The battle was over, but the battle was over.

Just when the military commissioner stayed in Zenda, patiently waiting for the return of a new colonel, the protagonist had indeed gathered enough troops for a regiment.

While stopping to rest, Lu Cheng asked, "Long Wenjian, how many people do we have now?"

"Counting those who just joined today, there are more than 1,500 people, which is definitely enough for a regiment. Battalion commander, you are now only one title away from the regiment commander. When the time comes, don't forget the conditions you promised me."

"Don't worry, future deputy regiment commander Long. When the time comes, I will give you the strength and equipment of a battalion. If you have the ability to continue to expand, even if you expand a battalion into a regiment, I have no objection."

"That's fine, I've been waiting for you to say this."

At this time, a battalion of the national army was about 300 to 500 people, and a regiment was generally between 1,200 and 2,500 people.

The reason for such a big gap is that at the regiment level, there is a lot of autonomy, and you can garrison and guard a place alone. It also means that as long as you can afford it, even if you make a regiment of 5,000 or 10,000 people, it is your ability.

Just like Chu Yunfei in Bright Sword, a reinforced regiment has several thousand people. Captain Li Yunlong was able to gather tens of thousands of troops and directly attack Ping'an County after his wife was captured.

Although Lu Cheng also believed that quality is more important than quantity, how could he select a group of elite soldiers without sufficient numbers as a basis?

Knowing that he had gathered enough troops for a regiment, Lu Cheng was not satisfied: "We are almost at the Nujiang River. We must speed up and gather as many troops as possible. After crossing the Nujiang River, there will be no such good opportunity.

Besides, before crossing the river, we may face another major battle to block the Japanese army at Nantianmen and buy time for the defenders on the east bank to deploy their defenses."

"From what the battalion commander said, you know the situation of the river defense on the east bank? I heard that Yu Tuanzuo is quite capable."

"He does have the ability to brag and inspire people. As for his real ability, whoever believes him is a fool."

"Oh? Our battalion commander actually dares to ignore his superiors. It's really amazing. Aren't you afraid that I will pass these words to the ears of Yu Tuanzuo?"

"Even if Yu Xiaoqing is standing here now, I will say the same thing. He is just the second generation with a father who is a military commander."

"The battalion commander is domineering."

To be honest, Lu Cheng did so many things in Myanmar, and he specifically told Catherine how to operate after returning. If he is not promoted after returning this time, Lu Cheng will consider whether to overturn the table directly.

Then, Lu Cheng took out a map of the Nujiang River, pointed on the map, and discussed the current situation with Long Wenjian, Meng Fanle and others.

At this time, Meng Fanle looked at Lu Cheng with a little more awe in his eyes. This map was his credit. When he drew this map, he still had a lot of things he didn't understand.

But now, combined with the current situation, as well as the strength and weapon configuration of his own regiment, Meng Fanle discovered that Lu Cheng seemed to have prepared for a blocking battle at Nantianmen more than half a year ago, and even arranged a retreat in advance.

I always heard people say that someone could plan and win a battle thousands of miles away, and now I have really seen it.

Just as several officers were discussing the next marching arrangements and battles, a noisy sound suddenly came from the front, followed by a loud call: "Fall down the mountain!"

Hearing this sound, Long Wenjian immediately stood up, picked up his Ying Qiqi, and walked towards the direction of the sound.

Meng Fanle and the others hadn't figured out what was going on, and Lu Cheng had already stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go and see what the excitement is, and see what trouble Milong has caused again."

In fact, Lu Cheng, who had watched the original drama, had already guessed what was going on. It should be that Milong met Shangguan Jieci.

Shangguan Jieci's family was originally overseas Chinese in Myanmar, and the family was considered wealthy. After the Japanese invaders came, Shangguan Jieci's husband was beaten to death for no reason, and Shangguan Jieci could only take her son and father-in-law and flee towards China.

Not long ago, Shangguan Jieci's father-in-law also died on the road, leaving only the two women.

Shangguan Jieci couldn't bear to see her father-in-law exposed in the wilderness, so she stood there begging, asking the passing soldiers to help bury her father-in-law


Unfortunately, the expeditionary soldiers who retreated from Burma had seen too many deaths along the way. Even if their comrades fell to the ground, they had no time to care. Only the belief of returning home supported them.

In this case, who would be willing to help a stranger?

Until Shangguan Jieci met Milong, Milong fell in love with this widow with a child, confessed on the spot and put forward conditions. As long as Shangguan Jieci was willing to marry him, he would help her bury her father-in-law.

Shangguan Jieci also put forward conditions. As long as Milong could make a three-inch thick coffin board for her father-in-law, she would agree to marry Milong.

The two sides hit it off, and Milong immediately ran to cut trees and prepare to make a coffin. He also called Li Wula, Doubing and other soldiers to help.

Long Wenjian, who arrived first, immediately asked: "What's going on? What's wrong with Milong? Why is he going to cut trees instead of resting here?"

"Deputy Battalion Commander, Milong is preparing to marry a wife."

"What do you mean by betrothal gift?"

"A coffin."

"Using a coffin as a betrothal gift? That's amazing! Someone, catch Milong and bring him here!"

Seeing this, Lu Cheng did not immediately stand up to stop him, but just watched quietly.

Milong decided to follow Lu Cheng and the others before going to Myanmar. He had not participated in the training for more than half a year. He still had many wildness and bad habits. It would be good for Long Wenjian to teach him a lesson.

"You bastards? Why did you arrest me? How did I bother you? Let me go!"

When Milong was brought to Long Wenjian and others, he was still a little unconvinced: "What's the matter? Why did you arrest me?"

Long Wenjian glanced at Shangguan Jieci and her son not far away: "Why? Just because you had a lustful heart, coerced your fellow sisters, and forced them to marry you!"

"I didn't force her, she was willing. I agreed to make a coffin for her and bury her father-in-law properly, and she agreed to marry me. It's fair and reasonable. Why do you say I coerced her?"

"Oh? You dare to talk back? As a soldier, you shouldn't use such conditions to coerce ordinary people! Even if you want to help someone, you shouldn't force them to agree to marry you. Come on, put this guy to military law!"

"Military law? What military law?"

"With a powerful enemy at hand, those who violate military rules and discipline should be severely punished. Take him out and shoot him!"

When he heard that he was going to be shot, Milong panicked: "Hey, hey, hey, are you serious? We are all brothers who eat from the same pot, and you are not fair. Long Wenjian, you are just a deputy battalion commander and have no power to deal with me. Battalion commander, battalion commander, please say something!"

At this time, Lu Cheng finally stood up, walked in front of Shangguan Jieci, and asked: "Madam, did the soldier just coerce you? Did you voluntarily agree to his conditions?"

Although Lu Cheng knew everything that happened in the original play, he had to ask Shangguan Jieci to admit it in person before announcing the punishment for Milong.

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