The surrender of the British not only made the expeditionary army speechless, but also the two American pilots could not help but complain: "These damn British, it is because of their non-resistance that the current situation has been caused, and they can't let go of their shitty gentlemanly manners."

Meng Fanle on the side laughed: "That's right."

At this time, after some communication, the British were completely relieved. The colonel in his fifties tried to save face, but his soldiers were embarrassed for him.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng did not want to embarrass them. He just revealed the matter with a few words and asked the other party to provide water, food, medicine and other supplies.

As for weapons and ammunition, Lu Cheng really has no shortage of them for the time being.

After taking down a position, a large number of weapons and ammunition were seized, and each person could get three or four guns.

In order to cover up the previous embarrassment, the British immediately agreed to Lu Cheng's request and promised to send people to deliver all kinds of necessary supplies after dawn.

Veterinarian Hao had used the battlefield first aid kits seized to provide simple treatment for the lightly wounded, but several people who were injured by stray bullets needed further treatment.

These days, medicines are more expensive than ammunition, so Lu Cheng naturally hopes to store more for emergency use, especially some antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc., which are scarce.

After sending the British away, Lu Cheng checked the deployment and sentry arrangements again, and made sure there was no problem, then found a place and prepared to have a good sleep.

These days, Lu Cheng has been busy leading this group of soldiers to fight and survive, and he really hasn't had a good rest.

After waking up from a nap, the British sent a major officer to invite Lu Cheng and others to enter a defensive fortification outside the airport to help guard the airport and strengthen the fortifications.

"Major, Colonel William invites you to discuss military affairs."

"Lead the way."

For some reason, the British major always felt that the Chinese major in front of him had a very powerful aura, more like a big shot than the generals he had seen, which made him, as a major, unconsciously feel awe from the bottom of his heart and dare not neglect him at all.

After entering the airport, Lu Cheng found that there were more than 200 Chinese soldiers in the airport, working as coolies for the British army and responsible for building fortifications.

In a meeting room at the airport, Lu Cheng met the 50-year-old British colonel again.

The colonel seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment of last night: "Major, thank you very much for everything you and your soldiers have done for us. Thank you very much for helping to save the two American pilots."

"These are what we should do. After all, we are allies. We came here to fight under orders."

"Since we are allies, I wonder if the major can lead your soldiers to help us repair the fortifications?"

"Colonel William, we Chinese have an old saying that the best defense is offense. Moreover, I have some different opinions on the current situation in Myanmar. I think you should listen to my opinions before making a decision."

"Well, please tell me what you think."

"Since the victory of Yenangyaung, the Allied forces have repeatedly failed in the war against Japan. Now, the Allied headquarters has withdrawn to India, and the days have swept across Southeast Asia. It is likely that it will be difficult for the Allied forces to regain lost ground in a short period of time..."

After analyzing the current situation in detail in front of the map, Lu Cheng pointed to Some locations on the map: "Now, Xiaori has established a firm foothold in Southeast Asia. It is meaningless for us to hold on here. I believe that the superiors will soon order a retreat. If Colonel William does not want to be a prisoner, he should also consider the future."

"Major Lu seems to be very pessimistic about the war situation."

"No, I am not pessimistic at all. A temporary defeat does not mean anything, just like the Dunkirk evacuation, which retained enough manpower for the Allied forces, which is also a victory. Moreover, even if Nazi Germany and Japan have an advantage for a while, they will inevitably fail. At most three to five years, the clouds of war will dissipate.

Especially in the Pacific battlefield, if Japan wants to break through, it will inevitably engage in fierce naval and air battles with the US allies. The gap in the industrial base between the two sides will also make Japan suffer a great loss..."

Hearing Lu Cheng talking, he analyzed the situation of the whole world in a clear and meticulous manner and even boldly predicted the direction of future wars, speculating some large-scale wars that may break out in the future

The battle site, etc.

Colonel William, who had originally looked down on Major Lu Cheng, immediately put away his contempt, listened carefully, and even took out a small notebook to record some things.

When Lu Cheng began to give a speech, he was always very contagious and persuasive, and people could not help but believe that this was a manifestation of personal leadership and charm.

While Lu Cheng and Colonel William were discussing the battle situation, the soldiers outside also gathered in twos and threes, eating canned food from the British and talking about their battalion commander.

"What do you think our battalion commander is talking about with that old British rascal?"

"How should I know? I'm not a worm in the battalion commander's stomach."

"Don't you also understand English?"

"That gentleman knows much more than me, I can't compare. No matter what they talk about, we have good food and drink now, and there are so many guns and ammunition that we can't use them all. Isn't this all earned by that gentleman?"

"That's right. We have never been so rich before. I feel like we have become landlords."

"Landlords don't necessarily have eaten canned food from the British."

"Doesn't that mean we are better than landlords?"

"Landlords can marry several concubines, can you?"

"Evil landlords!"

Waiting until the soldiers finished breakfast and veterinarian Hao changed the dressings for all the wounded, Lu Cheng still didn't come out.

It was not until almost noon that the soldiers saw the Englishman politely escort Lu Cheng out and said a few words before leaving.

Long Wenjian, who was standing by, quickly came to Meng Fanle and said, "Fanle, isn't that Englishman very arrogant? Why is he so polite to your battalion commander? What did they say?"

"How should I know? He is so far away and I don't have a sharp ear."

Not long after, Lu Cheng came back and a group of soldiers immediately surrounded him, "Battalion commander, what did you talk about with the Englishman?"

"It's a military secret. Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about. I'll give you a snack at noon."

"Snack?" Hearing these two words, everyone got excited, "Battalion commander, what snack?"

"Toast and steak."

"Long live the battalion commander!"

These two days, they have been eating the canned food of the devils and the canned food of the Englishman, and they haven't had a hot bite.

Of course, these canned foods are quite rare delicacies for them. They couldn't eat them before.

At lunch, each soldier under Lu Cheng was given a hamburger, and even the more than 200 Chinese soldiers who helped the British build fortifications were given a hamburger each. After all, they were all soldiers under Lu Cheng.

I heard that the British chef was very busy making these hamburgers.

In the afternoon, Colonel William took Lu Cheng to visit the entire airport position. Lu Cheng also pointed out some loopholes in the defense, reasonably adjusted some machine gun positions, and asked the soldiers to help dig some foxholes.

Of course, as a reward, the British prepared a sumptuous dinner and sent a batch of sulfa, quinine, penicillin and other drugs.

Veterinarian Hao looked at the full box of medicine and was also very excited: "If there were so many medicines at the beginning, those kids wouldn't have..."

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