After a long time, the two of them were still together.

At eight or nine o'clock the next morning, when April woke up from the wide bed and recalled the turbulent night scene last night, her heart could not help but be in turmoil again. However, when she recalled the whole process of last night, she slowly calmed down.

Last night, although Lu Cheng gave her flowers and cakes and spent an unforgettable birthday with her. But during the whole process, Lu Cheng did not express his feelings or make any promises.

Of course, April is a smart woman, and she is also clear about her identity and situation. She knows that she can't be Lu Cheng's real girlfriend, let alone his future wife. At most, she is a lover kept outside, and it may even be just a one-night stand when she is in the mood.

However, April does not regret it at all. Everything Lu Cheng has done for her these days is worth her giving her all.

What's more, she is not at a disadvantage with Lu Cheng's appearance and figure.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's toughness also made her taste the real happiness of being a woman.

Recalling the hysterical and turbulent feeling last night, April felt that she might never forget it in her life.

At this moment, April only hoped that everything last night was not a dream, not just a one-time pleasure.

Just as she was thinking about it, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Lu Cheng walked in with a smile.

"Awake? Do you want to rest for a while? Or have breakfast now?"

"Wait a minute, I'll get dressed."

Last night's battle went through several turns, by the window, on the sofa, in the bedroom, and finally in the bathroom. The traces of the battlefield have long been cleaned up, and the smoke in the house has long dissipated.

When April was getting dressed, she did not avoid Lu Cheng, after all, everything happened yesterday.

On the contrary, she was happy to show off her figure to attract Lu Cheng in front of her. Lu Cheng also admired her without hiding it.

Although it was not the first time last night, April had not experienced it for a long time after all, and Lu Cheng was too strong, which made her somewhat uncomfortable.

When she was putting on her clothes, she pulled a certain part, turned her head and glared at Lu Cheng coquettishly. The meaning was already very clear. Look, it's all because of you, and she doesn't feel sorry at all.

After putting on her clothes and walking to the restaurant, looking at the breakfast on the table, April also had a big appetite. After all, she consumed too much energy and water last night, and now she is really hungry and thirsty.

"I really didn't expect that you can cook, and you cook it very well."

"You didn't expect a lot more, eat more, drink some soup, and replenish yourself. Your body is a little weak, and your physical strength is not good."

"Who is like you? You have such good physical strength, just, just..."

As she said, April picked up the nourishing soup stewed by Lu Cheng himself, drank a big mouthful directly, and almost choked.

Lu Cheng patted her back quickly: "Okay, drink slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

"I don't know how many times I can drink this soup cooked by Mr. Lu himself."

"If you want to drink it, I can cook it for you often in the future."

Apper was relieved when he heard this. At least last night was not a one-night stand, and there will be opportunities in the future.

After dinner, Lu Cheng hugged April, leaned on the sofa, and said frankly: "April, I am a greedy person. I will not get married in a short time, and I will not have only one woman. If you are willing to follow me, I can give you everything except marriage. If one day you want to leave, just tell me, I can let go at any time, and I will never force you to stay."

"What if I stay with you for a lifetime?"

"I will support you for a lifetime."

"Humph, I don't believe it. When I get old and no longer as beautiful as I am now, you will definitely abandon me. You men always like young people. We women can't be young forever, but there is no shortage of young women in this world.

However, I won't blame you. If one day you dislike me, you can also tell me, I will leave quietly, and I will never force you to stay."

April returned what Lu Cheng said.

Although I don't know how long the future is, and I don't know what will happen in the future, at this moment, April really wants to stay with Lu Cheng, even if there is no name or status, just to be a lover.

"Apel, I know you are smart. The oaths of love are used to deceive young girls. They should be useless to you. It is better to leave everything to time. Time will prove everything."

Apel heard this and said nothing more. He just found a comfortable position and

Lying lazily in Lu Cheng's arms, she greedily enjoyed the warmth and sense of security.

In this familiar yet strange metropolis, April seemed to have suddenly found a sense of belonging. Although she didn't know whether all this could last, she had it at the moment.

As for the future, why think so much? Just leave it to time.

Unconsciously, April fell asleep again.


Maybe she didn't sleep well last night, or maybe Lu Cheng's arms were too comfortable. April slept very well this time, and she didn't dream. She slept until noon before waking up.

After waking up, April found herself still lying in Lu Cheng's arms, and Lu Cheng also maintained the original posture, hugging her like this.

"Sorry, I fell asleep. Is your arm okay? Let me massage it for you."

"It's okay. Are you hungry? Let's go out for dinner?"

"No, I want to eat your food."

"No problem."

While Lu Cheng was cooking, April remembered her mobile phone. When she opened it, she saw many missed calls, including those from her boss Yang Ke and colleagues.

April quickly replied to Yang Ke and her colleagues one by one, and asked for two more days off.

After dinner, Lu Cheng took April to the mall and went to a Chanel branch first, letting April choose.

"No need, right? I don't have too many requirements for bags. The one I'm carrying was bought not long ago. Besides, you don't have to spend money on me. I'm not with you for your money."

"I know, but I have money and I'm happy to spend it on you."

Noticing that April's eyes had just lingered on two of the bags, Lu Cheng pointed casually: "Pack those two."

"Really, no need, hey, okay, one is enough."

"Take turns to carry two. Listen to me outside."

Amber stopped talking for a moment, and then watched the waiter pack up the two bags. Lu Cheng casually swiped his card and spent more than 100,000 yuan.

Then, he went to clothing stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores, and even lingerie stores. He spent 500,000 or 600,000 yuan in total, which made April a little shocked.

"Okay, okay, I know you have money, but you don't spend it like this. I feel bad for you."

After all, she earned it bit by bit through her own efforts. April has a clear concept of money and will not overspend. She is also reluctant to let Lu Cheng spend money on her.

"How about buying another watch?"

"I really don't need it. I don't wear it. It's a waste to buy it. Let's go."

After shopping, they found a private restaurant to solve the dinner problem.

After returning home, Lu Cheng had to go through another round of tossing.

Last night, he was worried that April could not bear it, so he did not spend too much. Naturally, Lu Cheng was not satisfied.

As a result, April couldn't get up the next day and slept until noon. The first thing he said when he woke up was: "If you want to find someone, go find someone quickly, don't let me do it alone."

Lu Cheng smiled and took out a bottle of strengthening pills: "You are just too weak. Eat some of this to replenish your body."

"What is this?"

"It replenishes your energy and vitality. After eating it, exercise more and your physical condition will be better..."

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