The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"The battalion commander is back!"

A cheer broke the silence of the early morning and awakened all the soldiers stationed on the east bank. Then, there were cheers one after another.

All the soldiers walked out of the trenches and looked towards the river to see the officer who took them home, the battalion commander who led them all the way back, and the hero and idol who gave them confidence and courage.

Soon, the cheers on the Nujiang River alarmed the people of Zenda and the Burmese overseas Chinese who were still staying in Zenda and were reluctant to leave.

Lu Cheng created a miracle in two days. Under the repeated pursuit of the Japanese, and with the destruction of Xingtian Ferry, he successfully covered more than 2,000 refugees across the river, and with a group of defeated soldiers, he blocked a regiment of Japanese outside the Nantian Gate, and even let this group of defeated soldiers successfully return to the east bank. Even some soldiers who died in the battle were not abandoned at the Nantian Gate.

Lu Cheng fulfilled his original promise and returned to China with everyone.

On the edge of the Nujiang River, all the soldiers looked at Lu Cheng excitedly.

Lu Cheng came to a higher position and looked at the soldiers below: "Soldiers, brothers, you are all great. You defended the Nantian Gate, the Nujiang River, and the Zenda behind you. You are worthy of the military uniforms on your body and the steel guns in your hands. Lu is here to salute everyone!"

After that, Lu Cheng raised his hand to salute, turned around, and looked at everyone around him and in the distance.

At this moment, a Chinese overseas from Myanmar who rushed over raised his camera and took a picture of this touching scene.

Soon, a group of Zenda people rushed over, beating gongs and drums, wearing flowery sheets and quilts, singing and dancing to welcome the hero's return.

There were also Zenda girls and young wives, holding wild flowers picked from the roadside, running over to present them to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng saw the girl who was in the front at a glance, the girl who looked weak but was actually stronger than most people.

She didn't hold flowers like other girls, nor did she wear sheets like some people. She held a bamboo basket in one hand and protected the opening of the bamboo basket with the other hand to prevent the things inside from falling out due to running.

Soon, she was the first to rush to the front, but she stopped in a hurry and looked at Lu Cheng who was surrounded by people.

After Lu Cheng nodded to the people around him, he walked out of the crowd, walked to the girl, and opened his arms: "Xiaozui, I'm back."

"Brother Lu Cheng!"

Chen Xiaozui no longer cared about anything else, no longer cared about being shy, and threw himself into Lu Cheng's arms. The basket in his hand fell off, but was caught by Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng held the bamboo basket in one hand and picked up Chen Xiaozui in the other hand. He turned around and smiled at the soldiers behind him: "What are you looking at? Why don't you say hello to your sister-in-law?"

Bu La, Yao Ma, Kang Ya and others immediately reacted: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Then, the soldiers around shouted in unison: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

At first, the voices were a little chaotic, but by the third time, everyone consciously formed a tacit understanding and shouted in unison: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Chen Xiaozui had never seen such a scene before, and immediately got into Lu Cheng's arms in shame.

Lu Cheng waved at the soldiers: "Okay, okay, let's all go. Why don't you guys in the kitchen prepare food? Aren't you all hungry?"

After that, Lu Cheng opened the bamboo basket brought by Chen Xiaozui, took out a bun and an egg from it, took a bite of the bun, and then handed the bamboo basket to Abao: "Try your sister-in-law's cooking."

"Yes, Battalion Commander!"

As soon as Abao took out a bun, the bamboo basket in his hand was snatched away by Bu La, who then took out a bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, Kang Ya, Yao Ma, She Pit and others rushed forward, and the buns and eggs in the basket were immediately snatched away.

Then, the empty basket was handed back to Abao, who took a bite of the bun and handed the basket to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng carried the bamboo basket in one hand and held Chen Xiaozui in the other, and walked towards Zenda.

The people of Zenda automatically stood on both sides of the road, welcoming their heroes back.

Originally, the people of Zenda had prepared to move the whole city and leave their homes, and even planned to burn down the entire Zenda and never leave it to the Japanese.

But Lu Cheng and his soldiers changed all this, making Zenda as stable as before, so that the people did not have to leave their homes.


With the singing and dancing of the people, they lined the streets to welcome him.

Looking at the apples, bananas, durian, roast chicken, buns, and boiled eggs held in the hands of the people, Lu Cheng was also a little emotional.

In fact, these people were not rich, but they were still willing to take out the best things in their homes to entertain the heroes who saved them.

"Everyone, take it back. Don't be polite. We appreciate your kindness. Protecting our homes and land is the duty of our generation of soldiers, and it is not worth it for everyone to do so."

"Yes, yes, hero! Hero!"

As he spoke, a gentleman in a robe, glasses, and a cane walked out of the crowd.

"Hero, you've worked hard. Come, pour the wine!"

Then two young men came out from the crowd, one of them holding a large jar of wine, and the other holding a large bowl bigger than his head, poured a full bowl of wine and handed it to Lu Cheng.

The soldiers on the side were stunned. If a large bowl of wine was drunk, even a cow would fall down.

The gentleman said, "How magnificent! When you left, it was like clouds covering the moon. When you came back, there was no war. I have been a borer all my life. Today I heard that it is a great tragedy to die on the battlefield. The hero has worked hard all the way. Let's drink this bowl of wine. The battlefield is yesterday. Today, since we are back home, we should get drunk."

Lu Cheng looked at the big bowl in front of him, and then looked at the old man in front of him. If the thermal sensing radar had not issued a warning that the enemy was approaching, Lu Cheng would have suspected that this old guy was a spy sent by the enemy.

Such a big bowl of wine, even if it is low-proof rice wine, ordinary people will definitely not be able to withstand it. If you drink too much, you will make a fool of yourself.

Lu Cheng took the big bowl with both hands, and learned from Long Wenjian's behavior in the original play, raising the big bowl to salute: "This bowl of wine, Lu first pays tribute to the heroic spirits who died along the way!"

Then, Lu Cheng poured a small half bowl of wine on the ground.

After that, Lu Cheng raised the big bowl again: "This bowl of wine, Lu, again respects the people of Zenda. The highest honor for us soldiers is the curling smoke from thousands of households, the laughter and joy from the head and tail of the village, and the happy and healthy smiles of the people!"

After that, Lu Cheng held the big bowl and poured another half bowl of wine, leaving less than 1/3 of the wine in the bowl.

Then, Lu Cheng raised the big bowl again: "This third bowl of wine, Lu wants to pay tribute to the land under our feet and the blue sky above our heads. Our ancestors gave us this world, but we have lost too much. Soldiers of our generation should always remind themselves that sooner or later we will take back our land from the devils and rescue our compatriots!"

After that, Lu Cheng poured out more than half of the remaining wine in the bowl again, and the remaining wine barely covered the bottom of the bowl.

Then, Lu Cheng picked up the wine bowl and gestured to the gentry opposite: "Thank you, old sir!"

After the voice fell, Lu Cheng drank the remaining wine.

The gentleman was stunned, but the people around him cheered in unison: "Good! Good!"

Not far away, Long Wenjian watched this scene and couldn't help but click his tongue: "Hey, our battalion commander is really like me in this aspect."

Meng Fanle also laughed: "I didn't expect that our battalion commander has such a cunning side."

At this time, the military commissioner finally rushed over, looked Lu Cheng up and down, and nodded with satisfaction: "Good! You are worthy of being a talent valued by the general commander. Major Lu, let me introduce myself. I am a special commissioner of the military. I am here to announce your latest appointment on the order of the general commander!"

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