After leaving the airport, Lu Cheng reorganized more than 400 men under his command and selected 50 assaulters with submachine guns from three companies as pioneers. On the way to retreat, they basically fought in the jungle. Rifles and heavy machine guns were difficult to play their advantages. Mortars and grenade launchers were even more unsuitable to use. Throwing a grenade would have the risk of rebounding. Therefore, only those with submachine guns with fierce firepower were suitable to act as assaulters. Long Wenjian had taken off his fake lieutenant colonel uniform and put on a uniform provided by the British. Like Lu Cheng, he wore a German M35 helmet and a 20-shot box gun on his waist. The difference is that Long Wenjian prefers the British 77, while Lu Cheng prefers the Thompson submachine gun.

Now, Long Wenjian has been appointed as the deputy battalion commander, replacing A Yi.

A Yi, a major officer, lacks combat command experience and has poor personal combat effectiveness. He was demoted by Lu Cheng to a quartermaster responsible for managing logistics supplies.

A Yi has long been a little fan of Lu Cheng, and has no complaints about this. He honestly manages logistics supplies.

Under Lu Cheng's absolute leadership, no soldier would doubt his decision.

During the march, more than 400 soldiers lined up in two rows. Lu Cheng, the battalion commander, led the commando team to explore the way ahead, and Long Wenjian, the deputy battalion commander, led the machine gun platoon to cover the rear.

Meng Fanle and Yao Ma were responsible for supporting in the middle.

The team of more than 400 people stretched out a length of one or two hundred meters.

After walking more than 10 miles in the jungle, Lu Cheng suddenly ordered to stop advancing, and then led the commando team to quietly move forward.

The scanning range of the thermal induction radar is one thousand meters, which can always allow Lu Cheng to find any suspicious targets in advance.

The jungle is lush with vegetation and the field of vision is very small. It is difficult for ordinary people to find the hidden enemies in front in advance.

What's more, those cunning Japanese soldiers are very good at camouflage. Some of them buried themselves under the leaves, and some tied themselves to the trees.

This road is the only way for the expeditionary army to retreat. Every day, the expeditionary army may pass by here. The Japanese soldiers only need to set up a machine gun position and occupy the nearby high slopes in advance to suppress the expeditionary army that is several times larger than themselves, and beat the expeditionary army to the point where they can't raise their heads.

Of course, these Japanese soldiers met Lu Cheng today, and they were destined to be unlucky.

After approaching the 100-meter position, Lu Cheng waved his hands to the left and right, and A Bao and Sun Qiao each took 20 submachine gunners, went around from the left and right sides, and quietly came to the rear of the Japanese soldiers' position.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng also pointed his gun at a tree crown in front and fired decisively.

The sound of the Thompson submachine gun was the signal for the attack.

40 submachine guns suddenly attacked from behind, and the Japanese soldiers lying on the ground had no time to react and were shot to death.

The Japanese soldiers hiding in the trees were also quickly dealt with by Lu Cheng and ten submachine gunners.

In fact, there were not many Japanese soldiers hiding here, only 20 or 30, and they were only equipped with a heavy machine gun. They were quickly eliminated and there were no casualties on their side.

It is worth mentioning that in the original play, it was also here that Yao Ma and others discovered the sound of cuckoos coming from the forest, and they also curiously imitated it, which led to the Japanese soldiers.

Yao Ma himself was shot in the head by the Japanese soldiers and died on the spot.

Now, Yao Ma has survived a life-and-death catastrophe.

After the exchange of fire and finishing the finishing blow, Lu Cheng and others sent a signal to the troops behind to let them continue to move forward and come here to clean up the battlefield.

As for Lu Cheng and others, they continued to clear the way ahead.

Soon, just after they walked out less than a kilometer, Lu Cheng's thermal induction radar showed the traces of another group of enemies.

This time, the Japanese soldiers ambushed directly in the jungle on the right side of the road ahead.

If Lu Cheng and others were scattered by the Japanese soldiers behind them and fled to this side in a panic, they would be ambushed by the Japanese soldiers again and suffer heavy casualties.

It only takes two or three such ambushes for the soldiers to become frightened birds and flee in panic.

After another ambush from behind, the commandos have gained some experience and began to distribute the enemies, shooting quickly and accurately to avoid wasting too many bullets.

Along the way, ambushes again and again only added pressure to the soldiers behind.

After all, having too many spoils of war is also a kind of trouble. You can't bear to throw them away, but it's also hard to carry them all on your back.

Too heavy.

Fortunately, this worry was soon shared by someone.

After killing three waves of ambushing Japanese soldiers, Lu Cheng and others walked another two or three hundred meters and heard gunshots from the front.

Then, Lu Cheng led the assault team to move forward quickly and soon found that there were hundreds of expeditionary soldiers in front of them, who were blocked by a group of Japanese soldiers under a dirt slope and unable to fight back.

Lu Cheng immediately led the team to attack from behind and swept away the group of Japanese soldiers in an instant.

Then, Lu Cheng shouted loudly: "Brothers below, the Japanese have been eliminated. We are from the Sichuan Army Corps. Which unit are you from?"

"We are from the newly formed 22nd Division. Thank you for saving our lives."

As he said, several soldiers poked their heads out and confirmed that the Japanese had indeed been eliminated, and then they walked out.

"It's not a good idea for you to run away like this. There may be an ambush by the Japanese ahead. With your limited manpower, it will be difficult to return home safely. I think it's better for you to follow us first, and we can gather together and take care of each other."

"No problem, we listen to the commander."

Lu Cheng glanced at these people. The highest rank was a lieutenant deputy company commander, so he directly ordered: "We have a battalion of troops, and we haven't suffered any losses so far. Including you, there are more than 500 people."

"Commander, you really didn't suffer any losses?"

A Bao immediately stood up: "Of course, our battalion commander brought We formed a commando team to explore the way ahead. After discovering the ambush point of the Japanese devils, we immediately fought back and cleared obstacles for the follow-up troops. You just need to follow us, help us clean up the battlefield and collect supplies. "

The group of defeated soldiers heard this and saw the submachine guns under Lu Cheng, and they immediately agreed: "We are willing to follow the commander."

"Very good, as long as you obey the command, I will take you home."

"Go home!"

At this moment, in the hearts of all the expeditionary soldiers, the most important thing is two words, that is: go home.

Fighting in a foreign country, you may die at any time, and even your body cannot return to your hometown after death. How can these expeditionary soldiers not be eager to go home?

When the follow-up soldiers under Lu Cheng arrived, the defeated soldiers saw that each soldier was carrying two or three guns and full of bullet bags, and they knew that Lu Cheng had not lied to them before.

Lu Cheng called Long Wenjian over and said, "Long Wenjian, don't you want to be the regiment commander? Convince these defeated soldiers to join us and become our soldiers. Along the way, as long as we gather enough defeated soldiers, we can turn a battalion into a regiment or even more. At that time, I will be the commander and you will be the deputy commander."

"Okay, you just wait and see."

Although Lu Cheng is ten years younger than Long Wenjian, Long Wenjian has already admired Lu Cheng from the bottom of his heart and recognized Lu Cheng as a superior.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave these people to you. I'll continue to clear the way ahead."

Long Wenjian glanced at the group of defeated soldiers, and soon set his sights on a tall bearded man: "Oh, with your physique, you are really a natural machine gunner. What's your name? Do you want to come to our battalion? You can shoot 92 heavy machine guns at will, and there are also British Vickers Mark I heavy machine guns, you can choose any one."

"Sir, my name is Tian Fengshou, and I'm a heavy machine gunner."

"Oh, from the accent, I'm from the Central Plains, and my battalion commander is a fellow villager."

"What? Our battalion commander is also from the Central Plains?"

"That's right. The battalion commander and his messenger are both from Central Plains. By the way, there is also a heavy machine gunner like you, who is also your fellow villager. Bearded man, come out and meet your fellow villager."

"I'm coming..."

Seeing so many people looking at him, the man named Tian Fengshou immediately agreed to join: "Then I'll join you now. I want a Mark heavy machine gun. The Japanese's Type 92 is too bad."

"No problem. Is there anyone else who wants to join? You see, there are enough guns and cannons, and you don't have to worry about food and drink. The battalion commander will lead the way and take you home."

"I want to join."

"I want to..."

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