The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Sir, no one has ever threatened me, and I will not be threatened. Not long ago, right here, I knelt down with my child and begged for a long time. Countless people passed by, but no one was willing to stop and help me.

Only this military lord not only stopped to help me, but also was willing to build a coffin for my dead father-in-law. There are too few such people in the world today. If he is willing to marry me, I am willing to marry him. That's all!"

Lu Cheng turned his head and looked at the soldiers who were watching the excitement: "I ask you, is what she said false?"

"Report to the battalion commander, no!"

"Very good! Milong, come here."

"Yes, battalion commander! ”

When Milong arrived in front of him, Lu Cheng kicked him down directly, but did not hurt him: "You are lucky. Since they said it was voluntary and not coerced by you, you can be spared! But after all, you were the first to propose the conditions, which is a bit like coercing your compatriots. I will now punish you as follows: wash the stinky socks for the brothers in the commando team for a month!

The brothers in the commando team first cleared the way in front and then covered the back to ensure your safety. You picked up a wife in the middle, do you think you should be punished?"


Everyone was a little envious of Milong's good luck. Some people even began to regret why they did not take the initiative to ask about the situation. Maybe they could have picked up such a beautiful wife and a son for nothing.

"My battalion commander, I accept the punishment!"

"Alright, alright, since you have agreed to their conditions, go and make the coffin. Don't forget to treat those who helped you to a good meal when you go back. Okay, everyone else, go away, don't stand around here. If you want to marry a wife, go find one yourself. As long as the woman is willing, this battalion commander will never stop you."

"Long live the battalion commander!"

The newly joined defeated soldiers saw that Lu Cheng, the leader, was so easy-going, and they also felt a sense of belonging.

After resting, the team continued to set off. Just when everyone arrived at the Nantian Gate, there was a sudden explosion on the Nujiang River in front of them.

Long Wenjian raised the telescope on his chest and looked in the direction of the explosion in the distance. He couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, these bastards are nothing. The Japanese were still more than 10 miles away, and they blew up the bridge first. There are more than 2,000 refugees here, plus more than 1,000 of our brothers, and they were abandoned like this."

"Okay, okay, what kind of people are those on the other side, don't you know? I never expected to return to Zenda through Xingtian Ferry."

Nantianmen is on the west bank of Nujiang River, and is also in China. Because it is located in the southwest border, it is called Nantianmen.

Below Nantianmen is Nujiang River, and there is a bridge across Nujiang River, named Xingtian Ferry.

Crossing Nantianmen and Xingtian Ferry is Zenda, which is also where Lu Cheng and others left.

Now, they were only one step away from home, but this last road was blocked. Many defeated soldiers fell into despair. The Nujiang River below seemed to have become the River of Forgetfulness, with life on one side and death on the other.

Lu Cheng immediately stood up and said, "Why are you all standing there? It's just a bridge. If it's blown up, it's blown up. I said I would take you home, and I will definitely take you home! Abao, fire a signal flare!"


As a signal flare was fired, there was movement on the other side of the Nujiang River below. More than 20 soldiers appeared on the beach on the other side of the Nujiang River and waved to this side.

Then, several people walked into the grass by the river and pulled up the cables hidden under the water.

Then, more than a dozen soldiers walked into the grass on the side, lifted out some bamboo rafts and small boats, and rowed towards this side.

Seeing these bamboo rafts and small boats, everyone found new hope and became excited.

Lu Cheng fired three shots into the air again: "Ordinary people have priority to cross the river, the elderly and children have priority, and the wounded have priority! Whoever dares to rush first, I will shoot him! Meng Fanle, take your company to maintain order by the river."


Afterwards, all the people came to the river first, and under the arrangement of the soldiers, they began to cross the river in batches.

Just after the first batch of people had just crossed the river, a group of soldiers suddenly rushed out from the opposite bank of the river, stopped these people, and wanted to force them back, and claimed that in order to prevent spies from mixing in among these people, they were not allowed to enter Zenda.

Milong's new daughter-in-law and cheap son

Milong was one of the first to cross the river. Seeing that his wife and son were about to be forced to retreat, Milong immediately became anxious. He knelt down across the river and shouted loudly: "We are not spies, we are all Chinese. We are wearing the same pants as you, not the loincloth of the Japanese devils!"

As he said this, the anxious Milong even took off his pants, revealing the pants inside.

However, the people on the opposite side did not listen at all.

Ayi immediately stood up and walked to Lu Cheng: "Captain, how about we sing a military song to show our identities?"

Lu Cheng nodded: "This is a good idea, you go and arrange it."

"Yes, Captain!"

Ayi immediately went to arrange it, and Lu Cheng swept his eyes over all the soldiers in front of him: "Everyone sing along."

"Don't you see, Han Zhongjun, a young man tied to the captive and asked for a long rope. Don't you see, Ban Dingyuan, the light cavalry in the remote area urged the battle cloud..."

Just as everyone was singing the military song, Lu Cheng's eyes swept through the crowd and saw that some people never opened their mouths, and these people had clean white towels tied around their necks, which seemed a bit out of place with the other expeditionary soldiers around them.

The expeditionary soldiers had shed a lot of sweat and got a lot of dust along the way, and the towels on their necks couldn't be so white, just like new.

In addition, these people didn't open their mouths when singing the military song.

These military songs are basically the most widely circulated military songs in the Chinese army. Even the new recruits who have just joined the army can sing a few sentences along. It is impossible for them not to sing.

There is no doubt that these people should be spies sent by the Japanese.

Lu Cheng has been on guard against spies all the way with his team. The veterans have basically asked and chatted with the defeated soldiers in various local dialects. It can be basically concluded that the defeated soldiers who have been recruited along the way have not mixed into the Japanese.

But after meeting those refugees, some expeditionary soldiers mixed in with the refugees also took the initiative to mix into Lu Cheng's team.

The more than 1,500 people under Lu Cheng were originally defeated soldiers from various troops. The personnel composition is extremely complex. In addition, there is no time for effective reorganization. Even if a few dozen people mixed in, they can't be discovered at the first time.

If Ayi didn't propose to sing military songs, Lu Cheng would also propose it to expose those spies.

At this moment, the spies who had white towels wrapped around their necks and did not open their mouths, in order to prevent being discovered, were staring at the front, paying attention to the officers in front, and did not notice that one or two people had approached them.

"Okay, let's talk about an important issue." When saying this, Lu Cheng raised his hand and waved it in the air, and then the spies were covered with their mouths and noses by the commandos on both sides of him and stabbed to death.

Such an action naturally caused some people to panic, but with Lu Cheng's three gunshots, everyone quieted down again.

"Don't panic, the dead are some Japanese scouts and spies. Pull open their pants and let everyone see!"

As the pants of the dead bodies were pulled open, revealing the loincloth inside, everyone calmed down.

"Did you see it? These little Japanese have mixed in with us, which means that the little Japanese's vanguard is behind us and may attack at any time, and eliminate us while we are crossing the river."

Everyone started to panic when they heard this, and some people even wanted to rush to the riverside and cross the river first.

Lu Cheng fired into the air again: "Why are you panicking? Are the guns in your hands firewood sticks? Aren't they just some vanguards of the little devils? Just kill them!

Now, we must immediately occupy the Nantianmen, defend the Nantianmen, beat back the vanguards of the little devils, and then evacuate in batches. You can rest assured that since I said I would take you home, I will definitely take you home. I will set an example and be the last one to evacuate the east coast! Now, everyone follow me!"

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