The east bank of the river had been firing all night, and the devils on the South Gate of Heaven had also been nervous all night.

When it was almost dawn, the troops crossing the river upstream and downstream began to stop crossing the river, and the troops that had successfully crossed the river also quickly entered the mountains and forests and began to hide, as if nothing had happened last night.

After a night of tension, Takeuchi Renzan finally went to rest.

As the dinner bell on the South Gate of Heaven rang, all the devils breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, in the past six months, the east bank would fire from time to time, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night. Last night, the number of firings was just a little more frequent, and it was nothing serious.

Until the evening, some Japanese soldiers suddenly began to have fever, cough, and vomiting. The Japanese medical soldiers hurriedly began to treat them, using all means to finally calm those soldiers down. However, this was just the beginning.

When night fell again, the soldiers upstream and downstream of Zenda continued to cross the river.

It was not easy to cross the river at night. Even if the ropes were set up in advance, the soldiers had to be careful to prevent falling into the river.

Lu Cheng did not let the soldiers rush to cross the river. It didn't matter if the speed was slow. Safety was the priority.

After two nights of hard work, three battalions of troops had successfully crossed the Nujiang River. The special operations platoon, the sharp knife company, and the guard company had all crossed the Nujiang River.

After crossing the river, these troops quickly formed a siege on Nantianmen from the northwest and south, monitoring all the passages of the Japanese army in Nantianmen to the outside world.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen also began to have more fever and vomiting, which soon attracted the attention of Takeuchi Lianshan.

It was the end of summer, and the weather on the southern border was still very hot. In addition, the environment on Nantianmen was closed, and the air inside was not good. Occasionally, there would be collective fever and vomiting, but the number of people who appeared this time and the rapid development were somewhat unexpected.

Moreover, the medical soldiers on Nantianmen soon lost control of the situation, and the medicines did not have much effect on those soldiers.

By the evening of the third day, more than a hundred Japanese soldiers were lying in the ward, wailing.

Realizing that something was wrong, Takeuchi Renshan immediately asked his superiors for medical support, and at the same time began to rush to carry out epidemic prevention and treatment, isolating the sick soldiers, and the rest of the soldiers were also divided into groups, and many soldiers wore gas masks.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, a squadron of Japanese soldiers came from the southwest in trucks and armored vehicles, escorting a medical team, carrying a large amount of medicines, and rushed to Nantianmen.

However, when this team of Japanese soldiers was less than ten kilometers away from Nantianmen, they were ambushed by a battalion led by Long Wenjian.

Long Wenjian's Third Regiment was also the largest in the entire brigade. Each battalion had more than 600 people, which was three times the strength of the Japanese. They also occupied a favorable terrain. They planned without intention and quickly fought a beautiful ambush, annihilated the Japanese squadron, destroyed 2 armored vehicles, 2 trucks, seized 2 trucks, and a number of weapons, equipment and medicines.

When Takeuchi Lianshan on Nantianmen heard the sound of gunfire from afar, he knew that this batch of medical supplies might never arrive.

From the previous firepower density, Takeuchi Lianshan judged that at least a thousand enemies crossed the Nujiang River from the opposite bank and came to the west bank.

Afterwards, Takeuchi Lianshan immediately reported the situation and requested support from nearby friendly forces.

At this time, Yu Xiaoqing downstream learned that Lu Cheng had led his troops to cross the river to fight, and he was also anxious to cross the river, but he was obstructed by various obstacles and could only stay by the river on the east bank every day.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, a large group of Japanese from the west and south began to move towards the vicinity of Nantianmen.

Obviously, the Japanese also paid great attention to the situation near Nantianmen.

A standard infantry battalion of the Japanese is about 1,100 people, equivalent to a regiment of the Chinese army.

If this is a fully staffed infantry battalion, it may take a division or even an army to encircle and annihilate it on the battlefield in the Central Plains.

However, it was already 43 years ago, and the strength of the Japanese was no longer as good as before. The troops could not be supplemented by the country, and many infantry battalions were not fully staffed.

Just like in the "Sword of the Dragon King", the Yamazaki Battalion destroyed by Li Yunlong was only between 500 and 700 people. But even with these hundreds of people in the Yamazaki Battalion, the main regiment 772 Regiment fought for 8 hours and suffered heavy casualties, but failed to defeat it.

. It was Li Yunlong who used earthwork to advance to a range of 50 meters and destroyed the Yamazaki Battalion with 3,600 grenades.

This also shows how well-equipped and well-trained the Japanese were.

However, this time the Japanese encountered an army that was even better equipped and equally well-trained.

The Japanese battalion coming from the south was blocked by two battalions led by Long Wenjian, and Lu Cheng basically didn't have to worry about it.

The Japanese battalion coming from the west was blocked by a battalion led by Xia Shouzhong, plus the guard company and the spearhead company.

Soon, the battles on both sides started one after another, and the sound of gunfire resounded on the west bank of the Nujiang River.

After the Japanese coming from the south were stopped by Long Wenjian, Long Wenjian immediately called for artillery support because he was close to the Nujiang River.

The artillery battalion and the baggage company cooperated with each other, transferred some 75 mountain artillery to the downstream, and began to provide artillery support to Long Wenjian.

The Japanese from the west were too far away from the Nujiang River to be reached by the artillery fire on the east bank.

In order to reduce the casualties of his soldiers, Lu Cheng immediately asked the US liaison officer McLuhan to contact the Allied Command for aerial bombing.

When Stilwell heard that it was Lu Cheng who requested support, he immediately asked the Air Force to send two bombers and four attack planes to support.

At the same time, Lu Cheng also personally commanded the mortar positions and accurately hit the Japanese mortar positions.

When the US military planes arrived at the battlefield, they saw two equal forces fighting back and forth, and the Chinese army still had a considerable advantage.

Then, two bombers dropped bombs on the Japanese positions, and four attack planes also began to dive.

After bombing the Japanese from the west, the two bombers bombed the Japanese from the south, and finally dropped the remaining bombs on Nantianmen before returning.

The attack planes also dived several times on the two Japanese positions before leaving.

Many soldiers under Lu Cheng's command experienced this air-to-ground integrated combat mode for the first time, and the battle went quite smoothly.

In less than 3 hours, the battles on the two battlefields ended one after another. Except for a few Japanese who escaped, the two Japanese battalions were basically wiped out, leaving corpses and weapons all over the ground.

During this period, some planes flew southwest and engaged in an air battle with the Japanese planes, and did not give the Japanese planes a chance to come near Nantianmen.

It must be said that Stilwell was still very powerful.

Lu Cheng quickly reported the battle situation on the front line to the Allied Command and the 6th Army Headquarters.

When the superiors learned that Lu Cheng had eliminated 2 battalions and a squadron of Japanese in one day, they were also very excited and issued a telegram to commend Lu Cheng and his soldiers.

On the fifth day, the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen began to die from the disease, and more and more Japanese soldiers showed symptoms, more than 600 people, and it was completely out of control.

Takeuchi Renshan kept asking his superiors for support, but at this time, the Chinese army on the east bank of the Nujiang River began to bombard the Japanese soldiers on the west bank of the Nujiang River at the same time. In addition, the Japanese soldiers in Southeast Asia were too scattered, and they could not support the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen in a short time.

As a last resort, Takeuchi Renshan asked the headquarters to airdrop a batch of medicines for support.

However, at this moment, the Allied Flying Tigers also began to frequently dispatch, mobilizing all the Japanese planes.

At noon on the fifth day, some Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen tried to break through, but were quickly blocked back.

In the evening of the fifth day, the engineering company built a pontoon bridge near Lianhua Township, and more soldiers began to cross the river...

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