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After a busy morning of farm work, Lu Cheng asked after lunch: "Does anyone want to go out and pick wild vegetables together?"

Zhou Haipeng shook his head quickly: "I won't go. I'm tired. After working all morning, I finally have a chance to rest. I need to have a good sleep. "

"I won't go either. I need to wash and hang out my clothes while the weather is good these two days. By the way, Lu Cheng, Change your clothes, I'll wash them for you."

"That's fine."

"Lu Cheng, I'll go with you."

Li Kuiyong, who originally wanted to stand up and go out with Lu Cheng, saw Qin Ling had already stood up, so he She sat back down and said, "Brother, I'm going to do some more physics questions, so I won't accompany you guys."

Seeing this, the other girls also gave up the idea of ​​going out together.

Lu Cheng was carrying a bamboo basket, and Qin Ling was also carrying With a bamboo basket, the two walked westward along a small river outside the village, looking for some edible wild vegetables or herbs as they walked.

When they were tired, they sat down and chatted.

"Qinling, we have been in Baidian Village for several months. Have you ever thought about the future?"

"How far in the future is the future? I don't really care. In the future. My mother once told me that in life, the process is always more important than the result, and I think so too. Life is actually like a game, and the most important thing about the game is the fun of the process, not the result.

Just like now , we stayed in Baidian Village, worked together, lived together, and although life was a bit hard, there were always some things that could bring us some joy. ”

“You are very clear-headed.”

“ Isn't it the same for you? You know what you want better than anyone else here, and you know what you are doing better than anyone else. It seems that you always have a way to handle everything, so that you can live well and let us live well too. Good.

You are like a natural leader, able to make all of us trust you, rely on you, and follow your instructions to do anything. To be honest, I am the same as those girls, I also like you in my heart.

In this remote place, each of us is lonely and wants someone to share this loneliness with. , and comfort each other's hearts together. If...if you are willing, can I be your girlfriend? "

Lu Cheng laughed: "I didn't expect that you would say this first. Qin Ling, do you know that you She has a very unique temperament, different from other girls, and even seems to not belong to this era. She is free and easy, and is indeed very attractive. "

"That's because I value the process more than the result. Lu Cheng, can we Become each other's support. But if one day, our lives have changed and we encounter more wonderful things. Then, I will bless you and say goodbye, and will never be a burden or a drag on you. I hope, You can do the same. "

"Qin Ling, I have to admit that you are a very special girl. Dating with you will definitely be exciting. However, I am a person who not only enjoys the process, but also values ​​the results. You followed me , I will make you inseparable from me for the rest of your life."

"That depends on whether you have the ability to do it."

"Then wait and see."

It must be said that Qin Ling is indeed a man who dares to love and hate, is straightforward and free-spirited, A person who lives a transparent life. She will not be shy or drag her feet when it comes to love, and she will definitely be quite decisive when it comes to letting go.

In Qinling's concept, women do not necessarily have to get married. She enjoys the process of love more. The feeling on the road.

After talking, the two of them naturally held hands and leaned on each other.

The singing sounded again by the river: "

On the ridge on the opposite mountain, there is a who is that fatal second "Ah, sister..."

After singing, the two of them went around and picked some edible wild vegetables and found some useful herbs.

Until the evening, when Lu Cheng and Qin Ling returned to the educated youth point , everyone noticed that the relationship between the two was a little different.

However, both of them were young people of marriageable age, the man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried, so it was normal for them to fall in love, and no one could say anything.

The next morning, after finishing work, Lu Cheng found the village party secretary again and said that the nearby herbs and wild vegetables were almost dug up, and he wanted to ride his bicycle to go to a farther place to have a look.

The village party secretary did not hesitate and directly He lent his bicycle to Lu Cheng.

Then, Lu Cheng took Li Kuiyong and went out.

The two ran a long way before they stopped.

"Kuiyong, go to the hill in the west and see if there are the herbs I taught you before. If not, go to the south and I'll go to the north."

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

After Li Kuiyong left, Lu Cheng took out a military locator, confirmed the exact coordinates, and then began to search in the northeast direction, constantly searching on the ground.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Cheng finally found a black stone. After smashing the black stone, he could see the shiny black cross section in the middle. This is exactly what Lu Cheng is looking for, and it is also the "great opportunity" that Lu Cheng had locked on before coming here, the coal mine.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng kept searching around and soon found one piece of coal ore after another.

The further he went, the more he could find a piece of coal ore, big or small, every few steps, which Lu Cheng casually threw into the bamboo basket he was carrying.

More than an hour later, he went around in other places. Li Kuiyong, who had collected some herbs, also came over. Seeing that the bamboo basket brought by Lu Cheng was full of coal, Li Kuiyong was a little surprised: "Brother Cheng, how did you find so much coal?"

"Kuiyong, don't talk about it for now, go and look for it, go to the northwest, find a coal block, and mark the location."

Li Kuiyong was stunned for a moment, then reacted and immediately became excited: "Brother Cheng, are you sure there is a coal mine here?"

"It's not certain now, let's go find it first."

"Yes, I'll go find it now!"

Then, Li Kuiyong put the collected herbs aside and hurriedly looked in the direction specified by Lu Cheng.

Another hour later, the two had collected a full basket of coal blocks.

"Let's go back. Don't make this public yet. I'll go to Secretary Bai to explain the situation. I may go to the commune to report the situation tomorrow. Don't tell anyone else yet, got it?"

"Got it."

If a coal mine is really discovered, it will definitely be a great achievement, but if it turns out to be just some scattered coal blocks, the great achievement may turn into a serious fault.

Before everything is settled, Li Kuiyong naturally dare not say anything more.

Lu Cheng did not have this worry, because he had long known that there was a coal mine here, and it was a world-class coalfield spanning many places, the Shenfu Dongsheng coalfield...

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