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At night, just after the soldiers at the airport finished dinner, Colonel William received a call for help and quickly asked someone to invite Lu Cheng over: "Major Lu, I have a very important matter here and I want to ask you for help . ”

“Colonel William, please speak.”

“I just received a call for help. Thirty miles to the south, a group of Allied friends were trapped in a church by the Japanese. There were about thirty or forty Japanese. I want to capture these allied friends alive.

There are several soldiers among the allied friends, who are resisting with the advantage of the terrain. I would like to ask Major Lu to help rescue these friends. ”

“How many of these allied friends are there? What are their identities? ?”

“There are 45 people in total, including missionaries, doctors, journalists, and adventurers. Most importantly, there is a daughter of an English noble family. Her father is a senior official in the Ministry of Finance. She just called me. He called me and asked me to rescue his daughter. "

"What about the daughter of this senior official in the Ministry of Finance? Ran to Burma?"

"This young lady likes to be a reporter and a war correspondent. She came to Burma for an interview not long ago and was trapped here."

"Okay, I agree to help you save people."

" Great, Major Lu, how many troops are you going to send? I can mobilize three jeeps and three trucks for you to use. "

"It's not necessary to be so troublesome. I only need to bring a small team, and the number of people does not need to be too large. Give me two jeeps and a driver. Also, you can arrange two trucks to pick up those Allied friends. "

"God, are you kidding me, Major Lu? There are dozens of devils. , you only need a few soldiers? ”

“Actually, I can do it alone.”

“God, this is too crazy and too risky.”

“If you ask two American pilots, they won’t say that. Surprised. Okay, time is running out, I will be ready to go in ten minutes. ”

After saying that, Lu Cheng immediately walked out of the meeting room and went to check the troops.

Lu Cheng only brought six people this time: Abao, Milong, Bula, Meng Fanle, and two other very good soldiers, Zhang Tieshan and Sun Qiao.

Bula is a very good rifleman with very accurate shooting skills , has the potential to become a sniper, Milong is also a very good machine gunner, and has now mastered the essentials of machine gun shooting.

Meng Fanle has very good on-the-spot reaction ability and command talent, suitable for training as an officer.

A Bao and Sun The Qiao submachine guns are very accurate and clever, with the talent of special reconnaissance soldiers.

Zhang Tieshan can throw grenades far and accurately, and can be called a human grenade launcher.

Lu Cheng brought them with him to focus on training them. In the future, they will form their own special forces team and be prepared.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this rescue operation, Colonel William also provided the men with two British 77 rifles with scopes, four Thompson submachine guns, and two Browning rifles. Powerful pistol.

It seems that even this British colonel does not trust his own Sten submachine gun.

When Lu Cheng and others were preparing to set off, two American pilots also borrowed a jeep and claimed that they wanted to go with their idol. Fighting.

After two days of getting along, the two American pilots have regarded Lu Cheng as an idol. It's like watching Lu Cheng fight, especially when Lu Cheng fights himself, he is simply a real superman.

Colonel William also learned from the two pilots After knowing Lu Cheng's achievements, they felt relieved to let Lu Cheng lead these few people to rescue people.

Three jeeps approached the destination quickly in the dark.

Lu Cheng also drove the upgraded thermal sensing radar at all times , always monitoring the situation within a one-kilometer radius.

Fortunately, the journey was smooth and no Japanese invaders were encountered along the way.

When they were about one kilometer away from the destination, in order to avoid exposing the target, Lu Cheng ordered to stop the car and walk instead.

Then, Lu Cheng took six A soldier, followed by two American pilots, quickly approached the destination church.

After entering the kilometer range, Lu Cheng had already figured out the situation near the church. There were actually less than 30 Japanese soldiers here. A machine gun position was set up in the direction of the main entrance of the church, and a dozen Japanese soldiers were scattered on both sides. This small church was surrounded.

Because they wanted to save the people inside, the Japanese did not choose to attack by force, but just surrounded the people inside, waiting for them to be too hungry to surrender.

After figuring out all the After the location of the devil, Lu Cheng brought Bu La to

At a location, he pointed to the enemy's position under the fire in the distance and said, "See there? That's the enemy's machine gun position. Your mission is to kill the enemy's machine gun group at the moment of the battle. Don't let their machine guns fire a bullet. As long as you can do it, this sniper rifle with a scope will be yours."

"Battalion commander, make sure you complete the mission."

"Remember the shooting essentials I taught you."

Before coming, Lu Cheng specially gave some instructions to let Bula, Milong and others get familiar with their new weapons.

After arranging everything, Lu Cheng quietly approached the enemy's camp with a Thompson submachine gun, and then suddenly jumped up, firing powerful .45 bullets from the Thompson submachine gun in his hand, killing more than a dozen enemy soldiers with one round of bullets.

At the same time, Bula also used the sniper rifle in his hand to shoot all four enemy soldiers in a machine gun group.

Abao and Sun Qiao also held submachine guns and shot two or three enemy soldiers each.

Milong's Bren light machine gun also shot and killed several Japanese soldiers.

Zhang Tieshan also took the opportunity to throw three grenades.

The two American pilots fired a few shots in a hurry, but did not catch a single Japanese soldier.

As for the Japanese soldiers who tried to fight back, they were also killed by the box gun and Browning pistol that Lu Cheng had just replaced.

The battle lasted less than a minute, and more than 20 Japanese soldiers were all reimbursed.

If Lu Cheng had not given his soldiers a chance to exercise, the speed might have been even faster.

The gunshots stopped, and Lu Cheng spoke loudly in fluent English: "Gentlemen and ladies in the church, you have been rescued. We are the Chinese Expeditionary Force. At the request of Colonel William, we have come to rescue you..."

Then, Lu Cheng called out the names of several trapped people.

Then, the door of the church was opened from the inside, and several men with pistols and submachine guns came out first, followed by some unarmed ordinary people.

After seeing the Japanese corpses all over the ground outside the church, these people were completely relieved.

"Bless God, we are really saved."

"Major, did you lead people to save us? I want to thank you and your soldiers."

"Yes, gentlemen and ladies, you are safe."

"Great, thank you. You are heroes."

At this moment, two or three young women came out of the crowd, led by a woman with big blond hair and big waves, holding up a camera hanging on her chest and came to Lu Cheng: "Major, can I take a picture of you? Oh, you are the most handsome oriental man I have ever seen."

"Of course, beautiful lady. But now is not the time to take pictures. We can take pictures slowly when we return to the airport."

While speaking, Lu Cheng took out his pistol, turned around and fired three shots at the sky, sending a signal to the jeep in the distance.

At this moment, the woman with big waves raised her camera and took a picture of Lu Cheng's profile.

The light from the church entrance shone on Lu Cheng's face, adding a bit of mystery to his resolute and handsome face. Coupled with the darkness behind Lu Cheng and his iron-blooded temperament, he seemed like a superhero who broke through the darkness and brought light...

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