But as more and more people died of the disease, the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen began to fall into despair and fear, and wanted to escape all the time. However, at this time, half of Lu Cheng's troops had crossed the Nujiang River, and more than 3,000 troops surrounded the entire Nantianmen, and it was impossible for a Japanese soldier to escape from Nantianmen. Lu Cheng even ordered the grass and trees outside Nantianmen to be cleared to create an isolation zone. Once the epidemic began to spread, the speed of infection increased exponentially, and the death rate also increased greatly. Starting from the sixth day, more than half of the Japanese soldiers on Nantianmen showed symptoms of infection, and Japanese soldiers died every moment, and even the old Japanese soldier Takeuchi Renshan was not spared. At the same time, the Indian Expeditionary Force in northwest Myanmar also launched a three-way attack towards the Hukawng Valley.

The Chinese army in the upper and lower reaches of the Nujiang River also began to launch a partial counterattack, and the battle for a full counterattack against Myanmar began.

At this time, the battle for islands between the US military and the Japanese Navy in the South Pacific battlefield has never stopped. The situation in Southeast Asia has begun to reverse.

On the seventh day, the Japanese transport plane dropped a batch of medicines to the Japanese on Nantianmen through the air blockade of the Flying Tigers. The Japanese came out of the bunker and wanted to take the medicine away, but they were immediately attacked by precise artillery fire, and most of the medicines that had just been airdropped were lost.

Although the Japanese got some of the medicines, it was useless and could not control the spread of the epidemic at all.

On the eighth day, the number of Japanese who died on Nantianmen had exceeded 500, and the remaining Japanese were basically all infected. They could only shrink in the cave and survive, and many Japanese even committed suicide in secret.

At the same time, while Lu Cheng's troops had established a firm foothold on the west bank, the Sixth Army Headquarters immediately dispatched the Engineer Corps to cooperate with Lu Cheng's Engineer Company to start rebuilding the Xiutian Ferry and prepare for the large-scale crossing of the river.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was about to take Nantianmen, the division commanders and brigade commanders of the Sixth Army naturally wanted to come and share a piece of the pie.

Taking Nantianmen means destroying a regiment of Japanese devils and regaining the territory on the west bank, which is definitely a great achievement.

In terms of fighting, those division commanders and brigade commanders may have different levels. In terms of grabbing credit, each one is more active than the other.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not think of monopolizing this credit alone. It would be fine to share some with others, as long as the main credit is still his.

On the 9th day, the Japanese devils on Nantianmen launched a desperate charge, trying to rush out of Nantianmen.

However, those sick Japanese devils had little combat power left and were soon completely wiped out.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng ordered the soldiers wearing protective clothing to pour gasoline on the bodies of the devils at night and set them on fire.

In order to prevent the spread of the disease, Lu Cheng prepared sufficient medicines and took adequate protective measures. He also issued strict orders to the soldiers that they must wear gas masks when approaching Nantianmen.

Once a fever or cough is found, Lu Cheng will personally check.

This special weapon is a double-edged sword. It is easy to hurt yourself when hurting others.

Starting from the tenth day, Nantianmen became quieter and quieter. Even the previous dinner bell was gone. There were only a few gunshots or the sound of grenade explosions.

At this time, everyone knew that the devils on Nantianmen were almost finished.

Takeuchi Renzan spent so much time to hollow out an entire mountain and built extremely complex fortifications in an attempt to bury tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers here.

However, just a sudden epidemic turned the entire Nantianmen into a tomb.

On the twelfth day, the commander of the 6th Army and several division commanders and deputy division commanders came to the front line and came to Lu Cheng's temporary command post to inquire about the situation on Nantianmen.

When they learned that a terrible plague was breaking out on Nantianmen, everyone's face tightened, and they even regretted crossing the river in such a hurry.

"Brigade Commander Lu, are you sure that the plague on Nantianmen will not spread and affect the people around?"

"Please rest assured, General, I have planned the isolation zone in advance and surrounded the entire Nantianmen. Even a mouse can't escape from Nantianmen."

Hearing this, everyone present understood in their hearts that this plague was probably not a natural disaster.

Everyone looked at Lu Cheng with a different look, but no one said it out.

Of course, even if someone said it, Lu Cheng would never admit it, and would only insist that it was

The Japanese devils' many evil deeds brought them punishment from heaven.

On the thirteenth day, Lu Cheng again applied to the Allied Command, asking them to send a group of bombers to drop gasoline bombs on Nantianmen and burn it.

After discussion, the Allied Command also agreed to Lu Cheng's request.

Soon, a raging fire broke out on the entire Nantianmen, and the remaining Japanese devils hid inside the mountain and never dared to come out again.

At the same time, the troops that had crossed the river began to gradually recover nearby towns and villages, establish defense lines, and receive more troops across the river.

After the fifteenth day, the entire Nantianmen was completely silent.

Then, a group of soldiers wearing protective clothing and carrying flamethrowers began to attack Nantianmen under the cover of the rest of the infantry.

There was only sporadic resistance on the first and second lines of defense. It was not until the troops advanced to the third line of defense that the Japanese devils poked their heads out of the mountain and wanted to organize resistance.

Unexpectedly, the attacking army immediately retreated to the first and second lines of defense, and the artillery fire from the bottom of the mountain immediately covered them, blowing up all the exits of the devils.

Lu Cheng even relied on the thermal sensing radar to personally command the mortars, specifically bombing the devil machine gunners hiding in the soil, and soon buried the devils hiding in the soil completely.

Then, the soldiers wearing protective clothing advanced step by step, constantly approaching the top of the mountain and entering the interior of the mountain.

Then, the soldiers saw the horrible scene inside the mountain. Countless devils died in the passages, many of them had already rotted, and there were only a few alive, and they were unable to resist.

The other divisions originally wanted to attack Nantianmen together and share some of the credit.

But they did not have so much protective equipment, and even the number of gas masks was very limited. They could only watch the well-prepared 42nd Brigade calmly occupy Nantianmen and plant the flag on the top of Nantianmen.

When the soldiers found Takeuchi Renzan, the old devil had died of illness.

On the 16th day, the 42nd Brigade announced the occupation of Nantianmen, and all the more than 3,000 devils on the mountain were wiped out.

The Nantianmen victory was also the first major victory of the Yunnan-Western Expeditionary Force to recover lost territory, and its symbolic significance is self-evident.

The news of the victory quickly spread back to the mountain city, and the military immediately commended Lu Cheng's 42nd Brigade and the Sixth Army. Many soldiers under Lu Cheng received a collective promotion, and even Lu Cheng himself finally took a step forward. The three red bars and three stars on the collar badge also turned into a gold star with a gold base.

A general under the age of 25 is unimaginable no matter which country he is in...

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