After selling the yellow croaker, Lu Cheng earned 900 yuan more. He went back to the black market and bought more than 40 kilograms of rice and flour. He carried them on his shoulders and left the black market, and then put them into the storage space. After buying things, he returned to the city and found a breakfast shop to fill his stomach. Then he went to the grain and oil store and the non-staple food store and bought dozens of kilograms of grain, some cooking oil, four kilograms of salt, and one and a half kilograms of brown sugar. He basically spent all the grain coupons, salt coupons, oil coupons, and sugar coupons he bought in the morning and exchanged them for supplies and stored them. After buying these supplies, Lu Cheng went to a Chinese medicine shop and bought some herbs for nourishing qi and blood, as well as a casserole for stewing medicine. He returned to the courtyard at noon.

It was rare that Li Kuiyong and his brothers were at home and did not go out to make trouble on the street.

Lu Cheng went straight back to his room, turned on the coal stove, replaced a new piece of honeycomb coal, and then put the casserole for stewing medicine on it.

The casserole had already been filled with herbs and water, and Lu Cheng also put a primary strengthening pill in it.

The strengthening pills made by Lu Cheng are all highly extracted from the essence of rare Chinese medicines, which can greatly repair the body's losses and enhance the body's physique. They are very effective for people with weak constitutions.

Li Kuiyong's mother was suffering from a loss of vitality and was too weak. It was suitable for primary strengthening pills, plus some auxiliary herbs, to quickly restore her health.

In a family, turning a weak and sick patient into a normal person can not only reduce most of the expenses, but also provide more labor and increase income, greatly improving the situation of the whole family.

Soon, the neighbors in the yard smelled the smell of Chinese medicine coming from Lu Cheng's house. The aunt next door to the west wing walked directly to the door of Lu Cheng's house curiously, looked inside, and asked again: "Lu Cheng, who are you cooking Chinese medicine for?"

"For my third aunt. Sorry, Aunt Sun, did it make you smell?"

"It's okay, the smell of Chinese medicine is not bad. Your father used to be a doctor, and he could also treat headaches and fevers. Did you inherit your father's skills?"

"I did learn a little. I also consulted an old Chinese doctor and prescribed a tonic medicine for my third aunt."

"So that's the case. Then you have to learn more skills. Maybe you can go to the hospital to be a doctor in the future."

"Thank you for your good wishes."

Not long after, Li Kuiyong also He ran over: "Brother Cheng, are you cooking medicine for my mother?"

"Of course, it needs to be cooked for a while. Wait for your mother to finish her meal and wait for a while, just in time for her to drink the medicine."

"Okay, my mother stewed cabbage and potatoes today, I'll bring it to you later."

"That's fine, I'll watch the fire. By the way, Kuiyong, do you know anyone whose family fishes? I want to buy a casting net."

"Let me think about it, there really is one. There is a classmate in our junior high school class who lives in the south of the city. His family used to fish and they go fishing every autumn. They must have fishing nets."

"Then go ask for me. The fishing nets in the store need tickets, and I don't have any tickets here, so I can only buy a second-hand one." After saying that, Lu Cheng directly took out some money and handed it to Li Kuiyong.

"No problem. I'll negotiate the price and bring the fishing net back to you."

"That's fine."

After lunch, Lu Cheng waited for Li Kuiyong's mother to drink the medicine, and then went back to his room. After tinkering with it for a while, he went out.

After wandering around, he came to a scrap collection station, bargained with the boss for a while, and bought a somewhat worn-out second-hand bicycle for 60 yuan.

A brand new bicycle would cost at least 120 yuan, and a bicycle ticket was required. Lu Cheng was too lazy to go to the black market to exchange for a bicycle ticket, because a second-hand one could be ridden anyway.

In fact, in this day and age, as long as a bicycle can still be ridden, it is rare to see it at a scrap collection station. Basically, it is sold to a scrap collection station only when there is a major problem or it is completely scrapped. Or some stubborn people dismantle the stolen goods into parts and sell them. If the whole bicycle is sold, it will be easily detected with a steel stamp on it.

The scrap collection station will dismantle the broken bicycles, pick up the usable parts to piece them together, or buy some more parts, and finally assemble a bicycle that can still be ridden.

In the TV series "Under the Gate of Zhengyang", there was a similar plot. The protagonist Han Chunming also made his first pot of gold by purchasing scrapped bicycles, reassembling them, and selling them.

Of course, even second-hand

Bicycles also need to be registered at the police station and stamped with numbers to avoid accidents later.

Today's weather is pretty good. Lu Cheng rode his bicycle all the way south and soon arrived at a fishing spot he had chosen before.

Turning on the underwater sonar life detection module, observing the fish conditions underwater nearby, and finding a place where big fish gathered, Lu Cheng took out a fishing rod made of bamboo poles, tied the fishing line, hung the float, fish hook, etc., and took out a piece of homemade bait made of flour, cornmeal, brown sugar, white wine, egg white, etc., and hung a little on the fish hook.

Then he cast the rod accurately and landed the fish hook in the school of fish.

Soon, a hungry fish bit the hook. Lu Cheng casually lifted the fishing rod, felt the force, and easily pulled a big crucian carp weighing five or six taels ashore.

Although the material conditions of this era were not rich, there were many fish and shrimps in rivers, lakes and seas.

In rural areas, although people's lives were difficult, they rarely caught fish and shrimps for food. On the one hand, people were eating in a big pot at that time, and it was not allowed for private large-scale fishing of fish and shrimps.

On the other hand, ordinary people did not have much money to buy various seasonings, and they could not remove the fishy smell of fish and shrimps. The fish and shrimps cooked directly were too fishy and difficult to swallow.

Moreover, ordinary people did not have many fishing tools at home, and it was not easy to catch fish.

Therefore, there were many fish in rivers, lakes and seas.

In this era, people generally used earthworms for fishing, and few people were willing to use flour, brown sugar, white wine, etc. to make bait like Lu Cheng.

It was winter at this time, and there were not many aquatic plants underwater. The fish were relatively hungry, and they encountered fresh bait, and they rushed to bite the hook one by one.

Whitebait, crucian carp, and carp were hooked one after another, and were thrown into the storage space by Lu Cheng.

After fishing for a while, there were fewer fish schools underwater, so Lu Cheng immediately changed to a new place and continued fishing.

There were not many pedestrians near the river, and few people would pay attention to Lu Cheng who was sitting by the river fishing.

With the underwater fish detection system that was almost turned on, Lu Cheng's fishing efficiency was quite high.

After fishing for more than an hour, a relatively large black carp suddenly bit the hook and broke the fishing line directly.

Lu Cheng had to change a set of fishing lines and hooks and continue fishing.

In order to avoid the fishing line being broken again, Lu Cheng had to avoid some larger fish.

There was no way, the fishing tools at hand were a bit simple, and fish under five kilograms could still be caught, but it was difficult to catch more than five kilograms.

After a busy afternoon, Lu Cheng caught a total of seventeen carps, two grass carps, and dozens of crucian carps, which weighed a total of seventy or eighty kilograms.

As for some white stripes, minnows, creeping tigers, etc., they were directly thrown away by Lu Cheng.

Carp, grass carp and other fish sold in the store are basically 50 cents per pound, and crucian carp is 40 cents per pound.

Lu Cheng's harvest this afternoon can be worth 20 or 30 yuan.

Of course, Lu Cheng did not plan to sell these fish.

At dusk, Lu Cheng tied two carps weighing about three pounds with a straw rope, hung them on his bicycle, and returned to the courtyard leisurely.

After handing the fish to Li Kuiyong's mother to deal with, Lu Cheng turned back to the house to check the fishing net that Li Kuiyong brought back.

Li Kuiyong's work efficiency is still very high. He went out in the afternoon and brought the fishing net back to Lu Cheng directly...

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