After that, Lu Cheng found four spies mixed in with the recruits in the training grounds of the second and third battalions.

Among the four spies, only one was a Japanese who was proficient in Chinese, and the other three were traitors.

The Japanese spy was tough. After being caught, he tried every means to commit suicide. He was severely tortured by several veterans, but he still didn't say much useful things. He was finally pulled out and tied to a pillar to be used for the recruits to shoot and practice their courage.

As for the three traitors, they soon couldn't stand the torture and confessed everything, but they didn't know much information.

According to the three traitors, the devils set up a special training class to train some traitors, who entered the East Coast through various means, mixed into the garrisons in various places on the East Coast, took the opportunity to obtain intelligence, or created chaos at critical moments.

The inexplicable defeat of Yu Xiaoqing's regiment before was really related to spies.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng, Long Wenjian and others formulated a series of preventive strategies to examine the new recruits to ensure that no spies would mix in again.

After a busy day of work, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

When Lu Cheng returned to the door and knocked on the door, Chen Xiaozui, who had been waiting for a day, immediately opened the door and rushed in.

"Brother Lu Cheng, I miss you so much."

"Silly girl, I miss you too. Let's go, let's go inside first. I've been busy all day since I came back, and I haven't had a good meal yet."

"Let's go, I'll go heat up some food for you. Ever since I knew you were back, I wanted to go to the barracks to find you, but I was afraid of delaying your work, so I've been waiting for you at home with the food ready."

"Silly girl, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

"I'm not hungry."

As soon as Chen Xiaozui finished speaking, her stomach growled, and she blushed with shame.

Lu Cheng closed the door, picked up his beloved girl, and walked around in the yard, then returned to the house and had a good meal.

After dinner, there were naturally some after-dinner entertainment activities that were popular and not suitable for children. The new bed that had just been built a few months ago made a creaking sound at night, scaring the passing cats to flee in panic...

The day after Lu Cheng came back, the entire 42nd Brigade began to get busy. New conscription notices, recruitment notices for the logistics department and the field hospital were posted in Zenda and the surrounding towns.

Those who had just returned from the Ramgarh training camp were also reassigned and became officers at all levels of the 42nd Brigade.

The newly established baggage company and engineering company were also selecting personnel to form a formation, and it was unknown what quality the soldiers sent from above would be.

Fortunately, after several months of training, all the structures of the entire 118th Regiment had been built long ago, and it was not difficult to expand it into a brigade.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also selected a group of capable members from each regiment and prepared to send them to the Ramgarh training camp for training.

A few nights later, Lu Cheng and Chen Xiaozui finished their usual after-dinner entertainment. Chen Xiaozui collapsed in Lu Cheng's arms, and said happily, "Brother Lu Cheng, I want...I want to help you."

"Oh? What do you want to help me with?"

"Isn't your army short of nurses and logistics personnel? What do you think I can do? I'm very strong now, and I can shoot very accurately. Even if I can't be a nurse, I can still fetch water, chop wood, and cook."

"Little fool, I can't bear to see you so tired. You, just help me wash the clothes at home Just serve and cook. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. "

"But... I just want to help you. You are so busy every day, sometimes you stay in the barracks for two or three days, I can't see you, and there is nothing to do at home. Why don't you find me something to do..."

Speaking, Chen Xiaozui's hands were still not honest...

"Hiss... Just talk, keep your hands honest. Be careful that you will be the one begging for mercy later."

"That's not necessarily true..."

Speaking, Chen Xiaozui lowered his head...

The sky cleared, the rain stopped, and someone felt that he was fine again.

But in the end, the wind was strong and the rain was heavy, and the waves washed away the sand. Chen Xiaozui, who wanted to turn over, finally failed to make any waves...

Of course, Lu Cheng also found a job for Chen Xiaozui in the logistics department, which was neither light nor heavy, so that she would have something to do, so that she would not be idle at home all day and think about things.

Today, Chen Xiaozui has a physical fitness of more than 14 points, and while his physical fitness has improved, the coordination of his hands and feet has also greatly improved. He can indeed do

A lot of work.

Moreover, Lu Cheng specially arranged a knowledgeable female supervisor of the logistics department to teach Chen Xiaozui culture.

Chen Xiaozui followed his brother to serve in the army and learned some culture, but his cultural level was not high, limited to knowing some common characters.

A few days later, the soldiers assigned by the superiors to the 42nd Brigade arrived one after another. Some of these soldiers were defeated soldiers who were scattered on the battlefield in the Central Plains, just like Meng Fanle, Bula, Yaoma and others before.

There were also many new soldiers recruited from various places, and some were even captured. There were even many half-grown children of thirteen or fourteen, fifteen or sixteen.

The war has lasted for more than 10 years. Too many people have died on the land of China. The proportion of young and middle-aged people has been greatly reduced, and some half-grown children have also been pulled out to serve in the army.

Seeing this situation, Lu Cheng did not send away those young people who were captured as soldiers, or half-grown children who were not yet adults.

Now there are wars everywhere, enemies everywhere, and conscription everywhere. Even if Lu Cheng kindly sends those able-bodied men back to their hometowns, they may still be conscripted again.

As for those children, they are at least much better off here than elsewhere.

At least, Lu Cheng will do his best to keep them alive and help them win battles, rather than sending them to the battlefield at an ignorant age without training.

In the next half month, the superiors sent another two or three thousand soldiers one after another, and Lu Cheng's entire brigade has expanded to more than 6,500 people.

The superiors also allocated a batch of weapons and equipment to Lu Cheng, mainly Zhongzheng rifles, Czech light machine guns, and Min 24 Maxim heavy machine guns.

As for artillery, the superiors only gave some grenade launchers and 60mm mortars.

When they were in a regiment, Lu Cheng's equipment was still very good. Now that they have expanded to a brigade, the average equipment level is actually a bit worse.

Especially the Zhongzheng rifles given above, the craftsmanship level is obviously not as good as the early Zhongzheng rifles, the range and accuracy of the guns have been significantly reduced, and the effective range is about 200 to 300 meters.

In fact, this is also not long after the opening of the Hump Route, China's various materials are still in short supply, and even the quality of steel for producing guns cannot be guaranteed.

Seeing this situation, Lu Cheng prepared to lead his troops to the other side again and bring back a batch of weapons and equipment.

Takeuchi Renshan on the opposite side must have been a little comfortable recently, so let this old guy have more nightmares.

Considering the current situation, Lu Cheng is going to take more people across the river this time.

Of course, before crossing the river, Lu Cheng asked the special operations team to expand again, selecting personnel from the entire brigade and expanding the special operations team into a special operations platoon.

As for the platoon leader of the special operations platoon, Lu Cheng also has a suitable candidate, who is also a Henan University student who has just completed training in the Ramgarh training camp and is also Lu Cheng's fellow villager, named Xia Chen.

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