After the battle, the two sides of the army were separated.

Two days later, Zhou Xiaobai boarded the train to the army, and Lu Cheng did not go to the station to see him off. After all, Zhou Xiaobai was not his type, and friends should keep a good distance, especially between men and women.

Then, the trains carrying educated youth to the countryside set off one after another.

Zhong Yuemin, Zheng Dong, and Ning Wei were assigned to the same batch and took the train to northern Shaanxi first.

Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong also boarded the train to northern Shaanxi two days later.

Before leaving, Lu Cheng left his house to the Li family and asked the Li family to help take care of it.

The green train packed with educated youths drove for 3 days and 2 nights from Yanjing to northern Shaanxi, to the Loess Plateau that Lu Cheng was familiar with.

Looking at the land around him, looking at the familiar Loess Plateau buried deep in his memory, Lu Cheng's heart was also a little turbulent.

Lu Cheng has different feelings for the land under his feet.

Although the memories of hundreds of years ago have become a little dim, and although the figure in the past is getting farther and farther away, there are always some familiar memories that will stir up waves in his heart.

Lu Cheng's future will be long, with more experiences than everyone else. He will constantly meet new people and things, and will gradually forget some old people and things.

Even Lu Cheng can't tell clearly whether he is still the same person at this moment. Will he be the same as he is now in the future?

Years are always ruthless, and time is the sharpest knife.

After getting off the train and taking a bus, and then taking a donkey cart after getting off the bus, Lu Cheng, Li Kuiyong and ten other educated youths finally arrived at the village assigned to them by the Educated Youth Office, Baidian Village, Hechuan Commune, Jingbian County.

When checking the map of northern Shaanxi, Lu Cheng also paid special attention to the fact that there was no Huangyuan City here, let alone Shigejie Commune in Yuanxi County.

The same Loess Plateau, but not the same place, the same space after all.

When the three donkey carts that picked up the educated youth arrived at the entrance of the village, a group of people in tattered cotton jackets were waiting at the entrance of the village. Two young men were holding a banner: "Welcome the educated youth from Yanjing to Baidian Village, Hechuan Commune."

"Students from Yanjing, I am Bai Guixing, the village party secretary of Baidian Village. On behalf of the Baidian Village Party Committee and all the villagers, I welcome you."


Looking at those villagers in tattered clothes and pale faces, several educated youths from Yanjing realized the poverty here for the first time.

After the welcoming ceremony, the village party secretary arranged a dinner to welcome the educated youth.

After that, the village party secretary personally brought ten educated youth to the caves assigned to them.

"As you can see, the situation in our village is indeed quite difficult. Fortunately, there is still enough room for living. These three caves are handed over to you educated youth. The specific allocation depends on your own arrangement. You are also new here. Take a day off tomorrow to get familiar with the situation here. The day after tomorrow, I will take you to work and arrange work for you."

Lu Cheng took the initiative to stand up: "Secretary Bai, we are new here and are not familiar with the situation here. We still need you to take care of us in the future."

As he said, Lu Cheng handed Bai Guixing a cigarette.

Bai Guixing glanced at the Pegasus cigarettes in Lu Cheng's hand and smiled even more brightly: "It's all right, it's all right. It's not easy for you kids to come here from far away. Well, you guys should pack up and go to bed early."

These days, ordinary people can't afford to eat, and they don't have spare money to buy cigarettes. Those with better conditions can spend 20 cents to buy a big bag of tobacco, roll it up and smoke it by themselves, or smoke it with a pipe.

Even the village party secretary Bai Guixing usually smokes economic cigarettes that cost 8 cents a pack.

15 cents is considered mid-range cigarettes, and 28 cents or more is considered high-end cigarettes.

What kind of cigarettes you smoke can also reflect your status to a certain extent.

After sending the village party secretary away, there were only ten educated youths left in the yard.

Among the 10 educated youths assigned to Baidian Village, there were three men and seven women. In addition to Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong, there was also a thin and tall boy who was also from Yanjing.

"Okay, we are assigned to the same village and eat from the same pot from now on. This is also a kind of fate. Let's take a look at the conditions of these three houses first, and then sit down to discuss how to allocate the houses."

Among the ten educated youth, seven girls did not speak. Li Kuiyong followed Lu Cheng again, and the remaining tall educated youth naturally did not say anything.

Quan, Lu Cheng directly became the leader of this educated youth site.

There are three caves, one is north-south oriented with the door facing south, and the other two are east-west oriented with the doors facing west, forming a right angle.

After a few people looked at it, the one with the door facing south is the main room, with a slightly larger space, and the other two are relatively smaller.

"How about this, the three of us boys live in the north room, and the seven of you girls live in the two east rooms, how about it?"

"I agree."

"I have no objection."

"I'm fine with it."

"Then everyone puts their luggage in the room first, and then come to the north room, we introduce ourselves to each other, and you girls can form groups."

Afterwards, everyone put their luggage in the room, and Li Kuiyong lit the kerosene lamp in the north room.

There is a brick bed, a square table, and two long benches in the north room. A girl brought a long bench from the west room. Everyone sat down around a small square table and began to introduce themselves.

"My name is Lu Cheng, from Yanjing Red Star Middle School. This is my cousin Li Kuiyong, from Yanjing Yuying Middle School."

"Zhou Haipeng, from Yanjing Renmin University High School."

"Wan Chunyan, also from Yanjing, from Bayi Middle School."

"Li Lijuan, from Yanjing Petroleum High School."

"Zhang Huiling, from Yanjing Haidian Middle School."

"My name is Qinling, my hometown is Guanzhong..."


After the introduction, 6 of the 10 educated youth were from Yanjing, and the other 4 were from various cities in Shaanxi Province.

So, the four Shaanxi girls automatically formed a group and lived in one room, and the other three Yanjing girls lived in another room.

After the groups were divided, Lu Cheng continued, "There are more girls than boys in our educated youth camp. When we work in the future, we need to cooperate with each other more. The county educated youth office allocated us 1,600 kilograms of food. If it is divided by person, each person will get exactly 160 kilograms. It is still December now, and there is still half a year before the wheat harvest in June. On average, each person gets one kilogram of food per day, so we still have to save some food.

Everyone, tell me, should we boys and girls eat together or eat separately?"

"Let's eat together. When we work, you boys will definitely do heavy work and be more tired, so you should eat more."

"Yes, since we work together, we should eat together. And... I don't know how to eat. Cooking."

"Well, let's simply assign the work first. When I entered the village just now, I saw that the well in the village is a bit far from us, and judging from the rope on the well, the well should be quite deep, and it should not be easy to draw water.

We boys can be responsible for heavy work such as drawing water and carrying water, and you girls will be responsible for cooking. As for some other tasks, we can assign them flexibly. Right now we have just arrived here, so let's pack up our things tonight and have a good sleep. Tomorrow morning, we will see what we are missing and whether we need to go to the commune to purchase.

If necessary, I will go to the village party secretary to borrow a donkey cart, and we will go to the city together..."

When a group of strangers gather together, it is inevitable that it will appear a little chaotic. As long as one of them stands up to speak, the others will subconsciously obey.

If the person who stands up can always make the right decisions and gradually build prestige in the team, he can convince people and become a real leader.

It is not too easy for Lu Cheng to subdue a group of young people aged 17 or 18...

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