Since arriving in northern Shaanxi, Lu Cheng has received two or three letters from Zhou Xiaobai, which detailed her life after entering the military camp, recalled her days in Yanjing, and asked Lu Cheng how he was doing in northern Shaanxi, etc.

Knowing that the conditions in northern Shaanxi were very difficult, Zhou Xiaobai also enclosed 30 yuan in the second letter.

As a new recruit, the military camp provided food, clothing and other expenses, and only a few yuan of allowance each month.

Zhou Xiaobai was able to send 30 yuan at a time, which must have been the money she brought from home to Lu Cheng.

To be honest, Lu Cheng was a little touched. Although Zhou Xiaobai had a bit of a lady's temper and a strong desire for control, once she set her mind on someone, she would definitely be infatuated.

However, since Lu Cheng had no intention of developing any love with her, he would naturally not ask for her money.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng wrote back a concise letter to the other party, saying that everything was fine in northern Shaanxi, and he didn't need her money, and asked her to take care of herself. While replying to the letter, he also sent the thirty yuan back.

Afterwards, the third letter sent by Zhou Xiaobai was much shorter, and the words were not as warm as before, just the concern between ordinary friends.

In a blink of an eye, another Spring Festival was approaching. Lu Cheng specially asked the village party secretary to arrange two donkey carts, and took all the educated youth to go to the market to buy some New Year's goods.

In fact, before the educated youth went to the countryside, they would carry some money and universal food coupons. Now that they have just been in Baidian Village for two months, they have not spent all their money yet. They took advantage of the New Year to go to the market and buy some things they wanted to buy.

Lu Cheng also took out some stored supplies, such as white flour, rice, pork, fish, oil, seasonings, etc., and asked several girls to steam a few steamed buns, fry a few fish, some radish balls, etc.

During the New Year, you have to have a New Year look.

Seeing the fish, meat, noodles, rice and other foods in the house, the educated youth couldn't help but feel happy.

Zhong Yuemin, Zheng Dong and others who came to visit were also envious and had a good meal.

On New Year's Eve, the educated youth did not go home, but gathered in the cave and had a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner together, and then held a party.

At the urging of the crowd, Lu Cheng first played a cheerful flute solo, and then cooperated with Qin Ling to perform a song "Flowers and Clouds All Over the Sky".

Then, Li Lijuan, an educated youth from Yanjing, took the initiative to invite Lu Cheng to sing a male and female chorus "By the Butterfly Spring":

"Dali has a beautiful scenery in March, and it's good to dress up by the Butterfly Spring. Butterflies fly to collect nectar. Why is my sister combing her hair..."

This song is also an interlude of the 1959 movie "Five Golden Flowers". Many people who have seen this movie can sing it.

After that, even Li Kuiyong stood up and sang "Play My Beloved Tu Pipa". Although he sang a little out of tune, it also brought some laughter to everyone.

Zhou Haipeng is not very good at singing, so he recited a song "The Moon in Qin and the Pass in Han...", and everyone gave encouraging applause.

After everyone finished their performance, seeing that it was still early, the crowd asked Lu Cheng and Qin Ling, two more professional ones, to play a few more songs and sing a few more songs for everyone.

Lu Cheng also showed his own special skills, harmonica, erhu, flute, Hulusi, and performed each one once.

It is worth mentioning that as long as Lu Cheng played a complete song carefully and received recognition and applause from everyone, he could more or less increase his musical instrument skills and experience.

The lively party lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening, and everyone reluctantly dispersed and returned to their respective rooms to rest.

Maybe because they had just left home for more than two months, this year's Spring Festival, not only did the educated youths in Yanjing stay, but even several educated youths in Shaanxi Province stayed here, and everyone spent this Spring Festival together.

Just after the New Year, the village party secretary Bai Guixing brought back good news. After Lu Cheng learned of the news, he immediately returned to the educated youth point, gathered the educated youths together, held a small meeting, and announced the news.

"Classmates, years ago, I proposed to the village party secretary that we should build a village-run primary school in the village. Now, the leaders of the commune have finally agreed to this matter, and have also given Baidian Village a quota for a teacher, and the teacher will also receive a subsidy of 6 yuan per month."

The educated youth were all excited when they heard the good news: "Lu Cheng, this is a good thing!

Ah, one of us doesn't have to work anymore."

"Who should be the teacher?"

"Lu Cheng, we all listen to you, you decide who should be the teacher."

"Yes, as long as Lu Cheng decides, no one can object, let alone have any opinions."

"I agree."

Seeing everyone's performance, Lu Cheng nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Okay, since everyone let me decide, I will make a statement first. I will definitely not be the teacher, and Kui Yong will not take the position of teacher. The quota for this teacher will be selected from the remaining 8 of you.

Since you want to be a teacher, you must have the level of a teacher and cannot mislead the students. It just so happens that we have all been studying cultural knowledge hard during this period of time. Why don't I set the questions and let everyone take an exam. The top three in the exam, we will have a trial lecture, and the others will be judges to score, fair and just, how about it?"

"I agree."

"I agree too. ”

Lu Cheng’s method was fair, so naturally no one would object.

It took an hour or two to prepare a set of Chinese test papers and a set of math test papers. Then, the eight people who took the test copied the questions into their own notebooks and started answering the questions.

After everyone finished answering the questions, Lu Cheng corrected them on the spot, gave scores, and selected the top three. The first place was Zhang Huiling, the second was Xu Xiulan, and the third was Qinling.

Then, Lu Cheng asked the three of them to prepare separately, and the trial lecture selection was conducted the next day.

Finally, based on the test scores and trial lecture scores, Xu Xiulan, an educated youth from Shaanxi Province, successfully advanced to become the only teacher in Baidian Village Private Primary School.

"Xu Xiulan's performance is obvious to all, and I hope everyone will not be jealous in the future. Of course, I will continue to look for new opportunities in the future and try my best to benefit everyone. ”

After encouraging and comforting everyone, Lu Cheng and several leaders of the village brigade were busy arranging classrooms and preparing teaching aids.

Finally, after discussing with an old lady who was a five-guarantee household, the village borrowed a cave house from their home as a classroom for the children to attend classes.

Just after the Lantern Festival, the village-run primary school in Baidian Village officially opened, and Xu Xiulan stepped onto the podium and became a school teacher.

After the beginning of spring, there was more and more work in the fields, and the farmers on the Loess Plateau also began to prepare for spring plowing in advance.

Lu Cheng and other educated youth also went to the fields, waving hoes, turning the land, working from sunrise to sunset.

As the weather became warmer, sparse green appeared on the Loess Plateau.

Lu Cheng took advantage of the slack season to ask for leave from the village brigade, and from time to time he took a few educated youths out to collect herbs and dig wild vegetables, and by the way, he continued to expand his scope of activities...

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