After a long time, the doctor's medical experience was very good.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed. Lu Cheng's medical skills had been recognized by the villagers of Baidian Village. When the villagers saw Lu Cheng, they would greet him warmly and call him "Dr. Lu".

After that, Lu Cheng took Qin Ling and Li Lijuan, two girls, to visit every household, understand the health status of each household, and prepare a family case file for them.

While visiting the homes, Lu Cheng would also popularize some health knowledge to the villagers, teach them how to prevent diseases, etc.

When encountering some families with really difficult conditions, Lu Cheng would also provide them with free medical treatment and medicine.

When treating some children, Lu Cheng would always take out a piece of fruit candy from his pocket to make the children happily accept his treatment.

Although the people here are poor, most of them are very simple and honest. They will respect whoever treats them well.

After being cured, many villagers will bring some peanuts, red dates and the like to thank Lu Cheng. Although the things are not much, they are all a token of their heart.

Moreover, Lu Cheng has made contributions to the village, and the villagers are more accepting of the educated youth. The relationship between the educated youth and the villagers is becoming more and more harmonious.

After spending half a month visiting all the people in the village, Lu Cheng found the village party secretary Bai Guixing again.

"Secretary Bai, I have recently learned about the situation in our Baidian Village in detail. Many children in the village should go to school, but some children are seven or eight years old and have not started school yet. Moreover, the school in the commune is a bit far away, which is not convenient for children to go to school.

It just so happens that most of us educated youth have graduated from high school, so it is no problem for us to teach primary school children. I was thinking, why not set up a primary school in the village, so that the children don't have to go to the commune to study. What do you think?"

"This is a good thing, of course I agree. Last time I went to the commune for a meeting, I heard from the leaders of the commune that some villages in some places have indeed set up village-run primary schools. If this allows children to study in the village, they don't have to go so far, and their families don't have to worry.

However, you know the situation in the village. It may not be so easy to set up a primary school. It's not easy to arrange classrooms alone. Moreover, desks and benches must be prepared for the children. We also need to buy chalk and other things for the teacher. "

"There are no big requirements for the classroom, just a cave house will do. As for chairs and benches, if it is really not possible, we can borrow them from the village and see if someone has them. "

"Okay, I'll think of a way and discuss it with several team leaders in the village. If everyone agrees, I'll report to the commune and see if I can apply for some supplies. If everything goes well, after the New Year, we will run a village-run primary school. "

"Okay, I'll go back first. By the way, there are not many medicines in the village. I plan to take advantage of the sunny weather in the next two days to buy some in the county. Secretary, can you lend me your bicycle?"

"No problem, you can ride it away later and return it to me after you use it."

The next morning, Lu Cheng rode out early and took Li Kuiyong to the town first, asking Li Kuiyong to pick him up by bike in the afternoon, while Lu Cheng went to the county town himself.

When Lu Cheng came back in the afternoon, he not only brought back some medicines, but also 20 kilograms of flour and two kilograms of pork.

That night, the educated youth camp was busy making dumplings.

In fact, every time Lu Cheng went to the commune, he would bring back some food to cook for himself and Li Kuiyong, so that other educated youths could also eat from time to time.

Having stored so many supplies before, Lu Cheng never let himself go hungry.

On the other hand, the educated youth camp in Shichuan Village where Zhong Yuemin was located was not so lucky.

The educated youth in Shichuan Village originally had more men than women, and the food consumed faster. In addition, half of the food was withheld by the village party secretary, which made it even more difficult.

Afterwards, Zhong Yuemin and Zheng Tong found the home of the village party secretary of Shichuan Village. They originally wanted to threaten Chang Gui to take back the other half of the food distributed to them by the educated youth office.

But when Chang Gui took Zhong Yuemin and Zheng Tong around the village and showed them several families of martyrs and five-guarantee households in the village who were left unattended, Zhong Yuemin and Zheng Tong lost interest and did not ask for food back.

Although people were very poor in those days, they were very conscious. After learning that their food was given to the families of military martyrs, Zhong Yuemin and others did not pursue the matter and were willing to starve.

After entering the cold winter, heavy snow began to fall in northern Shaanxi.

The youths no longer need to go out, and they all hid at home for the winter.

In the youth education center in Baidian Village, all the youth education centers have been studying recently.

After Lu Cheng's guidance, Li Kuiyong has developed the habit of self-study. Whenever he is free, he will sit there and study mathematics, physics and chemistry seriously.

Lu Cheng will also sit there, holding a book and reading.

There were only three people in the boys' dormitory. Zhou Haipeng, who was left alone, naturally followed the boys to study.

The girls' dormitory next door was soon influenced by the boys' learning atmosphere and began to read books and study consciously.

Especially after two girls asked Lu Cheng for help when they encountered problems they didn't understand and received Lu Cheng's attentive answers, the other girls' enthusiasm for learning became even higher, and they would always come over to ask questions from time to time.

When everyone was free, they would also get together to discuss some exercises, explain some historical and geographical knowledge, or recite a poem to each other, play idioms, flying flowers and so on.

Although life was hard, the revolutionary optimism of the time was emphasized. People encouraged and comforted each other, so life didn't feel so hard.

A group of like-minded people shared the burden, and the suffering would be much lighter.

During this period, Zhong Yuemin, Zheng Tong, and Ning Wei would come to play from time to time and have a meal.

Of course, they didn't come often after the snow, after all, the distance was a bit far.

Of course, Lu Cheng would have some small troubles on ordinary days.

"Lu Cheng, I see that your clothes are worn out. Take them off and I will mend them for you."

"Lu Cheng, this is the scarf I just knitted. Would you like to try it?"

"Lu Cheng, I don't understand a few questions. Can you teach me?"

Lu Cheng would gladly accept the kindness of his female classmates and give them some candies, a bar of soap, a few eggs, etc. in return, and he didn't owe anyone anything.

Of course, Li Kuiyong and Zhou Haipeng were somewhat envious of the girls' kindness to Lu Cheng. Even Zhong Yuemin and Zheng Tong, who occasionally came to visit, would sometimes joke with him.

It is worth mentioning that among the educated youth from Shaanxi Province, there was a girl named Xu Xiulan from Xi'an who gradually developed some affection for Li Kuiyong during their interactions, but Li Kuiyong had not yet realized it.

In the original play, after Li Kuiyong was diagnosed with a terminal illness, he recalled in a conversation with Zhong Yuemin that there was an educated youth from Xi'an who liked him in northern Shaanxi, but Li Kuiyong knew the situation of his family and did not want to drag down the girl. The girl's family also did not agree to their daughter marrying Li Kuiyong.

Later, before the girl left, she wanted to give her body to Li Kuiyong. Although Li Kuiyong was impulsive, he hugged his beloved girl and did nothing all night. Because he understood that since he could not give her happiness, he could not delay her life.

Perhaps, this Xu Xiulan was Li Kuiyong's original true love.

However, now that Li Kuiyong has a cousin named Lu Cheng, he will no longer be so depressed.

It is winter now, and when spring comes, Lu Cheng will find a chance to go out and do something big...

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