After allocating the rooms, Lu Cheng and the other two began to pack their belongings.

Zhou Haipeng, who was also from Yanjing, saw Lu Cheng taking out a erhu, a flute, a stethoscope, alcohol, medicine bottles and other things from his bag, and he also walked over curiously: "Lu Cheng, why did you bring so many things? Are you a doctor?"

Before Lu Cheng could speak, Li Kuiyong on the side spoke up: "Of course, my cousin is both civil and military, he is good at studying, can play the erhu, and can treat patients. If someone has a headache, fever, cold, or fever, , I guarantee you will cure the disease with medicine. ”

Zhou Haipeng was immediately happy: “That’s great, this place is dozens of miles away from the county town, and not close to the commune. I was thinking it would be inconvenient to see a doctor, but I didn’t expect you to be a doctor. If I get sick, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, we're all family."

After finishing the cleaning, the three of them lay down on the kang. Zhou Haipeng and Li Kuiyong were still a little excited and talking there. Lu Cheng I kept replying without any connection, but some distant memories came to my mind.

The next morning, Lu Cheng got up early, took Li Kuiyong outside the yard, and started to exercise in the open space.

The educated youth who had been traveling for several days were still sleeping soundly. Those who got up early in the village had already risen in their homes. The smoke from cooking was curling.

On the desolate Loess Plateau, there were thousands of gullies and ravines crisscrossing each other. As far as the eye could see, there was an endless expanse of earthy yellow, the same color as the skin of people in northern Shaanxi.

I waited until the two of them finished their exercise and returned to the yard. No one has woken up yet.

"Brother Cheng, where do you think Zhong Yuemin and his friends will be assigned to?"

"I asked the county youth educated youth office before, and the people there said that there is indeed a youth educated youth named Zhong Yuemin from Yanjing who was assigned to Tucheng. Commune. But the people in the Youth Office didn't know which village they were assigned to. Tucheng Commune and Hechuan Commune were next to each other. Shichuan Village opposite our Baidian Village belonged to Tucheng Commune. Maybe Zhong Yuemin was just opposite. ”

“It can’t be such a coincidence, then I’ll go to the opposite village to ask?”

“Why are you in such a hurry? Although these two villages are next to each other, they are only a few dozen meters apart. But there is a ditch in the middle. If you want to bypass this ditch, you have to walk at least thirty miles. ”

“Is that so? Then wait a little longer.”

The two of them talked in the yard for a while, and then there was movement in the girl’s room next door.

After a while, two girls yawned and came out: "Lu Cheng, Li Kuiyong, why did you get up so early?"

"A day's plan begins in the morning, come out and exercise."

"Okay, I'll go Wake up the others and prepare to cook. ”

Their food is in the southernmost room, where the stove and iron pot are also. Naturally, they have to wait for the girl in that room to wake up before they can cook. .

Soon, a group of people started to get busy.

The food distributed to the educated youth was mainly coarsely ground corn grits and cornmeal, and there were also some cabbage, potatoes, and some salt.

Seeing that the ingredients here were too simple, Lu Cheng returned to the house in a flash, took out an aluminum lunch box, and handed it to the girl who was cooking: "I have some dried salted fish here, put it in when cooking."

"Okay, I'm worried about the lack of Where are the seasonings? "

After breakfast, everyone gathered together and talked about what they were missing.

Some people came in a hurry and didn't bring all the toiletries. Some girls also needed to buy some needles and thread to mend clothes.

Lu Cheng ran to the village brigade, found the village party secretary, handed him a pack of cigarettes, and the village party secretary quickly arranged He got a donkey cart and took the educated youth to Hechuan Commune.

Then, Lu Cheng took two female representatives and the shopping list written by everyone to go to the commune to purchase items, while the others waited at home. .

Two female representatives, one is Li Lijuan from Yanjing, and the other is Qinling.

"Lu Cheng, where do you live in Yanjing?"

"My home is in a large compound in the south of the city."

"My home is in the oil compound in the north of the city. , it's quite far from you guys. I wonder why I haven't seen you before. "

Meeting a handsome boy like Lu Cheng, the two girls took the initiative to chat.

During the conversation, Lu Cheng also learned about the two The girl's family situation.

Qin Ling's father is from Guanzhong, and her mother is a folk singer in the National Song and Dance Troupe. Li Lijuan is from a working-class family, and her family conditions are pretty good.

"Qin Ling, I heard you have a good voice, you should be able to sing, right?"

"Of course, I have been following

My mother learned to sing, and she likes the folk songs of northern Shaanxi the most.

"Can you sing a part?"

"No problem. Then I'll sing a part:

The sky is full of flowers and clouds;

The fine baskets are used to wash the sand, and half of the baskets are gold;

My sister embroiders her purse stitch by stitch,

Every stitch is about the lover in her heart..."

Qinling's voice is very crisp, but it has a strong penetrating power. When the loud singing resounds on the Loess Plateau, it is like a trickle of water flowing into the heart, making people unconsciously calm down, listen, and taste.

As soon as she finished singing, Lu Cheng and Li Lijuan applauded, and the old man driving the donkey cart also praised: "Little girl, you sing this song so beautifully, just like a lark."

Lu Cheng also gave affirmation: "Absolutely professional level. Moreover, your voice has a very ethereal feeling, and your feelings are also very sincere. It's this song that is a bit sad. The sky is full of flowers and clouds, and they are full of endless lovesickness. "

"Our folk songs in northern Shaanxi are all like this, revealing a kind of sadness."

"I think this should be a kind of helplessness towards suffering, and it is also the accumulation of thousands of years of culture on the Loess Plateau."

"Yes, northern Shaanxi is too poor, and our people in northern Shaanxi are too miserable. Suffering naturally flows out of the heart and becomes a song, becoming the Xintianyou of northern Shaanxi."

"After we go back, we can play together when we have time. I also learned some erhu, flute and so on from my mother when I was young. The level is average, and I can entertain myself."

"Really? That's great. I'll give you another passage: Brother, you're going west, and I can't keep you, my little sister..."

Talking and laughing, they arrived at the commune. Lu Cheng first took the two girls to buy things, and then bought what Li Kuiyong and Zhou Haipeng needed.

After buying, they put the donkey cart back, and Lu Cheng took the three of them to the commune health center.

It's called a health center, but in fact it's just a yard, three caves, only three doctors, three nurses, and the conditions are quite simple.

At this time, the barefoot doctor manual had not yet been published, and the medical conditions in various places were quite poor. Some villages had begun to consciously train barefoot doctors, but barefoot doctors had not yet been popularized in northern Shaanxi.

"Hello, Doctor Wang, I'm an educated youth who went to Baidian Village to work in the countryside. My name is Lu Cheng. I see that Baidian Village is a bit far from us and Chuan Commune, and it's inconvenient for villagers to see a doctor. I'm thinking about whether I can come to the commune health center regularly to purchase some medicines and bring them back to the village, so that it's convenient for the villagers to treat their illnesses."

"Young man, can you treat a disease? Do you know medical skills? ”

“My dad is a doctor. I have learned a lot since I was a child. I can treat common fever, colds and diarrhea. I also know some treatment and prevention of various common diseases.”

“Then I have to test you. What if…”

After that, Dr. Wang asked many common medical questions, such as how to treat various diseases, how to use medicines, etc., and Lu Cheng answered them fluently.

At the end, Dr. Wang also asked about some difficult and complicated diseases he encountered, and Lu Cheng immediately gave relevant treatment plans.

After listening, Dr. Wang nodded repeatedly: "Incredible, incredible, young man, you are a bit of a waste of talent staying in Baidian Village. Okay, if you need any medicines in the future, make a list in advance, and we will bring them back for you when we go to the county to buy medicines."

“Okay, thank you, Dr. Wang.”

When the three of them walked out of the town health center, Qin Ling and Li Lijuan immediately asked: "Lu Cheng, you really know how to treat patients? I thought Zhou Haipeng was joking. "

"Of course it's true. If you have a headache or feel uncomfortable in the future, just come to me."

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