The old man was very young, but he was still very young.

Lu Cheng is very familiar with the profession of barefoot doctor, after all, he started his career with it.

Now that he has returned to the Loess Plateau and is doing his old job again, Lu Cheng is really a little emotional.

After returning to the village, Lu Cheng went to find the village party secretary Bai Guixing again: "Secretary Bai, our village is too far from the commune, and it is not convenient for the villagers to see a doctor. It happens that I know some medical skills, and it is no problem to treat fever, colds and diarrhea. Today in the commune, I also talked with the doctor in the health center. I plan to buy some medicines regularly and set up a clinic in the village to facilitate the villagers to see a doctor. What do you think?"

"Can you really treat people?"

"Of course, if I don't have two brushes, I dare not boast."

"Well, what do you want? Just say it."

"For the time being, I don't have any requirements. If there are villagers who come to me for treatment and I can't go to work in the fields, The team can't deduct my work points. "

"No problem, as long as you can cure the villagers' illness, I will give you full work points. How about this, when I go to work tomorrow, I will tell the captains of each team and let them notify you to see a doctor in the future."

"No problem. Secretary Bai, how many households are there in our village? How many people? Give me a rough idea, and I will have a rough idea. There shouldn't be much work in the fields recently, so I'll take this opportunity to count the health of the villagers. I'll pay attention to those who have chronic diseases and pregnant women at home."

"You are thoughtful, our Baidian Village..."

Lu Cheng is naturally quite familiar with things that he has done once.

Although this is not Shuangshui Village, it also makes Lu Cheng feel familiar and intimate. Since he has come to this village, he must do something for this village in a practical way, so that it will not be in vain.

When Lu Cheng returned to the educated youth point, it was already evening.

Today during the day, the educated youth also walked around the village and familiarized themselves with the local situation.

At this time, a group of people were sitting together, discussing everything here.

Now, the freshness of these educated youth has not yet worn off, especially those from Yanjing, who feel fresh about everything.

After Lu Cheng sat down, Qin Ling and Li Lijuan talked about Lu Cheng's performance in the commune health center today, which surprised everyone.

In this cave without electricity, there is no entertainment at night, and even reading books under kerosene lamps is a bit straining for the eyes, so they can only sit together and chat.

Two girls also brought wool, and they skillfully knitted sweaters and scarves while chatting there.

The next morning, as the bell of the production team rang, the villagers in the village also started to work.

It was midwinter at this time, and there was not much farm work in the fields.

Moreover, these educated youth had just arrived in the village, and basically had never done farm work, nor did they know how to do farm work.

After the work started in the village, Lu Cheng and the educated youth just followed the production team to look around the fields.

Most of the land here is sloping, and some places are so steep that livestock cannot cultivate. Only manual work can be done to turn the soil and apply fertilizers.

Before they started working, the girls from Yanjing were exhausted after just walking around the hillsides of various sizes.

The girls from Shaanxi Province were better.

Finally, the village party secretary Bai Guixing gave the educated youth a piece of land near the cliff behind the village.

When they came to the cliff, they happened to see a group of educated youth busy on the opposite hillside.

The clothes of the villagers here are all tattered, while the clothes of the educated youth are relatively clean. As long as they compare, it is easy to distinguish which are the educated youth from the city and which are the villagers?

Of course, after a year or so, the educated youth from the city will adapt to the local environment and gradually integrate into the countryside, and they will be more like villagers.

The cliffs on both sides were 40 to 50 meters apart. Lu Cheng saw Zhong Yuemin, Zheng Tong and others on the opposite side at a glance. He reached out and patted Li Kuiyong next to him, and pointed to the opposite side: "See, isn't that Zhong Yuemin on the opposite side?"

Li Kuiyong walked to the front of the cliff, put his hands on the awning, looked carefully, and then shouted: "Zhong Yuemin! I am Li Kuiyong."

Zhong Yuemin on the opposite side heard the voice and immediately looked over here, and quickly responded: "Kuiyong, you are here too? Let's go to play with you."

"This place is a bit far away

. It takes more than 30 miles to get here. I'm afraid it's too late today. Let's wait two days. "

It's very rare to meet an acquaintance in this place, and a good friend.

Afterwards, Zhong Yuemin and Li Kuiyong started a conversation across the deep ditch below.

"Kuiyong, there are 10 people in our educated youth site, 7 men and 3 women, more wolves and less meat, what's the situation in your place?"

"We also have 10 people here, but there are 7 women and 3 men, more meat and less wolves."

"That's great, our two educated youth sites are just right to combine."

The two sides talked and laughed for a while, and didn't leave until lunch time.

Just after lunch in the afternoon, there was no work on the field, and it was still a little cold outside. The educated youth were sitting in the house chatting, and they heard a voice from outside: "Is the educated youth surnamed Lu at home? "

Lu Cheng heard the voice and walked out of the house, and saw a farmer in his thirties coming to the yard.

Lu Cheng just glanced at the other person and said, "From your face, you must have eaten something bad these two days. You have diarrhea and stomachache since today. You want to come to me to treat you, right?"

The man was a little surprised when he heard it: "I haven't even opened my mouth yet, how do you know?"

"You can tell whether you are sick or not by just looking at it. Come, sit in the room, I'll prescribe some medicine for you, and you will be fine after taking it for two days."

"Oh, okay."

Lu Cheng turned back to the house, unscrewing several medicine bottles to prepare medicine, and reminded: "Looking at you like this, you must have eaten cold steamed bread last night, and the quilt was not covered well at night, which made your spleen and stomach cold. I'll pack two packets of medicine for you, take one packet today and one packet tomorrow, and you will be fine. Qinling, please give this brother a cup of hot water."

"Okay. "

Soon, Lu Cheng skillfully wrapped two packets of medicine and handed them to the elder brother.

The elder brother took the medicine and took out a small cloth bag from his arms: "Well, how much is it?"

"The cost of this medicine is only eight cents, just give eight cents. I treat the villagers, and the team also gives me work points, so I don't need to pay the consultation fee."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor Lu."

"You're welcome. ”

The man took the hot water from Qinling, drank two sips, ate a packet of medicine directly, put down 8 cents, and turned away.

Although Secretary Bai had informed the villagers in the morning that there was an educated youth who could treat people, everyone was still a little skeptical about the level of the educated youth.

It happened that this elder brother had a stomachache, which was not a big deal, so he thought of coming to see if there was really an educated youth who could treat illnesses.

As a result, the elder brother took the medicine and returned home not long after, and his stomach pain stopped. The next day he was completely cured. He immediately began to promote Lu Cheng, saying how brilliant Lu Cheng's medical skills were, and he could tell what disease a person would have at a glance, and the medicine would cure the disease, and the key was that it was cheap.

With the first patient, there will naturally be a second and a third.

Two days later, two more patients came to the door, and Lu Cheng was still skilled in treatment and prescription, quickly accumulating word of mouth...

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