The two sides of the river were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

Before crossing the river, Lu Cheng was still a major battalion commander, and he was a major battalion commander who was casually abandoned by Yu Xiaoqing as cannon fodder.

After crossing the river, Lu Cheng was already a colonel regiment commander, and he was a colonel regiment commander appointed by the principal himself, who was on an equal footing with Yu Xiaoqing.

The most important thing is that the Sichuan Army Corps number, which was originally used by Yu Xiaoqing as a gimmick, also fell into Lu Cheng's hands.

When Yu Xiaoqing heard the news and rushed to see Lu Cheng, his face was darker than the bottom of a pot.

"Captain Lu, I want to ask you, you still have a regiment of soldiers under you, with guns, cannons and ammunition, and you have superior manpower and favorable terrain. Why did you withdraw to the east bank and hand over Nantianmen to the Japanese? Why didn't you fight to the last man?"

Lu Cheng didn't want to turn against Yu Xiaoqing directly, after all, he was considered to be working under him before, but after hearing this, he simply tore his face directly: "Captain Yu, I want to ask you, if it weren't for me and these 1,700 brothers who defended Nantianmen to the death and bought time for your east bank defense, would the Japanese have already rushed into Zenda? With your good-for-nothings, can you defend the river defense?

When I went to Myanmar, You only left a pair of pants for my soldiers. When we arrived in Burma, you easily abandoned us. You, Commander Yu, walked around Burma without firing a shot, but you got a regiment's worth of equipment. Is this how you fight the devils? Is this how you treat your so-called comrades-in-arms?

Soldiers should die in battle meaninglessly, as you said? Why don't you go to Nantianmen with a submachine gun to kill the devils? Why don't you charge to the death against a regiment of the devils? What right do you have to stand here and point fingers? Is it because you have a father who is a commander of the army? "

Since you don't know what's good for you and don't give face, don't blame me for trampling on your face.

Yu Xiaoqing was so angry when he heard this that he almost fainted: "You!"

When it comes to arguing with people, Lu Cheng has never been afraid of anyone.

The special commissioner of the military department on the side was a little happy to see the two quarreling.

Yu Xiaoqing's father wanted to turn his troops into the Yu Family Army and wanted to be a new warlord, which naturally caused dissatisfaction from above.

The military was eager for Lu Cheng and Yu Xiaoqing to fight, and it would be best if the Yu family lost face.

Seeing that their regiment commander was so angry, Yu Xiaoqing's guards raised their guns and stepped forward.

However, as soon as they raised their guns, more than a thousand soldiers on the riverside immediately raised their guns, and some even loaded their light and heavy machine guns directly and aimed at Yu Xiaoqing and his troops.

The special envoy quickly stood up: "Captain Lu, Captain Yu, you two are the pillars of the party and the country. You should work together to fight against Japan. How can you quarrel with yourselves? Isn't this a joke for the villagers?"

The people of Zenda on the side looked at Yu Xiaoqing and his troops with more contempt in their eyes.

Normally, although Yu Xiaoqing claimed to be strict in military discipline, he did not care about some trivial matters below. Those proud Yu family soldiers also showed off their power in front of the people. Although they did not bully the people, they did not respect the people much. They were all military masters and masters.

Although the people were somewhat dissatisfied, they did not dare to show it. Anyway, they were used to being bullied.

But now there is a comparison between the two sides. Who saved Zenda and who fought bloody battles on Nantianmen for two days and two nights? Who among the people does not know?

Yu Xiaoqing always likes to shout slogans and likes to put adversity first. He believes that since the war has been fought to this point, all Chinese soldiers should die and soldiers should be brave enough to sacrifice.

But he never thought about what was wrong with those soldiers at the bottom? Originally, they joined the army just for a way to survive, and originally they joined the army just for the military pay. However, the military pay of many soldiers is not enough to support themselves. They are not well fed and clothed, and they have to fight to the death with powerful enemies on the battlefield.

It can be said that most of the soldiers at the bottom of the society are worthy of their uniforms. On the contrary, the superiors encouraged the soldiers to die while withholding their military pay and taking advantage of the national crisis to make money.

Yu Xiaoqing must know who really deserves to die. If his father was dragged out and shot a hundred times, there would definitely not be one injustice.

But Yu Xiaoqing would not think about these. He would only think that he was the one who was untainted by the mud, that he was a real iron-blooded soldier, and that everything he did was to be ready to fight and prepare to recover the lost territory.

But Yu Xiaoqing did not expect that Lu Cheng, who was just a small major in front of him before,

, just after becoming the regiment commander, he tore his face off directly.

"Captain Yu, instead of questioning me here, you might as well ask yourself, is the river defense really arranged? When will you be able to recover the lost territory? Don't just talk and don't do anything, it will only feed the hot-blooded young people around you with drugs."

After saying that, Lu Cheng casually snatched the gun from the guard Yu Xiaoqing on the opposite side, unloaded the magazine, and used it as a stick to knock down all the weapons in the hands of the other guards who pointed their guns at them.

"I don't like people pointing guns at me. If there is a next time, I will kill you all."

After saying that, Lu Cheng casually threw the submachine gun in his hand back: "Such a good gun, in your hands, is just a fire stick that can only point at your compatriots!"

A warm welcome ceremony ended unhappily because of a few words from Yu Xiaoqing.

Finally, under the persuasion of the military special envoy, the troops of both sides retreated, and the people around them also went home.

Afterwards, the special commissioner had a complete set of colonel uniforms and supporting equipment, including a summer suit, a winter suit, two pairs of military boots, two military caps, two pairs of white gloves, two sets of collar badges, a Browning pistol, a military radio, etc.

Of course, there was also a new colonel regiment commander certificate.

At this time, the military uniforms of the National Army were based on the Zhongshan suit, drawing on the individual designs of the German military uniforms. The military caps were also round cloth caps with two buttons and a blue sky and white sun badge on them.

Lu Cheng temporarily said goodbye to the military commissioner, and Lu Cheng took Chen Xiaozui home directly.

After arriving home, Chen Xiaozui immediately busied himself with boiling water for Lu Cheng to take a bath.

On the way back, Lu Cheng couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the villagers, and he also ate a few buns, eggs, etc., plus the meat buns and an egg steamed by Chen Xiaozui, so he was not hungry at this time.

While Chen Xiaozui was boiling water, Lu Cheng had already taken off his military uniform, leaving only a pair of shorts, revealing his muscular body. The perfect muscle lines and the extremely strong masculine aura would make any woman unable to walk.

When rubbing Lu Cheng's back and body, Chen Xiaozui was completely drunk, and couldn't help but reach out to touch him.

The final result is self-evident. A short separation is better than a new marriage, and the relationship deepens. The old bed needs to be replaced with a new one.

After a good struggle, Lu Cheng also completely released the emotions accumulated from the recent battles. He felt transparent and completely relaxed.

When Lu Cheng put on his clothes and walked out of the house, Chen Xiaozui came out with the help of the wall, his eyes full of spring water, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"Okay, go back and rest first. I'll come back in the evening after I finish my work."

"Okay~ I'll wait for you."

Just when Lu Cheng and his young wife were deeply communicating about their feelings, the special envoy from the military department also called the military department in Chongqing directly and reported to his superiors everything that happened after meeting Lu Cheng, including the whole process of Lu Cheng and Yu Xiaoqing's dispute.

In fact, if Lu Cheng and Yu Xiaoqing were very close and wanted to get close to the Yu Family Army, the superiors would definitely be unhappy. Even if there was a special mention of praise from the Allied Command, the superiors would have people control Lu Cheng.

But now that Lu Cheng had a falling out with the Yu Family Army, he had cut off his relationship with the Yu Family Army and was directly under the military department, so he could be trained with emphasis.

"Didn't Lu Cheng bring back a lot of light and heavy machine guns and mortars from Burma? How can we guard the river without infantry artillery? Send him a few 75mm mountain guns. Also, ask the Yu family's regiment to withdraw from Zenda and hand over the defense of Zenda to Lu Cheng and his regiment. Oh, and where is Dai Li? Ask him to send a few intelligence agents to Lu Cheng's regiment."

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