The police arrested the suspect and the suspect was executed.

A few days later, the little bastard was shot for multiple robberies, serious injuries, and molesting women.

Recently, the stubborn people in the city have been getting more and more violent, and the little bastard is indeed lawless and commits crimes frequently. The higher-ups directly took the little bastard as a typical example, and immediately tried him after catching him, and publicly shot him in the shortest possible time to deter those stubborn people.

After entering December, conscription points were established in various places in the capital, and those who met the registration requirements signed up for physical examinations.

However, the number of conscription places is limited, and only those students with good family backgrounds and good performance have the hope of joining the army.

People like Zhong Yuemin and Zheng Tong, because of their family reasons, did not even have the qualifications to register.

Because there are too many young people of military age, the number of conscription places is limited, and the standards for physical examination and review are also very strict.

At the same time, the wave of going to the countryside is getting higher and higher, and many junior and senior high school students have boarded the train to go to rural areas across the country to support rural construction.

Due to the times, most of the junior and senior high school students in the 66th, 67th, and 68th classes have been piled up in school. Now they are actively responding to the call to go to the countryside. Among these people, the youngest is only 14 or 15 years old.

That morning, after Lu Cheng taught Ning Qiang and Ning Wei some physical training and fighting skills as usual, Ning Qiang suddenly said, "Brother Cheng, I have passed the conscription physical examination and will go to the army in a few days. My brother is still young, so I have to trouble you to take care of him."

"It's okay, do a good job in the army in the future. Also, don't leak the kung fu I taught you casually, and don't hurt people casually. Now that you have learned these skills, you must be careful when you attack."

"Understood, thank you Brother Cheng. By the way, Zhou Xiaobai asked us to bring you a message. She also wants to join the army and wants to say goodbye to you before leaving."

"Okay, I know. You go back."

After sending Ning Qiang and his brother away, Lu Cheng went to the street to buy some food, and then returned to the yard.

Recently, Li Kuiwei and Li Kuiyuan both got a job, and their mother also got a job pasting paper boxes under the arrangement of the street office. The whole family was busy and their lives were getting better and better.

Moreover, Li Kuiyong's mother is getting better and better after treatment, and is no different from a normal person.

Compared with more than a month ago, the Li family has basically solved the problem of food and clothing.

"Brother Cheng, you are back? Come and sit down to eat. My mother stewed fish today. Come and try it."

"Sit down and eat."

While eating, Li Kuiyong's mother talked about the two of them going to the countryside: "Xiao Cheng, have you and Kuiyong decided where to go to the countryside?"

"Yes, we will go to northern Shaanxi."

"Okay, Kuiyong will follow you, and I will feel at ease. When he dares to go out and make trouble again, you can beat him up."

"Mom, I don't go out and make trouble now."

"That's all thanks to your cousin. Brother? Your cousin saved our family. All of you brothers and sisters, remember your cousin's kindness to our family. If anyone dares to be ungrateful, don't recognize me as your mother. "

"Why are you saying these things, Auntie? We are all family members, and they are all my brothers and sisters. It is my duty to take care of them."

After having dinner with the Li family, Lu Cheng went to the department store again. When he came to a counter selling musical instruments, Lu Cheng was immediately interested and spent money to buy a flute, a harmonica, and a Hulusi.

When I go to the countryside in the future and arrive at the desolate loess plateau in northern Shaanxi, these musical instruments can also add some color to my ordinary life.

After buying the musical instruments, Lu Cheng found a place where no one was to store them. He looked at the time and then rode his bike to Beihai Park.

As soon as he arrived at the agreed place, Lu Cheng saw Zhou Xiaobai and Luo Yun standing not far away, and Zhou Xiaobai waved at him.

"Lu Cheng, here."

"Sorry, I'm late."

Zhou Xiaobai waved his hand quickly: "It's okay, we just arrived too."

"What do you mean just arrived? We've been waiting for more than half an hour. You guys chat, I'll go for a walk." After saying that, Luo Yun turned and left.

"Don't listen to Luo Yun's nonsense. By the way, I heard that you are going to join the team in northern Shaanxi?"

"That's right."

"Actually, if you want to join the army, I can talk to my dad about it."

"No need, I don't want to join the army, and I haven't signed up."

"Oh, I heard that the conditions in northern Shaanxi are very difficult, and many people often

I can't eat. If you need any help when you get there, you can write to me. "

"Thank you in advance."

Recently, Zhou Xiaobai and Lu Cheng have met several times and talked about many topics, from daily life to music, art, traditional culture, etc.

The knowledge and talent displayed by Lu Cheng constantly refreshed Zhou Xiaobai's cognition.

Faced with such a handsome, generous and talented peer, Zhou Xiaobai naturally felt good about him.

But Lu Cheng's attitude made Zhou Xiaobai feel a little disappointed, as if the other party only regarded her as a little girl, a little sister, not a peer.

Every time Zhou Xiaobai wanted to express She wanted to express her feelings and test Lu Cheng's attitude towards her, but he would always change the subject with a few words.

Now, Zhou Xiaobai is about to board a long train, and Lu Cheng is about to go to the distant Loess Plateau, and the two will be thousands of miles apart from now on.

Before leaving, Zhou Xiaobai suddenly wanted to have a good talk with Lu Cheng, anything would do.

In fact, Zhong Yuemin had pursued Zhou Xiaobai before, but with Lu Cheng standing there, even if he didn't show anything, he was far better than Zhong Yuemin, so Zhou Xiaobai naturally looked down on Zhong Yuemin.

"Lu Cheng, can you tell me why you want to go to northern Shaanxi? Even if it's not as good as being a soldier, isn't it good to stay in Yanjing?"

"Northern Shaanxi is also very good, with a vast world and great potential. Moreover, it is precisely because of the poverty and desolation of northern Shaanxi that the unique cultural heritage there has been created. I went to northern Shaanxi to use what I have learned and know to do something for the people there."

"If these words were said by others, I would not believe them. But when you say it, I feel it is true. "

"Then I have to thank you."

Zhou Xiaobai paused for a moment, then said: "Lu Cheng, I...I want to ask, what kind of girl do you like?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Liking is a strange thing, and there is no reason or standard. Before you meet the person you like, you may set a standard for yourself, hoping that the person you like in the future will be a kind of person, knowledgeable, gentle, or suave.

But when you really meet the person you like, you will find that even if the other party does not meet the mate selection standard you set for yourself before, you will still like him without hesitation. Even if there is another person who completely meets your mate selection standard standing next to you, you will still like the one who makes your heart beat. Who can say for sure about feelings? "

"It seems that you know everything, so have you ever liked a girl before?"

"Of course I have. "

"Ah, then have you confessed? Why didn't you get together? "

"We confessed, got together, and finally stayed together until old age."

"Ah? Stayed together until old age? You didn't mean it was in a dream, did you?"

"You're so smart, you guessed it all right."

The highest level of lying is that you tell the truth, but others don't believe it at all.

After going around in circles, Zhou Xiaobai didn't get the answer he wanted. He was a little frustrated, and then he said: "Lu Cheng, when you get to northern Shaanxi, can you write to me?"

"Of course. I don't have many friends, and you are one of them."

"Then I will write to you often."

At this point, Lu Cheng changed his tone and suddenly said: "Xiaobai, do you want to hear my evaluation of you?"

"Of course. I'm also curious about what kind of person I am in your eyes."

"Xiaobai, you have a good family background. Your parents and brothers love you very much. This is something many people envy but can't envy. You are beautiful, kind, loyal, have firm beliefs and perseverance, and will be infatuated with the person you love once you meet him or her.

This is a good thing, but it can also hurt you easily. Your background and personality will make you a little proud. Once you are wronged or wronged, you will not even bother to explain. "

Zhou Xiaobai heard this, thought about it carefully, and finally nodded: "Lu Cheng, you are right."

"In general, you are a very good girl. However, there are a few words that I would like to say. If you feel that what I said is wrong, just pretend that you have not heard it."

"You say it, and I listen."

"Except your parents and family. When dealing with people around you, you should be more careful."

Zhou Xiaobai heard this and turned to look at Luo Yun in the distance: "Lu Cheng, are you talking about Luo Yun? She and I grew up together and have a good relationship. ”

“You can’t tell a person’s true nature from his face. Some people may not show anything at ordinary times, but at a critical moment, their true nature may be exposed. Okay.

, just pretend I didn't say anything. It's getting late, you should go home early. "

In the original drama, Luo Yun relied on Zhou Xiaobai's relationship to serve in the army together and was assigned to the same hospital. Later, the hospital had an opportunity to be sent to a medical university for further studies. Luo Yun was dating Yuan Jun at the time, and the army did not allow ordinary soldiers to date, so Luo Yun asked Zhou Xiaobai to take care of the sick Yuan Jun instead of herself.

Finally, when the dean asked whether Zhou Xiaobai and Yuan Jun were in love, Luo Yun deliberately evaded the question, causing the dean to misunderstand that Zhou Xiaobai was dating Yuan Jun. In the end, Luo Yun successfully entered the medical university for further studies.

However, even if she lost an opportunity, Zhou Xiaobai would have a second and third chance, and it would not have much impact on her.

So, Lu Cheng only mentioned it, and as for whether she would take it to heart, it depends on her.

After all, to be honest, the relationship between Lu Cheng and Zhou Xiaobai may not be closer than that between her and Luo Yun.

Distance does not separate relatives, Lu Cheng just mentioned it casually, and there is no need to say too much...

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