The two of them were killed, but the two were still alive.

On the way, they saved a Dong Dao and gave him an extra Dong Jian, but this Dong Jian was still a wounded soldier and needed treatment.

With the help of his life-saving grace, Dong Dao did not hesitate to bring his brother to join Lu Cheng's team.

After giving temporary treatment to all the wounded, Lu Cheng sent some scouts to the expeditionary team in front to make some inquiries and confirmed that the expeditionary team in front had not been attacked by the Japanese army recently.

In this way, the wave of devils that was just eliminated should be the scouts of the devils.

Since there are no devils in front for the time being, the assault troops don't need to rush to the front to open the way. Anyway, they just need to move forward along the road that the defeated soldiers walked out.

Lu Cheng immediately ordered everyone to rest, and during the break, he asked the medical team to set up a simple ward, performed surgery on the seriously injured, and asked the members of the medical team to assist and learn.

After all, Lu Cheng is the leader of a team. It is impossible for him to be a military doctor every day. He also needs to train and recruit a group of qualified military doctors to ensure logistics and medical care.

After dealing with all the seriously injured and handing over the lightly injured to the medical team, Lu Cheng and the commandos went to rest.

The next morning, the team continued to move forward, with Long Wenjian walking in front, responsible for opening the way and collecting the defeated soldiers.

Lu Cheng and the commandos walked at the end of the team, responsible for the rear.

There are no enemies in front, but there may be new enemies behind, so we still can't let down our guard.

Of course, as this team becomes larger and larger, even if there are more devils catching up, they will never dare to provoke them easily.

As Lu Cheng and his team passed through the jungle and approached the Nujiang River, the name Lu Cheng had already appeared in newspapers in many Allied countries.

Even the most authoritative and oldest Times in the UK put Lu Cheng's photo on the front page, telling the story of how Lu Cheng led his team to heroically rescue Allied friends, single-handedly killed dozens of Japanese soldiers, and led a battalion of troops to defend the airport and wiped out the invading enemy. After the battle, he also picked up a scalpel to save many lives.

This series of stories includes the entire combat process of Lu Cheng from boarding the plane to Myanmar to leaving the airport.

It has to be said that this experience is indeed legendary and eye-catching enough.

High in the sky, a transport plane without any protection or weapons encountered a fighter plane of the Japanese devils. Lu Cheng was able to assist the pilot in completing the forced landing and saved the lives of everyone on the plane. He also led a group of unarmed soldiers with only a pair of shorts to fight their way out of the siege and arrived at the airport...

Then came the more legendary rescue operation, with ridiculously strong combat power.

The front page of the Times, a whole page of content tells the story of Lu Cheng, and also put several photos of Lu Cheng, including the photo of Lu Cheng carrying darkness and facing the light after saving international friends in the church, the photo of Lu Cheng commanding the battle and shooting, and the photo of Lu Cheng performing surgery on seriously injured soldiers, and the photo of Lu Cheng being lifted up and thrown into the sky by soldiers laughing, etc.

It also quoted Catherine's emotional description: "In uniform, he is a tough warrior who fights the enemy to protect peace. In uniform, he is an angel in white who faces death to protect life. He said that if there is no war, he will be the best surgeon who can save countless lives.

But now that war has come, he must pick up a steel gun to protect more lives and bring peace to the millions of families behind him. He loves life and respects life. He is a soldier and a hero!"

A reporter from the United States also wrote: "In him, I see the hope of victory in the war. I understand that failure is only temporary, and evil can never defeat justice."

A Chinese overseas in Nanyang also wrote: "If all Chinese soldiers can be like Major Lu, why worry about the Japanese invaders not being destroyed?"

Not only were there newspaper reports, but representatives from all parties also expressed their gratitude to the Chinese side. A senior British financial official also expressed his gratitude to the Allied Command and the Chinese government at the same time.

The war was not going well at the moment. The Allies had already lost the Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam and other places. A large number of Allied soldiers retreated and surrendered, which was a big blow to the morale of the entire Allied forces.

It was for this reason that the previous victory of Yenangyaung was played repeatedly and widely publicized, and General Sun was even

Widely reported by Western media.

Of course, there is another very important reason why General Sun is so favored by Western media. General Sun graduated from the Virginia Military Academy in the United States and received Western military education.

In this way, General Sun's victory can be regarded as earning face for the United States.

If General Sun had not studied in the West, even if he won the battle, he would not be so grandly sought after.

This is like a mud leg from the countryside, who is better than some highly educated students in some aspects. Those highly educated students will naturally feel unbalanced.

Correspondingly, Lu Cheng also has the experience of studying in the West. Although he studied in the military academy of Nazi Germany, he can be regarded as standing on the same level as those senior generals in the West.

Therefore, many newspapers also highlighted Lu Cheng's experience of studying in the West.

However, no matter what, Lu Cheng became famous this time. His name appeared directly in front of the senior officials of the military department, and also appeared on the desk of a certain principal, and in front of the Allied Commander-in-Chief Stilwell and Luo Zhuoying.

Being noticed by such a group of big shots, Lu Cheng's future can be imagined.

In fact, because of Lu Cheng, the efficiency of the military has been greatly improved.

Before Lu Cheng and his team reached the Nujiang River, the latest letter of appointment from the military had been delivered to the Nujiang River. The military's special envoys stayed in Zenda patiently, waiting for Lu Cheng's return.

When someone is happy, someone is sad, but human joys and sorrows are not the same.

Some details that appeared in the Times also caught the attention of the principal: "Why did our expeditionary soldiers only wear a pair of shorts when they went abroad? When Major Lu was still fighting with the Allied Forces, where did his superior go? Did he treat these people as cannon fodder? Who can tell me why this happened?"

"Principal, according to investigations, Major Lu's superior is the son of the commander Yu, Yu Xiaoqing. During this battle in Burma, Yu Xiaoqing's Sichuan Army did not fire a single shot. After receiving the equipment of the Allied Forces, they returned directly. As for Lu Cheng and his men, they should have been used as cannon fodder from the beginning."

The principal heard this and immediately He frowned: "So it's his son, no wonder he's so petty. It seems that the Yu family wants to turn the country's army into theirs."

"Principal, what do you think we should do with the commander Yu Xiaoqing?"

"He's just a small commander, let's put him aside for now. As for Lu Cheng, send someone to investigate carefully. If there's no problem with his background, we must make good use of him. The Allied Command has named him, so we have to show our support. I think we should promote him to colonel and give him the number of the Sichuan Army."

"Yes, the principal is smart!"

In terms of military command, the principal, a master of micromanipulation, is at most at the level of a commander.

But in terms of political struggle and balancing the forces of all parties, this person's level is not simple.

If Yu Xiaoqing knew that the number of the Sichuan Army that he had worked so hard to get was taken away by one of his subordinates, and his subordinates were on an equal footing with him, what would he think?

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