After all this journey, Lu Cheng not only had more than 1,500 soldiers, but also had a group of the most loyal fans with his personal charm and responsibility, including not only the more than 400 people who evacuated the airport, but also many defeated soldiers rescued along the way.

These soldiers witnessed the victory after victory that Lu Cheng led them to achieve, and they had long believed in any of Lu Cheng's orders. They immediately followed Lu Cheng and walked towards the heights of Nantianmen.

Then, more soldiers followed. In addition to the troops that had been gathered, there were also some other defeated soldiers of the expeditionary army. There were more than 1,700 people in total, which was more than the original troops.

Just as Lu Cheng led his men to the high ground on Nantianmen to build a defense line and block the enemy, a dispute was also taking place in Zenda on the east bank of the Nujiang River.

"Captain Yu, the Japanese haven't come yet, and we haven't even seen their shadows. How can you let people blow up Xingtian Ferry? How should Captain Lu Cheng come back?"

"Lu Cheng has not returned yet, and I'm afraid he has already died for his country. Moreover, Xingtian Ferry is the only bridge over the Nujiang River. Once it is occupied by the Japanese, and the Japanese rush into Zenda, it may sweep across western Yunnan and even threaten Chongqing. Yu can't bear this responsibility!"

"Captain Yu, you!"

At this moment, a messenger suddenly came in to report: "Captain, special commissioner, there is news from the riverside, Lu Captain Cheng Lu rushed to the river with a group of people and was organizing the refugees to cross the river. At the same time, Captain Lu also sent a message that he would lead people to defend Nantianmen and block the Japanese army to buy time for the east bank to redeploy defenses. He hoped that the east bank could complete the deployment as soon as possible! "

The special commissioner was overjoyed when he heard this: "The captain Lu you are talking about is Lu Cheng, right? He is back? He also said that he would cover the refugees crossing the river and block the devils? He is worthy of being a talent valued by the principal, and he is indeed a national achievement. I will go to the riverside to take a look!"

After saying that, the special commissioner ignored Yu Xiaoqing, got up and walked outside.

Yu Xiaoqing's face was livid, but he also followed.

However, when they arrived at the riverside, they could only see batches of refugees crossing the river in a tense and orderly manner, and some soldiers on the opposite side were maintaining order.

The special commissioner quickly grabbed a soldier and asked, "Where is Captain Lu Cheng now?"

"Captain Lu has taken people to Nantianmen to set up defenses."

The Nujiang River is not actually too wide, and the crossing point that Lu Cheng prepared in advance is only a few dozen meters wide.

Since there are enough bamboo rafts and small boats, each time more than a hundred people can cross the river at the same time, this batch of refugees only needs less than 20 trips at most to cross the river.

On the other side, after Lu Cheng brought his men to the height of Nantianmen, he immediately organized trenches, arranged machine gun points, artillery points, set up booby traps on the enemy's way up the mountain, and marked the places where the devils might set up artillery positions in advance.

"This battle is very important. All the troops stationed on the east bank of the Nujiang River are watching. As long as we fight this battle well, we can quickly gain a foothold after returning. Moreover, since the Japanese have chased to the edge of the Nujiang River, they will definitely find ways to cross the Nujiang River.

We must blunt their edge and make the Japanese give up the idea of ​​crossing the river in a short time, so as to buy time for us to reorganize the troops. Therefore, we will use all the weapons we have seized before this time. Don't be stingy with all kinds of bullets and artillery shells. Hit them hard and hurt the Japanese and scare them."

"Yes, battalion commander!"

Lu Cheng's next combat deployment will first eliminate the Japanese's vanguard, and then withstand the large-scale attack of the Japanese's large forces and cause them a certain degree of casualties.

As for annihilating the invading enemy, it is still a little unrealistic, unless Lu Cheng is willing to expose all his means and try his best.

The one chasing from the opposite side is a regiment of the Japanese.

Generally speaking, the number of people in a regiment of the Japanese is about 2,500 to 3,800. Even if it is calculated as a smaller number, the number is far more than the troops under Lu Cheng at this time.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's heavy weapons are limited. In addition to some light and heavy mortars, grenade launchers, and heavy machine guns, there are only two field howitzers.

Moreover, these two field howitzers are still in the storage space, and it is not convenient to take them out directly for public use.

A regiment of the Japanese has a complete artillery configuration, including light and heavy mortars, anti-tank guns, field howitzers, and even poison gas bombs, air support, etc.

With Lu Cheng's current strength and weapons, it is not enough

Eat a regiment.

What's more, the Japanese have occupied most of Southeast Asia, and there are more troops behind.

On the Nantianmen, the soldiers were busy arranging defenses, but Lu Cheng and Long Wenjian stood on a high place, looking at the road in the distance through telescopes.

There, the vanguard of the Japanese were riding sidecar motorcycles and bicycles, rushing towards this side. It is roughly estimated that there is about a squadron, less than 200 people.

Just as the position was arranged here, the vanguard of the Japanese had arrived under the Nantianmen.

Maybe these Japanese have been fighting too smoothly recently, chasing the British and the expeditionary force all the way, and have not encountered any decent resistance, so they have become proud and underestimated the enemy.

Seeing that there were still Chinese soldiers on the Nantianmen, the commander of the Japanese did not understand the specific situation, and directly ordered an attack with only a squadron of troops.

After the battle started, the light and heavy machine guns and light and heavy mortars on the Nantianmen opened fire together, instantly beating the charging Japanese soldiers. They had never expected that the enemy's firepower would be so fierce, and they didn't know that most of the heavy firepower was provided by their friendly forces.

In just one round of attack, this squadron of Japanese soldiers suffered heavy losses.

With a force ratio of nearly 10:1, and Lu Cheng's weapons and equipment were also in an absolute advantage. If he couldn't destroy this squadron of Japanese soldiers, Lu Cheng could go home to farm.

After repelling the Japanese's fierce attack, the commandos immediately held submachine guns and launched an attack from a high position.

The Japanese soldiers on the opposite side had never expected to be defeated so quickly and so thoroughly. They were defeated before they launched a decent attack.

The soldiers of the expeditionary army were like tigers coming down from the mountains, chasing the Japanese soldiers below, as if they wanted to vent all the losses and anger they suffered in Burma, and they were determined not to let a single Japanese soldier escape.

Soon, when the last Japanese soldier was eliminated, the soldiers cheered immediately.

Many soldiers of the expeditionary army won a battle for the first time in their lives, and they were naturally excited beyond words.

As for the first group of people who followed Lu Cheng, they had already established absolute confidence in one victory after another and accumulated rich combat experience.

Then, the soldiers immediately began to clean up the battlefield, and moved all kinds of food, drinks, and weapons and equipment to the position.

Some guys carried the Japanese's bicycles, and some guys wanted to ride back the sidecar motorcycles left by the Japanese, but because the terrain was not suitable and they could not ride motorcycles, they had to give up.

After the first victory, the losses of Lu Cheng's side were almost negligible, but the supplies seized were quite a lot.

At this time, the system issued another prompt: "Congratulations to the host, you have led the soldiers to a hearty victory again, and you will be rewarded with points... The current total points can be redeemed for another combat assistance module. Do you want to redeem it?"


"Please select the functional module you want to redeem."

"Gun warning!"

This function is also what Lu Cheng wanted to equip for a long time.

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