"Xiulian is just a village girl and has not been to school. But she is simple and kind, which is what attracts me the most."

"Hearing you say that, I want to meet my sister-in-law even more."

"Then I will definitely bring her next time."

Tian Fujun said: "Xiaoxia, don't you still have those high school textbooks? Lu Cheng wants to borrow them to take a look, you go back and get them for him."

"Okay, no problem. But I want to ask, brother Lu Cheng, why do you want to borrow high school textbooks?"

Tian Fujun smiled: "Lu Cheng, you young people can chat, and you should also tell Xiaoxia what you just said. I have to go to work."

After that, Tian Fujun walked into the inner room to deal with documents.

Lu Cheng repeated what he said before to Tian Xiaoxia, and made some changes. Tian Xiaoxia was also a little surprised when she heard it: "Brother Lu Cheng, do you think there is hope to restore the college entrance examination in the future?"

"Of course. But this is also my personal idea."

"No, in fact, I have had such an idea. What is the difference between the current recommendation for college admission and the ancient selection of filial and honest people? How can we select suitable college students? Without suitable college students, how can we cultivate high-end talents?

But I don’t know when the college entrance examination can be restored? Can I still wait for the opportunity to take the college entrance examination? I didn’t expect that Brother Lu Cheng, you are so optimistic."

"As a person, of course you have to stay optimistic and be prepared at all times. Have you heard of the bamboo law? It is said that bamboo grows very slowly at the beginning, and it takes a long time to grow to two or three centimeters. But during this period, bamboo will continue to take root downwards and strengthen its root system.

When the time is right, bamboo will It will grow at a very fast speed and can grow very high in just a few weeks. This is the law of bamboo. When the time has not come, we must learn to keep taking root.

Wait for the spring to come, and the huge root system can absorb enough nutrients from the soil, usher in crazy growth, and enjoy the sunshine to the fullest. "

"You mean, you want me to not fall behind in my studies and study hard?"

"Yes, you should graduate from high school next semester, right? The knowledge learned in high school cannot be left behind. I recommend you buy a set of self-study books on mathematics, physics and chemistry, and learn basic knowledge when you have nothing to do. Even if you don't take the college entrance examination in the future, isn't there a saying? Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, and you are not afraid to travel around the world. Knowledge will always be useful. "

"Thank you, Brother Lu Cheng. I'll take note of it, and I'll get you my textbooks now."

Tian Xiaoxia's grades should not be very good, otherwise she would not have only been admitted to Huangyuan Teachers College later.

Of course, poor grades do not mean that she doesn't like to read. Tian Xiaoxia is just interested in some books that can broaden her horizons.

Moreover, Tian Xiaoxia's vision and insight are still very unique. She can see the problems of this era at a glance and point them out bravely. She has this kind of vigorous vitality and ideas that are different from the youth of this era. To some extent, these are more important than grades.

Lu Cheng did not expect to directly influence Tian Xiaoxia with just a few words from himself.

However, this is just the beginning.

It is still the autumn of 1975. The college entrance examination will be announced in the autumn of 1977, and the examination will be held at the end of 1977. There are still more than two years to slowly change Tian Xiaoxia's concept.

"Brother Lu Cheng, I want to ask you something. Do you know Sun Shaoping?"

"Of course I know. Sun Shaoan's younger brother is also studying in the county high school."

"Then can you tell me about Sun Shaoping's family situation and Sun Shaoping as a person?"

"Why? Are you interested in Sun Shaoping?"

"Not really, I just think he has a different temperament and doesn't look like someone from the countryside.

's child. Maybe he is more like you, brother Lu Cheng, but not quite. '

"Do you feel that he has a lot of self-esteem, but he also inadvertently reveals his inferiority complex, and he values ​​dignity more than anything else? '

"Yes, that's what I think. '

"This is also very normal. In fact, many children from the village are like this. Because the conditions at home are too difficult, they are forced to learn to be sensible and understand the difficulties of their parents since they were young. There are ideas in my mind, but I dare not think about them. "

In fact, Lu Cheng was like this in his previous life. After going to college in another city from the village, he felt the gap between himself and his classmates, and inevitably felt a little lost.

Other classmates were on vacation and were busy planning travel and going out to play. Lu Cheng could only rush back home as soon as possible to help his parents with more farm work.

Knowing how hard his parents worked to earn money, he never dared to spend money recklessly, and always picked the cheapest things when buying things.

Even after he started working, he was always restricted by this idea.

After all, the life of a child from a poor family cannot withstand any waves, and there is no cost of trial and error, so he can only seek stability.

Self-esteem is just to cover up inferiority.

"I wanted to help him, but he thought I was pitying him and felt very angry. He even said that I pitied him because I felt superior to him, and I quarreled with me. How could he be so stubborn?"

Lu Cheng smiled: "If I'm not mistaken, you should want to give him money and food coupons directly, right? ”

“Indeed, I just put the money and food coupons in the book, pretended to drop them on the ground, and asked him to pick them up…”

“That’s even more wrong. The more inferior a person is, the more he will take his bottom line seriously, because that is the only thing he can defend. Just like Sun Shaoping, if he accepts your things, he is not Sun Shaoping. If he knew that you dropped these things on purpose, he would definitely think you were humiliating him. ”

“Then what should I do?”

“You don’t have to do anything, just be well. If you ask your father, he will probably say the same thing. "

At this time, Tian Xiaoxia was only seventeen years old, and many of her ideas were immature.

If the love between Tian Runye and Sun Shaoan was separated by the gap in status, it was separated by their parents.

The relationship between Tian Xiaoxia and Sun Shaoping was also separated by Sun Shaoping's self-esteem.

Tian Runye and Sun Shaoan were at least two-way, working together to fight for it.

The relationship between Tian Xiaoxia and Sun Shaoping has always been Tian Xiaoxia's silent contribution, and she also has to take care of Sun Shaoping's self-esteem. Even if she helped him, she couldn't let him know, and she had to pull Sun Shaoping abruptly.

In Sun Shaoping's world, he is too humble, and only people who are as humble as him will be his choice.

Even if Tian Xiaoxia is If they live forever, it is difficult for them to have a good result.

If Tian Xiaoxia is a beautiful ideal, poetry and distant places.

Sun Shaoping is the ordinary reality. Even if he is unwilling to be ordinary, he is always bound by reality and dare not take that step bravely.

Of course, Lu Cheng doesn't want to say too much. He just wants to influence Tian Xiaoxia's life trajectory and let her avoid the life-and-death crisis in the future, and doesn't want to interfere with her.

This is just an ordinary world. Everyone has their own shortcomings. Everyone is ordinary. Lu Cheng is the same. How much can he change?

After all, Lu Cheng also has his own life and people to take care of and accompany.

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