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"Would you like to work for me? I'll put you in the sales department."

"No need. I'm good at selling houses. I'm not familiar with the skin care industry. Besides, Yang Ke has been very kind to me. Things are a little awkward with Lao Ye now, so it's not suitable for me to leave now. You don't have to worry too much about me. If I really can't live anymore, I will definitely find you. "

"Okay, as long as you like it." After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he picked up his phone and transferred 500,000 yuan to April: "Spend it first, and we'll talk if it's not enough."

"It's enough, I can support myself. You're going to make me lose the motivation to strive for it. motivation."

"That's perfect. I'll support you."

"I don't want to be a canary."

In fact, the more than one million that Lu Cheng spent was enough to support an 18th-tier celebrity.

But Lu Cheng I really appreciate and like April's big waves, not only her body, but also her personality and abilities.

Then again, there is no such thing as worth or not, only whether you are happy or not.

For Lu Cheng now, money can't buy my happiness.

After staying at Lu Cheng's house for three days, April left. It would be true if she didn't leave. I can't stand it anymore.

When April returned to the company, several colleagues around her noticed that he was a little different. Zhou Qing, who had the best relationship with her, pulled her aside and asked, "April, where have you been these days? You took three days off in a row. That's not like you. Also, how did your skin become so good? What skin care products did you use? It's like you've become five or six years younger. "

"How can it be so exaggerated? I just rested at home for a few days and got enough energy. "

"I don't believe it. You must have some tricks for skin care."

"If you say there is, it's true. The latest set of Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbs is launched. , the effect is quite good, you can try it. ”

“Really? Accompany me to buy a set after work.”

“I’ll go too, I’ll go too.”

Just then, another colleague came over and greeted "Aibel, Director Yang asked you to go to her office. " "Okay, I'll be there right away." When April walked into Yang Ke's office, Yang Ke looked her up and down and immediately guessed something: "You are not really being kidnapped by that Lu Da The boss has taken advantage of you, right? You should be careful about this, none of these wealthy bosses are simple. "

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

"This dress looks good, did he buy it for you? I advise you not to be blinded by small favors. "

"I didn't ask for it, he took the initiative to spend it on me. More than one million in three days, it shouldn't be considered a small favor, right?"

Yang Ke was also stunned when he heard it : "More than one million? That's... really generous. Okay, just be careful."

Salespeople at their level usually come into contact with big customers and big bosses. I still have some understanding of private life.

It is normal for a man to have a mistress when he is rich, and he can have a capable mistress.

Even some rich second-generations and big bosses like to bring a large group of beautiful women to have a party or something.

"I have a plan in mind."

"Then why do you still do this job?"

"Of course, I have the ability Why not do it if you want to earn money yourself? "

"Okay, go ahead."

Getting April done only enriched Lu Cheng's nightlife, and he could find someone to accompany him on weekdays.

Amber is a smart woman , she knows how to know when to go, she will appear when Lu Cheng needs her. When Lu Cheng doesn't need her, she will never disturb him, and she is also obedient to Lu Cheng, brave enough to learn all kinds of knowledge, and never refuse Lu Cheng. Any request.

This non-arguing attitude won Lu Cheng's appreciation and love.

With Lu Cheng's personal care and the effect of the strengthening pills, April's physique was also quietly changing.

Half a month later, the advertisements of Ms. Zhao for Hanfang Zhongcaotang began to spread widely, which further increased the sales and popularity of the products.

Taking advantage of this popularity, Hanfang Zhongcaotang launched A new product, the Fanghua Set, is designed to tighten the skin, remove wrinkles, delay aging, and rejuvenate.

At the same time, Lu Cheng asked the publicity department to contact several well-known female stars between the ages of 35 and 40 as The spokesperson for the new set.

After a selection

After that, Cherry, who had played Yang Yuhuan, was finally selected as the spokesperson for the new product.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not worry too much about the endorsement contract this time. The Publicity Department was responsible for contacting and negotiating, and the Legal Department cooperated with the signing. The contract was soon finalized and promotional posters and advertisements were made.

At this time, the graduation ceremony of Shanghai Jiaotong University was about to begin.

A few days ago, Lu Cheng instructed his secretary and assistant to prepare many gifts according to his requirements. There were gifts for the teachers who taught him, the dean of the college, professors, and even some school leaders he knew.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Lu Cheng was also wearing a suit and tie, looking very formal. He followed the school's arrangement and sat in the guest seat.

Sitting next to Lu Cheng were seniors from the 80s, 90s, and 00s, including successful entrepreneurs, academicians of the Academy of Sciences, etc. Lu Cheng was undoubtedly the youngest among this group of people.

Lu Cheng politely greeted these seniors who were much older than him one by one, introduced themselves to each other, and soon they started chatting together.

The person sitting next to Lu Cheng was the founding and executive partner of Sequoia Capital China, the founder of many well-known companies, and a leading figure in the investment industry.

In terms of investment, Lu Cheng mainly relied on cheating, while others relied on real skills.

Of course, when it comes to investment, Lu Cheng and the other party can also chat back and forth.

Soon, Lu Cheng added contact information with several well-known alumni, which can be regarded as opening up new connections in various industries.

As the graduation ceremony began, it was soon time for the principal to speak.

"…Around the theme of "Being a Jiaotong University student who influences and changes the world", Secretary Yang and I share three experiences with the students: First: Dare to be the first and take the first step to influence and change the world. Second, keep pace with the times and continue to influence and change the world. Third: Embrace all rivers and influence and change the world in inclusiveness. No matter where you are in the future, your alma mater is your eternal spiritual home. We always care about you and look after you here. We also look forward to you coming home often. I wish you all a bright future and a long way to success. Thank you!"

After that, the school leaders awarded the Outstanding Bachelor's Thesis Award to outstanding graduates, and then outstanding graduates gave speeches on stage, and outstanding alumni representatives gave speeches on stage, etc.

Lu Cheng, the youngest alumni representative, was also able to give a speech on stage. As for the content of the speech, it was nothing more than catering to the main theme and pursuing a new dream.

Such occasions are basically more serious and not suitable for passionate improvisation.

After the graduation ceremony, many junior students came forward to take photos with Lu Cheng and ask for autographs. Some of the bolder ones even wanted to add Lu Cheng on WeChat, and Lu Cheng did not refuse.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng brought his assistant and gifts to visit the teachers and deans one by one. Finally, he had a conversation with the school leaders and donated money to the school.

As this year is the 120th anniversary of the school, Lu Cheng donated another 12 million yuan to the school.

In fact, with Lu Cheng's worth, it doesn't matter if he donates more money, and it's easy for him to make money.

But the amount of this donation is also particular, and it can't be more than those seniors with more experience and higher worth.

If you really want to donate more money to your alma mater, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

(The start time of the previous story has been changed from 2019 to 2016.)

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