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"Hello, Major, my name is Catherine. Can you tell me your name?"

"Lu Cheng."

"Hello, Major Lu Cheng, according to your Chinese customs, is your last name Lu? Can you tell me your last name?" Do you know the meaning of your name?"

"Of course, Lu is my surname. In the Chinese language, it means the earth, which is vast and nurtures all things. Sincerity means honesty. China advocates honesty and takes honesty as its foundation. Treat people with sincerity. "

"What a great-sounding name."

Seeing his battalion commander chatting passionately with the blonde foreign girl, Bu La approached Meng Fanle and asked in a low voice: "Fan La , is that foreign girl interested in our battalion commander?"

"Who knows? This is a hero saving a beautiful girl. The battalion commander has the potential to be a gigolo, so it's normal for him to be interested in her."

"Hehe, annoying, you are Aren't you jealous?"

"What am I jealous of? I'm not jealous, young master."

"By the way, Doesn't the battalion commander already have a wife?"

"Then why can't he have a lover?"

"Let a foreign girl be a concubine? That sounds really exciting. Does it count as bringing glory to the country?"

"What are you talking about, you idiot? "

Lu Cheng turned around and glared at them: "What are you talking about? Why don't you clean up the battlefield? All the guns and ammunition that can be used are collected. What a bunch of prodigals, they have only had a few days of good life and have already forgotten their roots. . "

"Okay, we'll go clean up the battlefield now, and we won't be in your way here."

After a few soldiers went to clean up, Catherine looked around again: "Lu, where are your soldiers?"

"That's the one just now A few."

"You only brought a few people to wipe out those damn Japanese people?"

"Only more than 20 people in total."

"Lu, you are really amazing, just like the legendary Robin Hood."

Speaking In the meantime, three jeeps had already arrived nearby, followed by three trucks.

After the car stopped, Colonel William, who was in his fifties, jumped out from the passenger seat of one of the trucks, walked up to Catherine, who had big wavy blond hair, and saluted like a gentleman: "Hello, Miss Catherine from the Campbell family. I'm so glad you're safe."

Catherine, who was a passionate girl in front of Lu Cheng just now, now showed the etiquette and distance that aristocrats should have when facing Colonel William, who was in his fifties: "Colonel William, Thank you for sending a hero like Major Lu Cheng to rescue us. I will call my father later and ask him to express his gratitude to the Army Headquarters. "

Colonel William was delighted when he heard this: "It is a great honor to be able to help Miss Catherine. It is my honor to serve you. "

Colonel William is already over 50 years old this year, but he is still only a colonel. If nothing unexpected happens, he can only stay at the rank of colonel in his life and it will be difficult for him to make any further progress.

But if The Campbell family is willing to speak up for him, and Colonel William might be able to become Brigadier General William.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's not safe here yet. Please follow me back to the airport. There are steaks, whiskey, and our brave British warriors to protect your safety."

Taking advantage of this moment, Lu Cheng Several soldiers under his command, as well as two American pilots, had already collected all the useful items from the Japanese and loaded them onto one of the trucks.

Miss Catherine glanced at the truck in the distance, then smiled and walked over to Next to Lu Cheng: "Major Lu, can I ride in the same car with you?"

"Of course. However, my car will be in the front and may be in danger at any time."

"Lu, do you think if I am afraid of danger, Will you come to be a war correspondent? "

"Miss Catherine, you are the bravest European and American lady I have ever met, just like our Chinese heroine, Hua Mulan."

"Really? Thank you for your compliment. However, I haven't heard of the story of Hua Mulan. Can you tell me about it? "

"Of course, what I'm best at is telling stories..."

Then, Lu Cheng got on one of the jeeps and sat in the driver's seat.

When we came, it was Lu Cheng who drove with Abao, Bu La, and Meng Fanle. Another British driver took Mi Long and the other two.

The British jeep was a bit crowded with five people.

As for the two American pilots, He drove over to watch the battle. Unfortunately, there were too few Japanese soldiers, so Lu Cheng had no chance to show off, which disappointed the two American fans.

For safety, Lu Cheng drove the jeep in front, and Kaiser

Lin strongly requested to sit in the passenger seat, while Abao and Bu La sat in the back seat, staring blankly at their battalion commander driving and chatting with a foreign girl in English.

The two of them didn't understand, so they could only pretend that they didn't see anything, and they didn't know where to look.

More than ten miles away from the church, the car was driving back, and a group of suspicious targets suddenly appeared in the thermal induction radar. Just a kilometer ahead, there were forty or fifty people ambushing on both sides of the road, apparently preparing to ambush their cars.

Lu Cheng immediately slowed down the car, stopped the car quickly, and turned off the lights: "Miss Catherine, there may be danger ahead, please wait here."

"Lu, are there enemies ambushing ahead? Do you want to go around?"

"No need to go around, I'll go and scout first. If there are not many enemies, maybe I can handle it myself. Besides, this is the only way back to the airport."

Seeing Lu Cheng stop the car, the car behind also stopped quickly, and Colonel William also quickly rushed over from behind. Lu Cheng's six soldiers and two pilots also quickly came to Lu Cheng.

"Lu, why did you stop suddenly?"

"There may be Japanese ambushing us ahead."

"Impossible, we just passed there, everything is fine."

"Colonel William, don't be nervous, this may be a small group of Japanese attracted by the sound of the truck."

"What should we do? I only brought twenty soldiers."

Colonel William also hurriedly came to pick you up in a truck in order to show off in front of the eldest lady of the Campbell family. There were only three jeeps and three trucks left at the airport, and they had to leave space for the allied friends, so they only brought 20 soldiers.

"Colonel William, don't be nervous, this is just my hunch. Even if there are enemies, there shouldn't be too many, I can handle it myself. You stay here and protect everyone."

When they heard that Lu Cheng was going to investigate in person, everyone was a little worried. Only the soldiers under Lu Cheng and the two American pilots had full confidence in Lu Cheng.

A Bao stood up directly: "Captain, I'll carry your gun for you."

"No need, you guys, protect Miss Catherine, I'll be back soon."

Seeing Lu Cheng pick up a Thompson, load a few magazines and drums, and rush out, Catherine called out: "Lu, be careful."

Lu Cheng turned around and smiled, turned around and disappeared quickly into the darkness like a cheetah.

Lieutenant Mike, an American pilot, shook his head: "What a pity."

Catherine thought he was worried about Lu Cheng: "Mr. Lieutenant, what are you talking about?"

"It's a pity that it's not daytime now, so I can't see Superman fighting. Otherwise, I would watch the whole process with a telescope."

"No, we should take up our guns and fight with the heroes."

"How long do you think it will take Mr. Superman to end the battle?"

"I guess it will definitely not exceed five minutes."

"I bet it will be at most two minutes."

Listening to the discussion of the two pilots, Catherine suddenly became interested: "Hello, gentlemen, can you tell me the story about Lu ? "

"Of course, we are happy to share it with others. Speaking of which, it was two days ago. At that time, we were flying a plane to transport Lu and his soldiers, and the superiors did not send us any escort fighters. Damn, those irresponsible guys should go to see God, no, they should go to hell.

Oh, sorry, I got off topic. We were flying in the sky at that time, and we really encountered the Japanese fighter planes. The situation was very dangerous at that time. If Lu hadn't pulled me, I might have gone to see God..."

Lieutenant Price was a chatterbox, and he would always add some personal complaints when telling stories, but Catherine still listened very seriously, as if she was listening to a legendary story.

Of course, while listening to the story, Miss Catherine's eyes were always looking into the darkness in the distance, trying to see the protagonist of the legendary story through the darkness...

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