When Lu Cheng returned to Zenda with more than a hundred people, Long Wenjian, Meng Fanle, Hao Weishi and others who had received the news in advance had already lined up at the entrance of the regiment to welcome him.

"Welcome our regimental commander to triumph."

"Welcome, welcome."

Lu Cheng jumped off the jeep, walked forward, and smiled slightly: "Seeing that the brothers are in good spirits, I feel relieved. Long Wenjian, Deputy Regiment Commander Long, congratulations, you are going to be promoted."

Long Wenjian was shocked when he heard this: "What the hell? Regiment Commander, I haven't caused any trouble in the past two or three months, so I dare not covet your throne."

Bula, who was standing by, saw Long Wenjian's performance and laughed immediately: "Hahaha, haha, Deputy Regiment Commander Long thought that the brigade commander was joking with him and scaring him."

Snake Butt walked up to Long Wenjian, imitated Lu Cheng, and patted Long Wenjian on the shoulder: "Congratulations, Regiment Commander Long, you have been promoted, from deputy regiment commander to regiment commander. As for our regiment commander, he is now the brigade commander."

Long Wenjian finally understood and said with a grin: "Congratulations, Brigade Commander. Look, you didn't even give me a heads up, I was scared."

"Okay, okay, stop doing these empty words."

Lu Cheng picked up a Thompson submachine gun from a car nearby and threw it to Long Wenjian: "Your Third Battalion is now the Third Regiment of my Brigade. Subsequent reinforcements will arrive soon. Long Wenjian, Meng Fan, come with me to the regiment headquarters. I want to know the current situation of the entire regiment."

"Yes, Brigade Commander. Brigade Commander, you just got home, do you want to go back and rest first?"

"What do you want to rest for? Hurry up, I want to know everything that happened in the past three months."

Lu Cheng has always been vigorous and resolute in doing things. As soon as he rushed back to the regiment headquarters, he immediately convened the battalion commanders and deputy battalion commanders of each battalion and held a small meeting.

Lu Cheng left for three months, and the 118th Regiment has been developing.

Since the superiors attached great importance to the river defense near Zenda, and Lu Cheng was also a key person to be trained in the military, the Sixth Army Headquarters did a good job in logistics supply, at least the soldiers of the 118th Regiment were not allowed to train on an empty stomach.

Of course, it was just not hungry. It was unlikely to eat enough or eat well. After all, the general environment was like this and it was difficult everywhere.

Lu Cheng first learned about the development of the entire regiment in the past three months, and then learned about some recent affairs and what wars had occurred nearby.

"At present, the combat personnel of our regiment have exceeded 3,100 people, with 885 people in the first battalion, 912 people in the second battalion, 1,045 people in the third battalion, 136 people in the artillery company, and the sharp knife company... the guard platoon..."

After listening to the report, Lu Cheng just looked up at the battalion commander Meng Fanle and didn't say much.

"In addition, last month, the Japanese launched a surprise attack from the downstream Yu Xiaoqing regiment's station. Yu Shenqing, the battalion commander of Yu Xiaoqing's regiment, neglected to take precautions and was afraid before the battle, and the Japanese almost broke through the river defense. In the end, it was Yu Xiaoqing who personally led his men to the scene and beat back the Japanese who came ashore by relying on the natural barrier of the Nujiang River. Fortunately, the Nujiang River was turbulent at the time, and the Japanese had trouble crossing the river.

Afterwards, Yu Xiaoqing personally guarded the river defense and shot his own brother to death on the spot...

At that time, a small number of Japanese fled They fled to the garrison of the first battalion of our regiment and were completely wiped out by our regiment. However, I heard that several Japanese soldiers from Yu Xiaoqing's regiment slipped into the woods, and later killed and injured several soldiers of Yu Xiaoqing's regiment, and shot several people in the downstream village.

After that, I asked the people of Zenda to form a joint defense team and issued them several guns to let them add defense. At present, Zenda has not been harassed by the Japanese..."

After listening to it, Lu Cheng thought for a while and guessed that Yu Xiaoqing's regiment was probably mixed with spies.

In the original play, the troops of Yu Xiaoqing's regiment began to flee before the Japanese arrived, and some people shouted loudly that Yu Xiaoqing had been killed by artillery fire.

Although Yu Xiaoqing himself did not have much practical ability, he was still rigorous in managing the army. Even if his soldiers were not very good, they would not all flee before the battle started.

Obviously, someone should have deliberately created chaos at that time, which led to this result.

At the beginning, when Lu Cheng led his men to retreat to the west bank of the Nujiang River, he encountered Japanese spies mixed in the crowd.

Later, it is very likely that some Japanese spies who are proficient in Chinese will mix in the east bank of the Nujiang River.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng also prepared to wait a while to inspect all the troops under his command

, check if there are any Japanese spies.

With the enemy identification system of the thermal induction radar, as long as there are spies within 2km of itself, they will be locked and marked by the system immediately.

After understanding the situation, Lu Cheng discussed the expansion with Long Wenjian and others, and finalized the organization of the new 42nd Brigade and the military chiefs of each regiment and battalion.

The new 42nd Brigade will be composed of three infantry regiments plus brigade-affiliated troops.

The brigade-affiliated troops include an artillery battalion, a spearhead company, a guard company, a baggage company, an engineer company, a communications platoon, a special operations team, a field hospital, plus the logistics department and the brigade headquarters.

In terms of troop configuration, Lu Cheng plans to refer to the US military's organization to strengthen the integrity of the entire team.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Cheng's brigade is completely expanded according to the configuration of a division.

Among the local armies of China, only the combat units at the division level have an artillery battalion, and there are only 12 75-inch mountain guns.

Lu Cheng has 12 75-inch mountain guns from the Japanese, 4 Huke 75-inch mountain guns given by his superiors, and two British 3.7-inch mountain guns, which is definitely more luxurious than the artillery battalion of a division.

Even the three infantry regiments below will each have a machine gun company, consisting of 81mm mortars, 60mm mortars, and heavy machine guns.

However, Lu Cheng's weapons and equipment are still a bit mixed, including those of the Japanese, the British, the American, and China.

The first regiment is mainly equipped with British equipment, the second and third regiments are mainly equipped with Japanese and Chinese equipment, and the division's direct troops are mainly equipped with American equipment.

After arranging everything, Lu Cheng just walked out of the meeting room and was about to go to the riverside to inspect the river defense when he saw two female agents coming up to him: "Brigade Commander."

Lu Cheng just glanced and saw that the two female agents seemed to have put on makeup today, dressed up gorgeously, and their eyes were full of resentment, as if they were young wives abandoned by their husbands.

Lu Cheng just nodded, then jumped on the jeep and went to the riverside.

Perhaps because he was scared by Lu Cheng before, Takeuchi Lianshan on the Nantianmen on the other side of the Nujiang River has not dared to send people to attack recently, but occasionally fired a few shots at the positions here.

In addition, Takeuchi Lianshan has been building fortifications on Nantianmen. It took several months to hollow out the entire Nantianmen mountain.

Long Wenjian would also pull out two Japanese mountain cannons from time to time, and fire a few shots at the opposite Nantianmen from time to time, in exchange for more shells from the other side in retaliation, thereby more or less consuming the other side's ammunition reserves.

Lu Cheng first went to the defensive positions by the river for a round of inspection. He did not find any hostile spies in the positions of the three battalions.

Then he went to the training grounds of the three battalions. When passing by the training ground of the second battalion, the system's thermal radar suddenly issued a warning and marked two soldiers who were undergoing queue training.

When Lu Cheng cast his eyes on the two suspicious people, the two also noticed Lu Cheng, and their eyes were a little evasive.

The platoon leader who was leading the training saluted Lu Cheng: "Report to the regiment commander, the third platoon of the first company of the second battalion is organizing new recruits for queue training."

Lu Cheng nodded, then pointed to the two suspicious people in the queue: "Catch these two."

The two men panicked immediately after hearing this. One of them saw that the situation was not good, so he stood up and ran towards the place where the guns were placed on the side, but he heard a gunshot, and the guy's leg was immediately hit by a bullet and fell to the ground.

Another guy looked around in panic, shouting: "I don't want to be a soldier anymore, I want to go home."

The new recruits at the scene were a little panicked. Lu Cheng raised his pistol and fired a shot into the air: "Don't be afraid, these two are spies of the devil. The others continue training, take these two guys back for interrogation."


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