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"Do you think you are eagles? Why don't you look in the mirror? Do you look like an eagle? Where is the gun in your hand? Do you have food in your stomach? Do you really think your two thin legs are wings? You are not even as good as a sparrow. Can you walk home like this?

I will tell you how to go back. Have you ever seen wild geese flying in the sky? Wild geese know to fly in two lines. What about you? What about you? You are listless and look like you have lost your soul. Do you still want to go home?

You must learn to be like wild geese, with hundreds of wings combined into two large wings, so that you can fly farther than eagles, more than 10 times farther. Only in this way You can go back, do you want to come with us? We have fought big battles. Look, the Japanese mortars, Grenade launchers and Type 92 heavy machine guns were all captured by us. There were so many that we couldn't carry them all.

Follow us, there will be food to eat, water to drink, and victories to fight. Come on, come on, we are all brothers, we There are people from the Northeast, Central Plains, Shandong, Shanxi, and Yunnan. We are all from the same hometown and we are all one family.

Follow us, we will take you home, and you won’t die of thirst, hunger, illness, or exhaustion. We There are military doctors, medicine, food and drink, and a commander who takes care of everything. Come quickly, there will be no more shops after this village..."

On the way of retreat, if you encounter a fleeing soldier , Long Wenjian never stopped talking, running back and forth, encouraging those defeated soldiers to join them and become part of them.

Those defeated soldiers fled all the way here from farther places, and had long been captured by the Japanese. I was chasing after him until I lost all my energy and spirit and just walked blindly towards home, not knowing when I would fall on the road.

Some people were bitten by poisonous insects, snakes and ants in the jungle and could not get any effective treatment, so they could only wait to die. Some people ate up the last bit of food and drank up the last bit of water. When they ate leaves and grass, they did not know how to eat. Be careful of being poisoned. Some people even shot themselves while walking.

To be honest, the expeditionary force that was selected to fight in Burma was relatively outstanding among most Chinese armies at that time. They are not elite, but they are basically veterans who have fought in many battles.

After all, this is to form an alliance with Britain and the United States. If the quality of the soldiers is too poor, the principal will lose face.

Therefore, Although these defeated soldiers are in a state of disgrace and look like zombies, as long as they are gathered together and trained, they can soon become an elite force.

Therefore, Lu Cheng asked Long Wenjian to show all his skills. As long as he could convince If those defeated soldiers join them, they will give Long Wenjian a deputy regiment commander position in the future, and let him directly lead a reinforced battalion, and equip him with all light and heavy weapons.

Long Wenjian naturally worked very hard, and his lips were almost worn out.

Just like this, they marched along, fought along the way, and recruited defeated soldiers along the way. Lu Cheng's team became larger and larger, 600 people, 700 people, 800 people... In the original drama, Long Wenjian led a group of embarrassed troops and recruited people along the way. When he arrived at Nantianmen, he had accumulated nearly a thousand soldiers.

Now, Lu Cheng's battalion has more than 400 people at the beginning, and they are well-trained. They were well-organized and well-equipped. Each of them carried two or three guns. They were well-fed and well-equipped. They looked like wealthy families.

Canned food, drinking water, medicine and other supplies were very helpful to these defeated and wounded soldiers. Attraction.

In addition, the various weapons of the devils also proved that they did kill a lot of devils. Each person carried two or three guns, which was the best proof.

With these good conditions, it was natural to gather those fleeing soldiers. Easier.

As for the commando team led by Lu Cheng, after clearing out five or six ambush points of the Japanese and annihilating more than 200 Japanese, they walked for a long time without finding any trace of the Japanese.

After entering the depths of the jungle, the terrain The situation became increasingly complicated, and the Japanese sidecar motorcycle and bicycle teams could not play to their advantage and could only rely on their short legs to chase the expeditionary force.

Moreover, every time they encountered the expeditionary force, the two sides had a certain degree of fighting, more or less will slow down the enemy's march.

Therefore, the closer to the Chinese border, the fewer enemy troops there are.

At the same time, a large number of enemy troops are also rushing towards the Chinese border along the road outside the jungle, trying to Taking advantage of the expeditionary army's rout, they crossed the Nujiang River and invaded western Yunnan, starting to invade China from the south, echoing the devils in the north.


"Captain, we have walked seven or eight miles and have not encountered any more Japanese soldiers. Is there no more Japanese soldiers ahead?"

Lu Cheng glanced at the soldier beside him, turned his head and ordered: "Abao, tell Hu Zi about your discovery."

"Yes, battalion commander. Brother Hu Zi, when we passed a small earth slope just now, I picked up a few shells. Come and have a look."

"Hey, this is the shell of the Arisaka bullet of the Type 38 rifle? So there are still Japanese soldiers ahead?"

"Of course, but this may also be the vanguard of the Japanese soldiers running in the front. There shouldn't be too many people."

"Then why don't we just chase them?"

"We have been running for a day. If we chase too quickly and lose our physical strength, won't we suffer when we encounter the Japanese? Brother Hu Zi, not every brother has such good physical strength as you."

"That's right, I just got my physical strength by farming at home. There were no animals at home, so my father and I usually pulled the plow together, with my mother holding the plow from behind. Later, my father and mother got old, and I grew up, so I could pull the plow by myself. "

The soldier's name is Wang Hu. He is honest and straightforward, but he is strong and brave. After training for a while, he will be a fierce general.

As they were talking, they walked another two or three miles. Lu Cheng finally found the enemy's traces in the thermal sensing radar, and then heard some faint gunshots.

The group immediately sped up and rushed to the place of the battle.

After chasing for more than two miles, they finally saw a vanguard of 20 to 30 Japanese devils in front of them, who were biting behind a team of expeditionary forces, chasing and shooting.

Lu Cheng and the commando team did not hesitate at all and directly shot at the group of Japanese devils.

Dozens of submachine guns fired at the same time, and a large number of the Japanese devils were knocked down immediately. There were also a few who turned around and wanted to fight back, but they were also killed by the Thompson submachine gun in Lu Cheng's hand.

In a moment, the Japanese devils who were chasing the expeditionary forces in a panic were all reimbursed.

The expeditionary army that was fleeing in front did not stop running when they heard the gunfire behind them stop, but continued to run forward desperately.

Some expeditionary soldiers who were killed or wounded were left along the way. The commandos did not pay much attention to those who had died.

Along the way, they had seen too many dead people to count.

For those who were injured, Lu Cheng checked the situation and did some simple treatment to prevent them from bleeding to death. Then they were handed over to the military doctors in the large army behind.

It is worth mentioning that among the defeated soldiers who were gathered before, there were also several more professional military doctors, who were much better than veterinarian Hao.

Lu Cheng asked them to form a temporary medical team to rescue the wounded along the way.

At this moment, Lu Cheng suddenly heard an urgent cry for help from the front: "Xiaojian, Xiaojian, you will be fine, brother will definitely take you home. Who can help? Save my brother! "

Lu Cheng walked over in three or two steps and checked the condition of the wounded. The bullet penetrated his chest and the blood was flowing. Fortunately, his internal organs were not injured and it was not incurable.

Lu Cheng first gave the wounded a life-saving pill, and then gave him a few injections to stabilize his injuries. Then he took out some medicine powder and sprinkled it on the wounds on his chest and back to temporarily stop the bleeding. He also bandaged it simply: "Your brother can still be saved. My people are behind. When they arrive, I will perform a simple operation on your brother to save his life first. "

"Thank you, thank you, sir!"

"Get up, we are all compatriots, don't be so polite, what's your name?"

"Sir, my name is Dong Dao, and this is my brother, Dong Jian. "

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