A certain office building in Shanghai, inside the high-rise office of Lu Group.

Lu Cheng looked through the pile of documents on the desk, then took out one of them and handed it to his assistant: "This is it. Ask the publicity department to contact Miss Zhao's agent to discuss the endorsement issue." "Mr. Lu, do you want to reconsider? Miss Zhao was not famous in the past few years. She only filmed a famous fairy tale drama last year and has just gained popularity. As for whether the future development can be smooth, Not sure. With our company's brand, we can definitely choose a better one. "

"You don't need to say more, I am optimistic about this Miss Zhao."

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I will arrange it right away."

In Lu Cheng's time travel In these worlds, each world has some differences. For example, in the current world, there are no stars like Shishi and Ni Ni. If they really existed, they would look like Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo. It is impossible for a woman's life to remain completely unaffected.

The name of the Miss Zhao chosen by Lu Cheng is very similar to that of the popular actress who starred in "The Journey of Flower". Her appearance and acting experience are also quite similar. In addition, she has good acting skills and a wide range of roles, so her future development can be imagined.

Therefore, Lu Cheng directly chose this popular young actress to be the spokesperson for his company.

At this time, this young actress had just become famous for a fairy tale. The martial arts drama was a big hit and actually gained some traffic for a while, but it has not yet established a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. The endorsement fee and signing fee itself are not high, so it is easier to sign a contract.

After making the arrangements, Lu Cheng no longer worried about these things. , and turned to focus on Hong Kong stocks and US stocks.

In recent times, the domestic stock market has collapsed severely, but there are still some advantageous stocks in the US and Hong Kong stocks, and the growth in the short term is quite impressive.

Lu Cheng has made some scattered short-term Investment, in the recent month, tens of millions of dollars have been made from the stock market.

It must be said that this kind of money comes easily and quickly, and it is indeed easy to get addicted.

What's more, Lu Cheng also has first-hand information, which is completely Cheating.

However, Lu Cheng was very restrained and would not play poker for this reason.

After looking at the stock market trends recorded in the tablet for the next period of time and analyzing the actual situation, Lu Cheng gave orders to his subordinates at the fund company to make some new investments.

The fund company just opened In less than a month, these newly recruited employees under Lu Cheng have already been full of admiration for their boss. They can always accurately grasp the direction and make the most timely disposal, just like making money in the stock market.

After staying in the company for more than two hours, Lu Cheng left early.

Usually when there is nothing to do, Lu Cheng, the big boss, stays in the company for two hours at most every day, and spends the rest of the time enjoying life.

Leader You don't have to do everything yourself. It's enough to grasp the general direction, formulate a good system, and use the right people.

When he had nothing to do, Lu Cheng went to the archery club to play for more than an hour, then went to Wangjiang Pavilion to have a big meal and rest at noon. I spent more than half an hour exercising.

I had nothing to do in the afternoon, so I went to the golf course to exercise.

Lu Cheng felt that golf was just average.

Although golf has always been known as a sport for the rich, the origin of this sport comes from ordinary people.

As early as the Song Dynasty, there was a sport in China called Hammer Ball, which is basically the same as the current golf game. , dig a hole in the open space, hit the stone ball with a wooden pole, and drive the stone ball into the hole.

The origin of golf in foreign countries also comes from civilians, and from Scottish herdsmen.

When Scottish herdsmen were herding sheep , when they were free, they would hit the stones on the grass with wooden sticks to see who could hit it farther, and over time it evolved into golf.

Later, after Scotland was incorporated into the United Kingdom, golf was introduced to the British nobility. The group evolved into a complex set of rules, and increasingly expensive equipment was created, so ordinary people could no longer afford to play.

In her previous life, Catherine, who was born into an aristocratic family, loved this sport very much, and Lu Cheng also played it for a while. With his extraordinary physique and precise control of his own strength, this sport is no longer difficult for Lu Cheng.

Golf courses are indeed considered a noble sport in China. The entrance fee alone is not low, and those who come here are basically rich people or some salesmen.

"Mr. Lu

, are you here to play basketball again? Are you free today? Give me some guidance. ”

“Old Huang, didn’t you hire a professional coach? Do you still need my guidance?”

“How can a coach compare to you? I’ve heard that you beat all the coaches last time.”

“Should I charge you a coaching fee?”

“With our relationship, do I still need a coaching fee? How about this? The mall under my name has just added a few counters recently. You can ask your subordinates to pick one and give it to you Hanfang Zhongcaotang.”

“If this is good, deal. "

Old Huang is a man in his fifties. His family owns two medium-sized shopping malls in Shanghai, as well as some supermarkets and convenience stores. They are also well-known in the retail industry.

The circle in Shanghai seems to be very large, but it is actually very small. Those bosses with a net worth of more than 10 billion either know each other or have heard of each other.

Golf courses are also a place for rich people to socialize, and it is also a place for some high-end sales to get close to the rich.

As the two were talking, they saw two young men and women in casual clothes carrying equipment coming over.

"Mr. Huang, good afternoon, what a coincidence, you are here to play golf again?"

"Isn't Mr. Yang here too? It's just right, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Lu, the boss of Lu Group, you must have heard of him. Mr. Lu, let me introduce you, this is Yang Ke, the sales director of Jingyan Group. If you want to buy a house in the future, you can find him."

Lu Cheng nodded, and Yang Ke hurriedly came up to say hello: "So you are Mr. Lu, I have always heard of your name before, but it's a pity that I haven't met you. I am Yang Ke. This is my subordinate, April. "


"Lu Cheng, hello, both of you."

"Hello, Mr. Lu."

Jingyan Group, a well-known local real estate company in Shanghai, specializes in mid-to-high-end real estate.

In the original drama, many stories also revolve around Jingyan Group. Zhu Suosuo joined Jingyan by chance, and was then taken care of by Yang Ke, the director of the sales department. She happened to be born on the same day as the daughter of Ye Jinyan, the boss of Jingyan Group.

Ye Jinyan, who lost his daughter, slowly began to treat Zhu Suosuo as his own daughter, and perhaps developed some special friendship later.

In a word, Zhu Suosuo, an ordinary undergraduate majoring in tourism management, A girl who graduated from a university, relying on the aura of the protagonist, has fought back all the way. Wherever she goes, she is protected by big bosses and pursued by rich second-generations.

This may be the typical example of the "inspirational struggle" of the heroine in modern urban dramas.

This Yang Ke can be regarded as Zhu Suosuo's mentor. He fell in love with Zhu Suosuo's appearance and temperament at first sight, and spared no effort to cultivate and help her.

Yang Ke was also called a tractor with a Ferrari's temperament because of his performance in the original drama.

As for the April next to him, she has a big wave with a convex figure and a good appearance...

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