On the east bank of the Nujiang River, the military commissioner watched the expeditionary soldiers crossing the river, and would occasionally ask where Captain Lu Cheng was.

Every soldier would proudly say, "Our captain is still killing the devils on the other side, and he will definitely be the last one to come back!"

Although these soldiers were dressed in dirty clothes and had dirty faces, they were all in high spirits, and they were all murderous, and they looked elite.

Moreover, the 92 heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and mortars showed their achievements.

Some soldiers even carried two or three rifles on their backs, and they were extremely proud.

In Zenda City, many Burmese overseas Chinese who had withdrawn previously did not leave, but stayed to wait for Lu Cheng and his soldiers to cross the river so that they could thank them in person.

Not only that, the people of Zenda City also took out the surplus food and fruits in their homes and warmly entertained every soldier who withdrew from the west bank, allowing many soldiers to feel the gratitude and support of the people for the first time in their lives.

Originally, after learning that the Japanese were about to attack, the people of Zenda City were ready to flee. It was Lu Cheng who led his men to hold on to Nantianmen for two days, blocking the Japanese army and winning time for the deployment of defense on the east bank, which saved the people of Zenda City from fleeing.

In this way, the people of Zenda City were naturally grateful to these brave soldiers, and they would come to the river every day to wait for the return of the heroes.

In the crowd, a young and beautiful girl was also looking forward to the return of her beloved.

But they waited from day to night, but they could not wait for Lu Cheng's return.

It was not until the sky was completely dark that dozens of commandos followed a rope and reached the east bank of the Nujiang River.

At this time, the soldiers who crossed the river in batches had already arranged defenses and machine gun positions on the riverside.

Together with Yu Xiaoqing's regiment, the entire defense line on the east bank of the Nujiang River was quite stable.

Seeing the last batch of commandos crossing the river, Long Wenjian immediately went to meet them: "Where is the battalion commander? Why didn't he come with you?"

"The battalion commander said that he would give Takeuchi Renshan a big gift before crossing the river."

"Hey, it seems that Takeuchi Renshan is going to be in trouble again."

Meng Fanle looked at Nantianmen on the west bank of the Nujiang River and laughed: "Our master is really restless. The old devil Takeuchi will probably be tortured crazy. Do you think that old devil will commit suicide by disembowelment in the end?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on how thick-skinned he is."

"If I were Takeuchi, I would commit suicide by disembowelment as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, everyone take the time to rest. Especially the brothers in the artillery camp, set up the light and heavy mortars, prepare the last shells, and provide artillery support to our battalion commander at any time."

The commandos also stayed by the river, ready to wait for their battalion commander to cross the river before resting.

If we were to ask which of the people Lu Cheng brought back admired Lu Cheng the most, it would definitely be the commandos.

Especially the group of fifty commandos who retreated from the airport at the beginning. They followed Lu Cheng all the way to eliminate batches of Japanese devils and won battle after battle. They witnessed how powerful and abnormal Lu Cheng was and had long regarded Lu Cheng as their god.

If Lu Cheng took this group of people to attack the Japanese division head-on, they would follow without hesitation.

It can be said that this group of commandos already looked like special forces.

Compared with the scientific and rigorous training of later generations, the veterans who fought on the battlefield had much stronger on-the-spot reaction ability and psychological quality to face life and death. What they lacked was good physical fitness and some professional skills and tactics.

In the deep night, Lu Cheng hid alone in the jungle in the distance to rest for a few hours. After resting enough, he came to the vicinity of Nantianmen again.

The Takeuchi League was also scared by Lu Cheng. Even though they knew that Lu Cheng's troops had withdrawn to the east bank and even though they were already standing on the Nantianmen, they still heavily guarded the surroundings to prevent sneak attacks.

However, these people had no idea that Lu Cheng was a cheating player.

With the scanning range of 2,000 meters of thermal sensing radar, coupled with the epoch-making advanced night vision goggles and infrared imaging devices, Lu Cheng could clearly find out the distribution of the Japanese from a certain distance, where there were the most Japanese, where was the Japanese artillery camp, where was some important equipment, etc.

Then, Lu

Cheng can directly snipe from a long distance.

As a level nine special forces soldier, a special forces king who exceeds the limits of human beings, Lu Cheng's sniping level is also at the strategic level. The sniping weapons he uses are naturally not limited to various types of sniper rifles, but also various types of artillery.

Compared with sniper rifles, howitzers obviously have a longer range and greater lethality.

Combined with the use of storage space, it can be moved at any time, so that it can be moved to another place after firing a shot, overcoming the disadvantage of the inconvenience of artillery movement. It is simply a perfect sniper weapon.

The British 3.7-inch field howitzer weighs 400 kilograms and has a maximum range of 5,500 meters. Even the sniper rifle in Lu Cheng's cross-border backpack cannot achieve such a long range.

Find a suitable position, adjust the shooting angle, aim the two howitzers at the two most densely populated places of the devils on Nantianmen, then quickly fire two shots, immediately put away the two artillery, and turn around and leave.

Soon, the Japanese mortar shells also fell towards the place where Lu Cheng had just fired, but they could only hit nothing.

For the whole night, two shells would be fired from time to time under Nantianmen, and several or even dozens of Japanese soldiers would be killed or injured on Nantianmen.

At first, Nantianmen would fire back a few shells, but in the end, they found that there was no effect and they could not find the enemy at all. They could only accept their fate and no longer resist. They just dispersed their personnel as much as possible to minimize casualties.

The intermittent artillery sounded all night, and the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen were tortured to death. More and more wounded were injured by artillery fire, and the medical team of Takeuchi United was also busy all night.

On the east bank of Nujiang River, Long Wenjian and a group of veterans also listened to the artillery all night. Every sound of artillery meant that the battalion commander was still fighting with the Japanese.

Long Wenjian heard something wrong: "Every time, the British mountain artillery fired two shots first, followed by the Japanese light and heavy mortars. Do you think that the battalion commander is carrying two mountain artillery and shooting the Japanese everywhere?"

"Deputy Battalion Commander Long, you are not kidding, are you? Those are field howitzers, each weighing 400 kilograms. Even if our battalion commander is the King of Chu, he can't carry two howitzers around, right?"

"So what do you think is going on? I remember someone said that after excluding all possibilities, the remaining one, no matter how outrageous it is, is a good choice. It might be true. "

"Oh, have we read the British Sherlock Holmes? Not simple."

"I haven't read any Holmes, I just heard someone say it. Is this a novel written by a British? Fanle, tell us about it."

"I've only heard a little bit, let our battalion commander tell you later. Look, is that our battalion commander?"

Everyone looked in the direction Meng Fanle pointed, and saw a figure swimming towards this side against the turbulent water on the Nujiang River not far below.

After a while, the figure had crossed the Nujiang River and came to the east bank. He wiped the water off his head, revealing a handsome and resolute face.

The first ray of morning sun shone on him, and the water droplets on his body and head reflected rays of light.

At this moment, in the eyes of all the soldiers on the east bank, their battalion commander was a triumphant god...

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