The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

In the dark night, Lu Cheng approached the enemy's position quickly and quietly, and the Thompson submachine gun with a 50-round drum in his hand had been switched to single-shot mode.

At this time, most submachine guns in the world can only fire continuously, not single-shot, and the ammunition is also pistol bullets, some are 9mm and some are 7.62mm.

The Thompson submachine gun in the United States uses 11.43 caliber bullets, which have great power in single shots. And it can fire both single shots and continuous shots. It has high accuracy and good stability in close-range shooting, and can be equipped with 50 or even 100-round drums, also known as portable machine guns.

In the absence of an assault rifle, this Thompson can also be used as an assault rifle.

In order to give his soldiers a chance to exercise, Lu Cheng did not use single-shot shooting, and he was equipped with a 30-round magazine.

At this moment, without other soldiers present, Lu Cheng could also fully display his strength.

After approaching within a hundred meters, Lu Cheng found a suitable position and threw seven or eight grenades in succession at the densely populated area of ​​the enemy on the position.

Taking advantage of the fire from the grenade explosion, Lu Cheng directly called out the names of the enemy on one side of the road, and the first to attack was naturally the machine gunner.

The rapid and rhythmic shooting sound of "Da, Da, Da" sounded like the sound of a typewriter.

Before the attacked enemy could react, seven or eight of them fell to the ground on the spot.

Just when the enemy was about to turn the gun to counterattack, Lu Cheng had quickly changed his position and fired again.

In the convoy hundreds of meters away, Lieutenant Mike heard the gunshots after the explosion and couldn't help but say: "Listen, it's the sound of the Chicago typewriter."

Because the sound of the Thompson submachine gun is very similar to the sound of a typewriter, it is also called the Chicago typewriter by Americans.

"Yes, what a wonderful sound."

"Yes, fast and accurate."

After the sound of the Thompson submachine gun, there were a few scattered sounds of box guns, and then everything returned to calm.

"Look, it's been less than two minutes since the grenade exploded."

Everyone was still talking, and Colonel William was still waiting, and saw a figure walking out of the darkness in front, as if he regarded the entire night as his cloak, carrying a sky full of stars, striding over.

"Major Lu, it's great that you're back safely!"

Lu Cheng nodded slightly at Catherine, then looked at Colonel William: "Colonel William, a total of 49 enemies have been eliminated. Next, I need your people to do me a small favor."

"Major Lu, please go ahead."

"Please help me clean up the battlefield and transport my spoils back."

"Of course, no problem, we are happy to serve."

Although he said this, Colonel William still didn't quite believe that Lu Cheng could eliminate dozens of enemies alone.

Soon, everyone started the car and rushed towards the battlefield where the fire had just been exchanged. After walking a few hundred meters, Lu Cheng ordered to stop the car, and everyone jumped out of the car to check the situation on both sides of the road.

Through the light of the car lights and flashlights, everyone saw that on the open space on both sides of the road, there were forty or fifty bodies lying in a mess, and some guns and ammunition were scattered.

Judging from the number of shells dropped on the battlefield, these dozens of Japanese soldiers died without firing many bullets.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for everyone to believe that so many enemies were killed by Lu Cheng alone, and it took less than two minutes.

Colonel William was full of admiration for Lu Cheng at this moment: "Lu, you are the best soldier I have ever seen."

Catherine looked at Lu Cheng with shining eyes. If she was grateful to Lu Cheng before, and Lu Cheng himself was tall and handsome, she had a good impression of him. Now, she began to admire this super powerful hero.

"Lu, this place is about 700 to 800 meters away from where we just parked. How did you find out about the situation in advance?"

"It's my intuition, or I can say it's my advance knowledge of danger. At first, I wasn't sure there were enemies ahead, but it's always better to be cautious."

"Amazing ability, it seems like God is helping you. Lu, how did you get rid of these 40 or 50 enemies?"

"You saw it, seven or eight grenades, plus rapid shooting and agile dodging. That's it."

"Heroes can always do things that we ordinary people can't do."

"Colonel William, maybe you can let someone

Help clean up the battlefield."

"Of course no problem, gentlemen, clean up the battlefield quickly."

In the process of cleaning the battlefield, the British soldiers looked down on the pistols and canned food on the devils, and just picked up some rifles, machine guns, and grenade launchers.

While cursing this wasteful thing, Milong and others took away all the useful things from the devils, including the watches on the wrists of several of them, the turtle boxes around their waists, a command knife, some first aid kits, cigarettes, as well as two maps, two or three compasses, etc.

Of course, in front of the British allies, Milong and others did not take off the boots of the devils.

After hurriedly cleaning up the battlefield, everyone immediately drove back to the airport.

The road ahead was smooth, and everyone returned to the airport soon, and Colonel William was busy arranging the dozens of friends from various countries.

It is worth mentioning What is interesting is that among these friends from various countries, there are more than ten journalists, including those from Britain and the United States, who all want to interview the front-line battle situation so as to report it in time.

The two battles tonight undoubtedly provided those journalists with good reporting materials. They are not only the protagonists who were rescued, but also the experiencers of the story and witnesses of the legend.

For Western countries that attach great importance to humanitarianism, what they prefer to see is not a great victory, but the humanitarian care shown in adversity, and the superheroes who can break the darkness and save the world.

Just like "Forrest Gump", "Saving Private Ryan", "Hacksaw Ridge" and so on in later American movies, courage, persistence and humanity always touch their hearts more.

Lu Cheng's performance is undoubtedly what those journalists Superhero in the eyes of the soldiers.

Moreover, after the battle last night, the twenty or so soldiers under Colonel William also admired Lu Cheng.

As a result, Lu Cheng's name quickly spread throughout the airport and became the center of everyone's discussion.

The next morning, Lu Cheng got up early, trained the soldiers with physical fitness, and had breakfast, and then immediately started shooting training.

In the past, when he was in western Yunnan, because of the lack of ammunition, Lu Cheng had to find ways to get ammunition so that the soldiers could have enough bullets to practice shooting.

Nowadays, the least lacking thing for Lu Cheng is guns and ammunition. Because there are so many guns and ammunition, more than 400 people can get two to three guns per person, and there are more bullets.

In this case, make full use of the bullets, and high-intensity shooting training will definitely be of great benefit to the soldiers.

Especially those other newly joined soldiers, who were also defeated soldiers from various places before coming to Myanmar. Many of them had not fired many bullets before, and their shooting skills were also average.

Just as Lu Cheng was instructing the newly joined soldiers to train, Catherine picked up the camera and took a photo of Lu Cheng, as if to record every look of Lu Cheng.

If he could continue to train like this, with a saturated supply of various guns and ammunition, Lu Cheng would be fully confident that he could train a group of elite soldiers in a short time.

Unfortunately, the devils would not give them too much time to train.

Two days later, about two squadrons, more than 300 devils, approached the airport and prepared to attack the airport.

A new battle is about to begin...

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