Before the Spring Festival in 1944, Lu Cheng met a contact person from northern Shaanxi outside Heshun Town. He was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looked like a businessman. Lu Cheng and the other party chatted for more than two hours by a small river. No one knew what they talked about. Anyway, the contact person was a little happy and a little disappointed when he left. The days that followed seemed to have nothing happened. Not long ago, the front-line commander of the Yunnan-Western Expeditionary Force resigned due to illness and was replaced by a new commander. Some previous strategic deployments needed to be readjusted, which further slowed down the march plan. Many troops stayed on both sides of the Nujiang River and could not further recover the lost territory. On the contrary, the Indian Expeditionary Force in northwest Myanmar has advanced to the vicinity of the Mogong River Valley. After the Spring Festival, taking advantage of the time to reorganize the troops, Lu Cheng returned to the east bank of the Nujiang River and flew to India to meet Catherine.

Catherine was naturally overjoyed to see Lu Cheng coming, and then there was no lack of a lingering and heartfelt talk.

When Catherine woke up from her deep sleep, it was already the next morning.

Catherine just got up and saw that Lu Cheng had already gotten up and personally made a Chinese breakfast for her.

"My dear, I didn't expect you to make breakfast."

"In order to keep my lazy cat from going hungry, I must learn to cook. Come and try our Chinese porridge, side dishes, and buns."

"Then I must try it carefully. Hmm~ It tastes really good. It seems that I will have a good time in the future."

"Then you may be disappointed. I don't make breakfast often."

"Then can't I make more for your lazy cat?"

"It depends on whether the lazy cat is well behaved."

"I will definitely be very good, meow~"

After chatting and laughing, the maid naturally went to clean up the dishes.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng took Catherine to the study and took out a map of Southeast Asia and placed it on the table.

Seeing this, Catherine couldn't help but be curious: "Dear, what are you doing with a map? I don't know much about the war, so I can't give you too much advice."

"Of course I know. I'm not going to talk about the war, but about our future. Catherine, you should have been in Southeast Asia for quite a while, and you must have some understanding of the situation here. Here, here, there are many of my compatriots, overseas Chinese.

Right now, the expeditionary force composed of China and the US-UK Allied Forces is recovering Burma and will soon drive the enemy out of the entire Southeast Asia. So, what do you think of the post-war situation? What will happen to the situation? "

"What else can we do? Of course it's good. We drove away the invaders for the people here, shouldn't they be very happy?"

Lu Cheng laughed: "Catherine, let me say something unpleasant. Isn't your British Empire an invasion of Southeast Asian countries? Even if the Japanese army was driven away, some civilian armed forces here also have a certain number of weapons. In the future, there will be a long period of war in this land, and then they will seek independence..."

Catherine heard this and became serious, listening carefully to Lu Cheng's analysis of the situation.

After all, Catherine is also a daughter of a famous family. She has received higher education and has been influenced by her family. She has a certain understanding of politics and military affairs, but she doesn't think about many things in detail.

"Hearing what you said, it does make sense. Honey, do you want to do something big?"

"Catherine, I don't have any ambitions, I just want to earn a fortune for our children in the future. You must know my superiors, those bureaucrats. We Chinese have a saying that the bow is hidden after the bird is dead, and the dog is cooked after the rabbit is dead, which means...

So, I must take my destiny into my own hands. Honey, can you understand me?"

"Of course, my man is ambitious and capable, and I must support him. But, is it too dangerous? In fact, even if it is not as good as doing these, with your ability, you can build a business empire and accumulate enough wealth."

"Honey, if you don't have a gun and power in your hand, it may not be a good thing to have a certain amount of wealth."

"I understand, what do you want me to do?"

"Honey, don't be nervous, these are just some of my ideas. However, if it is really possible to implement it in the future, I also hope to get some support from the Campbell family. This is also a mutually beneficial and win-win thing. What do you think?"

"My father

My dear, my dear, may be willing to support you. "

"After a while, you can go back and talk to your father. When I have time, I will go to Scotland to see your father."

Before the arrival of the Japanese, most of Southeast Asia was a British colony. After the Japanese were driven away, Britain resumed its colonial rule.

In the following decades, countries in Southeast Asia became independent one after another.

Now, although Lu Cheng has a division of troops, these soldiers are all gathered from all over China. Even if they are very loyal to Lu Cheng, they will not all follow Lu Cheng, abandon their hometown and relatives, and go overseas.

The ones who can really follow Lu Cheng all the time are probably those who have no relatives and no worries. For example, Xia Chen and Abao.

For those who have relatives like Meng Fanle and Veterinarian Hao, they are always thinking about returning to their hometown to farm and live a peaceful life after the war is over, and Lu Cheng will not force them.

In this way, if you want to gain a foothold in Southeast Asia, you still need to cultivate a force of your own and gain the support of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.

If you add the support of the Campbell family, it will affect the decision of the British mainland to a certain extent, which will be more beneficial for the future.

"Dear, these things still need to be kept secret for the time being."

"Well, I know the importance. ”

It is not the ancient times now. It is not so easy to enclose land and become king. You need to have your own strength, gain the support of the people, and gain some international recognition, and you also need to be able to hold off the neighbors.

Although Lu Cheng's personal combat power is very strong, he is not invincible. There are still many factors to consider.

After spending a few days with Catherine, Lu Cheng flew to the front line in northern Burma, rushed to the Allied Command, and met Stilwell again.

When he met Stilwell again, Lu Cheng found that the old man had health problems.

After a brief recollection, Stilwell seemed to have died of stomach cancer in San Francisco more than two years later.

Lu Cheng immediately decided to take action himself to save the old man's life and ensure that he would get certain support from the United States in the future.

"Lu, congratulations, a 25-year-old major general and a 25-year-old general, I am afraid they are the youngest generals in the world. It's a pity that such an excellent general like you is not reused. ”

“Mr. Stilwell, the situation over there is more complicated, and the relationship is even more confusing. I believe you also know that, and I am very satisfied now. However, your body seems to have some problems. Have you been suffering from loss of appetite recently? ”

“Hey, you are right. Lu, are you really a doctor? I thought you were joking.”

“I am not joking. I am the descendant of a Chinese medicine family. Our Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years. What we are best at is to restore people to health through some simple conditioning before the disease occurs, and prevent the disease from developing in a serious direction. Perhaps, I can treat you.”

“Oh? Then I really want to thank you.”

“We are friends, aren’t we? There is no need to be so polite between friends.”

“Yes, yes, we are best friends. So, my friend, how should I treat it? Is it to take some Chinese herbal medicine that I can’t name? ”

“You are not in a good condition to take medicine yet. Just make some adjustments to your diet and eat some medicinal food.”

“Medicinal food? What a strange name. Maybe I can give it a try…”

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