The next morning, before five o'clock, Lu Cheng got up, dressed, put on a hat, and a scarf, covering himself tightly, and then walked out of the house, jumped over the wall, and walked directly outside.

The gate of the courtyard was locked at night, and Lu Cheng was too lazy to find the old man who was guarding the front yard to get the key to open the door, so he just climbed over the wall.

After walking out of the alley, Lu Cheng ran all the way, crossing the streets and alleys, and approached the suburbs.

More than half an hour later, Lu Cheng came to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, found the gatekeeper, paid the entrance fee, and walked in.

This is a black market nearby. Every day, some people from nearby come here and sell things they don't need at home. There are also some villagers outside the city who sell their own chickens, ducks, geese, or some prey they hunt.

In this era, every village has a militia team with guns, ammunition, and grenades. In some villages near the mountains and forests, there are hunters who go into the mountains from time to time to hunt pheasants and rabbits. If they are lucky, they can also hunt wild boars and wolves. They can take them home to eat, or they can exchange them for money or food on the black market.

There are also some antiques and calligraphy and paintings collected at home. It is not convenient to sell them outside, so they can only be bought secretly on this black market.

Therefore, different people appear on the black market every day, and the goods sold are also random, all depending on luck.

Of course, the most common things here are still some food, vegetables, meat, or bills.

Lu Cheng first walked around and familiarized himself with the prices, then bought some food coupons from a ticket vendor. The denominations were half a catty, one catty, three catties, etc., and all the denominations added up to more than 30 catties.

In addition to food coupons, Lu Cheng also bought some oil coupons, salt coupons, sugar coupons, etc.

Among these coupons, sugar coupons are rare items and are relatively expensive. Most people can't afford white sugar and brown sugar, especially brown sugar is even more scarce.

After buying the tickets, Lu Cheng saw that there were also people selling flour and rice here, so he went up to ask about the price.

In regular grain and oil stores, rice is about 1.5 to 1.8 cents, standard flour is basically 1.8 cents per catty, and the best rich flour is 2.5 cents per catty.

Of course, you need to use food coupons to buy these in regular grain and oil stores, and you don't need food coupons to buy them on the black market, so the price is naturally much more expensive.

Ordinary rice and standard flour are both 30 cents per pound. When Lu Cheng saw that one of the stalls had 40 to 50 pounds of rice and 40 to 50 pounds of flour, as well as a bag of Fuqiang flour, he knew that the owner of this stall must be extraordinary.

To be able to get so much high-quality food, there must be a grain and oil station behind him. Maybe the stall owner is a relative of the stationmaster of a grain station.

Of course, the transaction does not ask the source, one hand pays the other hand.

Just when Lu Cheng was considering whether to buy all these things, he suddenly heard a whisper coming from a corner not far away.

"Two small yellow croakers, 360 yuan, not a penny less. Why don't you ask around? The price of small yellow croakers is getting higher and higher now, and the inspections outside are getting stricter and stricter. We are all doing business at the risk of being killed. If you don't want to buy, I'm not willing to sell it. Anyway, this thing won't be lost if I keep it in my hand."

"Okay, no problem, 360 is 360, I won't bargain with you. Can you find more? I'll give you 180 yuan each."

"It's not so easy to find more. The price will be different in a few days. I'm also a small business, where can I get so many goods?"

"Okay, please help me ask around. If anyone has more, I'll buy them."

"Okay, you seem to be a straightforward person, I'll go ask around."

Not long after, the two separated, and the man who had just spent money to buy two small yellow croakers also hurried out.

Lu Cheng pretended to have bought the things and followed the man quietly.

After walking out of the black market and walking a distance, Lu Cheng accelerated and came to the man, saying in a slightly hoarse and low voice: "Friend, can you please have a chat?"

The man saw Lu Cheng blocking him and thought he was being robbed, so he was startled: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Don't be nervous, I saw you wanted to buy small yellow croaker just now. I have some here, do you want it?"

As Lu Cheng said this, he took out two small yellow croakers from his arms and flashed them.


When the man saw the small yellow croaker, his face lit up: "Yes, of course I want it."

"It's inconvenient to talk on the road, come with me."

Soon, the two walked to the back of a small earthen slope, and Lu Cheng took out two small yellow croakers from his arms and placed them in front of him: "I saw the transaction between you and that person on the black market just now, 180 yuan each. I also have small yellow croakers from the Republic of China period, standard weight."

"I want to check the goods."

"No problem." Lu Cheng directly handed a small yellow croaker to the other party, not afraid that the other party would have any bad intentions.

Even Lu Cheng was a little expecting that the other party had bad intentions, so that he could rob the thieves.

However, the other party just took the small yellow croaker and put it in his mouth to take a bite, and then looked at it carefully, touched it, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, it's real, I'll buy it."

During the Republic of China period, people called large and small gold bars as large and small yellow croakers. At that time, sixteen taels made up one jin, and one tael was 31.25 grams. A small yellow croaker weighed exactly one tael, and a large yellow croaker weighed ten taels.

The two small yellow croakers in Lu Cheng's hand were small gold bars from the Republic of China in the cross-border backpack in the world of "My Captain, My Regiment".

(Gold bars from the Republic of China)

Of course, there are also standard gold bars of one kilogram and one hundred grams in later generations.

When leaving each world, Lu Cheng would refill the supplies in the cross-border backpack, including gold, silver, jewelry, guns and ammunition, precious medicines, tablet computers, etc.

In the worlds of "Windy" and "Golden Years", the system would use some of the property in the cross-border backpack as the original capital to create a family business for Lu Cheng.

In this world, the system directly let Lu Cheng start from scratch, and naturally did not deduct the property in the cross-border backpack.

"Sir, do you only have these two small yellow croakers?"

"Of course there are more than two. How many do you want?"

"As many as you can get. However, I don't have much money today. I can only buy five more small yellow croakers at most. If you have more goods, you can come here tomorrow and we can trade separately."

"No problem. Here are five small yellow croakers. Keep them."

"Nine hundred yuan. Please count."

The two exchanged money and goods. After confirming that there was no problem with the money and goods, they agreed to meet tomorrow and left in a hurry.

With these nine hundred yuan, Lu Cheng suddenly had a lot more money on hand, and he could also go ahead and stock up.

As for the person who just bought the small yellow croaker, Lu Cheng looked at the other party's dress and walking posture, and judged that the other party was a martial artist, and he should have a pistol hidden in his waist.

Moreover, judging from the other party's tone of voice and some behavioral habits, he should be a bodyguard or housekeeper of a rich man.

In recent years, since Western countries do not recognize China's currency, China wants to import some goods from abroad, and sometimes trades with hard currency such as gold. Therefore, the price of gold is gradually rising.

Nowadays, the gold price announced by the bank is about four yuan per gram, close to five yuan. The normal price of a small yellow croaker is about one hundred and fifty.

However, since the upper level prohibits the private sale of gold, the price of gold in the black market is naturally higher.

Moreover, in the past two years, many businessmen have been trying to find ways to go to Hong Kong or abroad, and they are eager to exchange their cash on hand for gold, which is convenient to carry and can be used abroad.

For Lu Cheng, spending some gold is nothing, and the saved property is used to spend.

Moreover, when he makes a lot of money in the future, he can naturally make up for the spent gold.

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