After giving Stilwell a brief treatment, Lu Cheng left and returned to Heshun Town on the west bank of the Nujiang River to take charge of his work.

After this period of reorganization and expansion, the entire new 52nd Division has more than 8,000 troops and is fully equipped.

The newly formed Fourth Regiment also has more than 1,500 people, which is considered a complete regiment.

Moreover, many Nanyang overseas Chinese mechanics were also absorbed into Lu Cheng's army. Except for a small number of these Nanyang overseas Chinese who joined the main force, most of them stayed in the logistics department to work.

For these people, even if they do nothing, Lu Cheng is willing to support them.

After all, these people are all rich children from Nanyang, and they have a certain foundation and extensive connections in Nanyang. They are definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

At the same time, Lu Cheng's special operations platoon was also expanded into a special operations company. In the newly formed special operations company, there were several representatives sent by the southern guerrillas, and three or four people came from northern Shaanxi.

For these people, Lu Cheng asked Xia Chen to give them a certain degree of training, and also wrote a handwritten training material for the people from northern Shaanxi to take back, which was also a little thought from him.

After the beginning of spring, the soldiers under Lu Cheng's command were a little anxious. Long Wenjian came to him directly and said, "My division commander, when will the battle start? We are one of the most elite divisions, but we can only train our physical fitness here every day. It's so boring. How about you go up there and assign us a task? I've heard that the fighting in northern Myanmar is going on."

"Why are you in such a hurry? If the superiors don't give orders, we can only wait. Besides, isn't it better not to fight? It can also avoid some casualties."

"Division commander, you are not such a person."

"Okay, okay, go back and train your soldiers well. If you really want to fight, take a few people with Xia Chen and his men to fight guerrilla warfare."

After sending Long Wenjian away, Lu Cheng took out a detailed list of elite troops such as the special operations company, the sharp knife company, and the guard company, and calculated which people could always stay with him and could be sent to the south in advance according to their respective abilities to develop jungle guerrillas.

After the war, the Malay guerrillas continued to fight until the 1960s, and finally achieved independence.

Mastering a group of armed forces in advance and stockpiling some weapons and equipment will also be beneficial in the future.

While the Yunnan-Western Expeditionary Force was progressing slowly, the battle in northern Myanmar was in full swing.

On March 8, 1944, the 15th Army of the Japanese began to approach Imphal, attempting to destroy the British logistics supply base in Imphal. The Japanese army gained a certain advantage at the beginning, and the British army fought and retreated while asking for help from the Yunnan-Western Expeditionary Force.

At this time, Lu Cheng took the initiative to ask his superiors to fight, willing to lead an elite force to cross the jungle to Imphal for support.

At this time, the location of Lu Cheng's troops was still a long way from Imphal in the north, and they had to pass through the Japanese-occupied area in the middle.

The superiors wanted to refuse Lu Cheng's request, but when they heard that Lu Cheng would leave the large troops behind, they agreed.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng called Long Wenjian and selected a team of elite troops from each of the main regiments, plus the special operations company and the sharp knife company, to form a similar elite, lightly equipped, company-based, under the leadership of the northern Burmese guerrillas, through the Japanese-occupied area and approached Imphal.

As a later generation, Lu Cheng knew the direction of the Imphal Campaign very well. Although the Japanese now have a certain advantage, this time because the Japanese 15th Army marched straight in, the supply line was too long, and Imphal was not taken in a short time and replenished, it would soon be in trouble.

Moreover, with the arrival of the rainy season, the Japanese who were cut off from supplies would also face the troubles of malaria, dysentery, cholera, influenza and other diseases, and would pay a heavy price.

Long before departure, Lu Cheng planned the departure time and marching speed, as well as the amount of supplies to carry.

For this march, Lu Cheng carried enough medicines and ammunition.

On the other hand, the Japanese near the Imphal Plateau launched the most frenzied attack on Imphal when their supplies were about to be cut off, but they were all stubbornly blocked by the British army.

The Japanese army faced high-intensity and brutal battles while repeatedly reducing rations. The morale and combat effectiveness of the soldiers were rapidly declining.

With the arrival of the rainy season, the roads became more and more muddy. The commander of the Japanese, Lieutenant General Mutaguchi Renya, ordered to bypass the Imphal Plateau and attack Imphal from the north.

Imphal base.

Starting from June, the Japanese had to endure hunger and, relying on the spirit of Bushido, launched a tenacious attack on rainy days.

After months of hard fighting, until June 22, the Japanese finally broke through the British blockade and returned to the edge of the Imphal base.

However, at this time, the Japanese were already at the end of their strength and had no power to attack the Imphal base.

With the arrival of the rainy season, more than 85,000 soldiers of the Japanese 15th Corps, in addition to some who died in battle, more than 30,000 were infected with diseases such as malaria and dysentery. Due to the lack of food and medicine, those soldiers infected with the disease could only wait to die.

At this time, tens of thousands of Japanese were already skinny and had basically lost all their combat effectiveness.

At this point in the battle, Lieutenant General Mutaguchi Renya had to order a retreat.

However, this retreat soon turned into a major rout under the pursuit of the British army and in a harsh environment.

The skinny Japanese soldiers fled all the way, leaving all their weapons and equipment on the road.

At this time, Lu Cheng's more than 1,000 elite soldiers were already ambushing and waiting on the road that the Japanese soldiers had to take to retreat.

Soon, when the defeated vanguard of the Japanese soldiers passed the ambush point, Lu Cheng did not rush to attack, but asked the soldiers to continue waiting.

The soldiers hiding in the jungle were all dumbfounded. When did the Japanese soldiers fall to this point? They were even more embarrassed than the expeditionary army in the Savage Mountain.

"My goodness, we are not here to fight, but to pick up bargains, right? I am really looking forward to it."

"Commander, are you so smart that you have already guessed it?"

"Don't make a sound, let the vanguard go first, we want to do something big, it would be best if we can catch or kill the Japanese lieutenant general directly."

"There is still a Japanese lieutenant general? Then we must leave him here!"

This Lieutenant General Mutaguchi Lianye was still a colonel at the time of the July 7 Incident, and was also the commander of the first regiment of the Japanese infantry brigade. In addition, the Japanese brigade commander was not there at the time, and this Colonel Mutaguchi Lianye was still the highest commander at the time, and it was he who ordered to open fire on the Chinese army.

It can be said that this guy is also the culprit of the conflict in the July 7 Incident. Now that Lu Cheng is here, he will naturally not let that guy leave smoothly...

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