The next morning, Lu Cheng woke up early as usual, washed up, and went out to exercise. The nightlife of last night did not affect Lu Cheng's work and rest. Lu Cheng was doing boxing in the park when he saw a beautiful figure trotting to the ancient city park. She soon came to Lu Cheng and waited for Lu Cheng to do two sets of boxing before coming up: "Mr. Lu, I didn't expect you to be able to box. You looked very powerful just now. Every move was full of vigor. Does Mr. Lu know martial arts?" Obviously, the person who came was none other than Zhu Suosuo. "I know a little bit, just some tricks to keep fit. You came early today."

"I want to exercise with Mr. Lu, so I can ask Mr. Lu for some tips on morning exercise and running."

"Then you can follow me."

Of course, Lu Cheng knew who Zhu Suosuo was, and he knew that her purpose in approaching him was not simple.

But Lu Cheng was just looking for an opportunity to win Jiang Nansun, and Zhu Suosuo was a breakthrough.

"Keep the rhythm, adjust your breathing, take moderate steps, don't take too big steps, and pay attention to the swing of your arms..."

In terms of appearance alone, Zhu Suosuo is not outstanding. Among her facial features, only the slightly upturned peach blossom eyes are more charming. Her figure is not plump, but she is 1.7 meters tall and has a pair of long legs, which is not bad.

If her figure could be plumper, it might be better.

Zhu Suosuo also listened very carefully and made appropriate adjustments, but she was still a little uncomfortable for a while, which disrupted her pace and made her breathing a little rapid.

"Don't worry, take it step by step."

"Thank you."

After running two laps, seeing that Lu Cheng was about to leave, Zhu Suosuo hurriedly followed: "Mr. Lu, thank you for teaching me so much just now. You haven't had breakfast yet, right? How about I treat you to breakfast?"

"It's just a few casual words, it's nothing."

"That won't work. I don't like to owe favors the most. What does Mr. Lu like to eat?"

"Well, get in the car, let's go to Fuchun Xiaolongbao today."

"No problem, that store is quite famous in Shanghai, I've been there, it's delicious. It's just that the price is a bit expensive, so I can't go there often."

As they said that, the two had already got in the car.

Sitting in a Ferrari supercar worth more than 3 million, Zhu Suosuo felt like she was in a dream. It turned out that this was the enjoyment of the rich, this was the luxury of the upper class. If she could always sit in such a car, she would wake up laughing in her dreams, right?

After being excited for a while, Zhu Suosuo calmed down and then made small talk: "Mr. Lu, I was curious before, so I searched your information on the Internet and found out that you are the president of Lu Group. Your Hanfang Chinese Herbal Medicine skin care products are very good, and I have been using them. By the way, there is also a new product you just launched last month, the effect is very good, I have only used it for a week, and I feel that my skin is much better than before."

In fact, Zhu Suosuo did not use Hanfang Chinese Herbal Medicine skin care products before, but only went to the counter to buy them after knowing Lu Cheng's identity, and couldn't wait to use them after buying them. It has only been used for a day or two, so the effect is naturally not as exaggerated as she said.

"It seems that you are still a customer of our company. After you use it for a while, you can give me some feedback. Then, I will give you a set of Taoyan suit."

"Really? No, no, it's too expensive."

A set of Taoyan suit from Hanfang Zhongcaotang is priced at 3666 in this counter. There is no discount or bargaining, and it is limited to purchase.

Zhu Suosuo doesn't have much money in her pocket at the moment. She only spent 800 yuan to buy two items before.

All the way to the famous Fuchun Xiaolong in Shanghai, Zhu Suosuo said generously: "Order whatever you want, I'll pay."

"No, I'll pay."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he directly ordered a bowl of three-fresh wontons and 3 different flavors of Xiaolong.

Judging from breakfast alone, the consumption here is not low. A bowl of three-fresh wontons costs 15 yuan, a black truffle fish Xiaolong costs 68 yuan, a crab meat Xiaolong costs 38 yuan, and a shrimp Xiaolong costs 30 yuan.

"I just want a fresh meat soup dumpling and a small wonton, thank you. I'll pay for it."

"No need."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he scanned the code to pay and then found an empty seat to sit down.

The business here is very good, and it's breakfast time, so basically everyone is already

It was full.

The interior of the restaurant is decorated in dark green, which looks very old Shanghai. Locals also like to come here for breakfast.

Soon, the wontons and steamed buns ordered by the two were served on the table. Zhu Suosuo looked at the three steamed buns in front of Lu Cheng and sighed: "Mr. Lu, you have a good appetite."

"It's normal for martial artists to eat more. These are nothing."

Indeed, there are only 6 steamed buns in a steamed bun, and 18 steamed buns in three servings. Add a bowl of wontons, even ordinary people can eat it when their appetite is better.

"Mr. Lu, do you often come to this breakfast shop?"

"Not really, I eat wherever I want. Sometimes when I'm interested, I may drive dozens of miles to a place to have breakfast, and sometimes I may ask the chef to come to my house to cook."

Zhu Suosuo couldn't help but envy when she heard this. This is the life of rich people, highlighting a willful.

After a few words, Zhu Suosuo saw that Lu Cheng had finished two baskets of buns in a row. He ate very quickly and gracefully, not at all rude.

This was not because Zhu Suosuo had a filter for rich people in her eyes, but because Lu Cheng had indeed developed a kind of etiquette and habit.

After all, he had lived in ancient times for hundreds of years and was influenced and nurtured by Chinese etiquette. His words, deeds, manners and temperament had become something engraved in his bones.

When everything becomes a habit, it will appear very natural and will not seem to be deliberately pretentious.

In the eyes of some knowledgeable people, this is called nobility. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is called elegance.

With the halo of a rich person, he will appear even more different.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was about to finish his meal, Zhu Suosuo quickly said, "Mr. Lu, I was supposed to treat you to breakfast today, but you still paid for it. Please give me a chance to treat you back tomorrow, otherwise I will be embarrassed."

Originally, Zhu Suosuo planned to ask for a job by treating Lu Cheng to a meal, maybe she could get into a big company and have a very decent job.

But now that Lu Cheng paid for this meal, Zhu Suosuo was embarrassed to ask for it.

"It's just a breakfast, let's talk about it later."

"It's just a breakfast for you, but it's different for me. I hate to owe people favors and money the most."

Some slightly higher-class gold-diggers never reveal their desire for money when they meet rich people. Instead, they pretend to be positive and motivated and don't like to take advantage.

In front of the second-generation rich, gold-diggers often rush to pay the bill, rush to consume, and even pay for the hotel themselves.

When facing their licking dogs, they will exploit them mercilessly, and even use the money from the licking dogs to support the second-generation rich, try to leave a good impression on the second-generation rich, and want to take the opportunity to get promoted.

To put it bluntly, this is a strategy of letting the line play a long game.

In essence, it is also a double exploitation of the upper class on the lower class in terms of money and emotion.

In fact, many second-generation rich are not stupid. Even if they have money, they will not spend it casually, and they will not have any good feelings for those who come to their door. They are just playing around and playing life.

Lu Cheng laughed: "Okay, let's talk about it next time we meet. Where do you work? Do you want me to send you off?"

"No, thank you. You are such a big boss, you must have a lot of things to do, I won't delay your precious time."

"Okay, goodbye."

Lu Cheng just said a few polite words and turned away.

After Lu Cheng got in the car and drove away, Zhu Suosuo, who had been watching him leave, suddenly clenched her fist: "Yeah!"

(Zhu Suosuo)

Afterwards, Zhu Suosuo quickly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Nansun: "Nansun, guess who I met today? Who did I have breakfast with?"

Jiang Nansun on the other side quickly sent a message back: "Who else could it be? Could it be some wealthy man?"

"You're right, he's really a wealthy man. He's worth over 10 billion, young and handsome. He speaks well and treats people kindly."

"Haha, you've made up a lot of words, it seems really high Xing. Tell me, who is this rich man? "

"Do you remember the handsome guy driving a luxury car that we met in the ancient city park that day? It was him! Who do you think he really is? The person in charge of the Lu Group, the most outstanding young entrepreneur in Shanghai. The recently popular Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbal Medicine Taoyan Set is from their company. "

"What a coincidence? Are you sure it's him?"

"Of course, there are many photos of him on the Internet, you can find them with a search. He looks exactly like him. No, he is even more handsome and more elegant. Even when he eats, he is very elegant, just like the crown prince in ancient times.

, you don't even know..."

"Suosuo, do you have to be so crazy about him?"

"When you sit down to eat with him, you will also be crazy about him."

"Haha, I don't believe it. Besides, if he is really such a big boss, how could he easily sit down to eat with us?"

"Oh, you won't understand even if I tell you, he is a very easy-going person. You will know when you meet him..."

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