The matter was handled very quickly with the intervention of people from the province.

Since Lu Cheng discovered the new coal mine, the higher-ups sent people to investigate Lu Cheng's situation. They learned that Lu Cheng volunteered to go to the countryside in northern Shaanxi and did a lot of practical things for the village. The higher-ups have decided to designate Lu Cheng as an advanced educated youth representative, give him special praise, and consider letting Lu Cheng give a speech to the educated youth in northern Shaanxi.

In fact, over the past two months, educated youth in various places have more or less started to get upset.

Coming to this barren place in northern Shaanxi, doing hard labor that they have never done before, and having to endure hunger, it is difficult for these young people from the city to accept it.

Moreover, all the rural areas in northern Shaanxi lack arable land. The land in the village cannot support the villagers. The village has to accept a dozen educated youths with little labor force, and in the future, the villagers will have to share the limited food.

In this case, many educated youths and local villagers have conflicts.

There are also some second-rate people and small hooligans in some villages who bully female educated youths from outside, which further aggravates the conflicts between educated youths and villagers.

Therefore, the higher authorities also plan to hold a meeting for the educated youths to appease their emotions. Then select some outstanding educated youth representatives, focus on praising them, set an example, and call on other educated youths to learn from them.

In this case, Lu Cheng, an educated youth with particularly outstanding performance, has attracted the attention of leaders from all parties.

After understanding the situation from all aspects, the police station and the educated youth office acted decisively, severely criticized the villagers, and asked the first few small hooligans to apologize to the educated youths.

Originally, the villagers did not agree to this treatment, but the police comrades only needed to subdue them.

"Do you know that the educated youth you besieged discovered a large coal mine in our Jingbian County? How big of a deal is this? The educated youth is very familiar with the leaders of the coal mine. If you continue to make trouble like this, when the coal mine starts recruiting workers in the future, it will directly skip your village and even not recruit villagers from your commune as workers. Let's see what you will do!"

After this, there was no need to say anything more. The villagers of that village took the initiative to pull those little hooligans to apologize to Lu Cheng and his group of educated youth and ask for forgiveness.

Lu Cheng and others naturally would not hold on to it, anyway, they did not suffer any loss.

After the matter was resolved, everyone dispersed.

However, after this incident, Lu Cheng became completely famous in Jingbian County. Many people heard that there was an educated youth who was super good at fighting. He fought dozens of people alone and was still unscathed.

At noon, the educated youth office kept Lu Cheng and others and invited them to have a meal.

During this period, Director Ma Guiping of the Youth Office, upon hearing Zhong Yuemin's name, immediately took Zhong Yuemin aside for questioning.

Ma Guiping had been a guard of Zhong Yuemin's father Zhong Shanyue. When he saw the son of the old leader, he naturally had to reminisce and take care of him.

"Brother Cheng, Director Ma took Yuemin away alone. Is there anything wrong?"

"It should be fine. Maybe it's a good thing. Director Ma was obviously stunned when he heard Yuemin's name. Yuemin's father also has many old subordinates scattered all over the place. It's not surprising to meet one or two."

Sure enough, after dinner, Zhong Yuemin came back, and it seemed that he had obviously eaten.

In the afternoon, everyone walked around the county again before returning to their respective villages.

When passing by the commune on the way back, Lu Cheng also bought some meat on purpose to give everyone a meat starter in the evening, which was also a supplement for the bowl of mutton noodles promised in the county.

After dinner, Qin Ling and Lu Cheng went out separately, and finally came to a small earthen slope outside the village and sat together.

"Lu Cheng, I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting. We were all scared at that time. So many people were knocked down by you alone, and you were able to escape unscathed."

"It's just a group of hungry villagers. There's nothing to brag about. Do you really think that all the kung fu I practiced every morning is in vain?"

"Okay, okay, you are awesome. I admire you very much."

"I saved you today, so why don't I repay you with something practical?"

"Then should I say that I have done a great favor and I can't repay you. I can only repay you with my body?"

"That's the best. However, there is no rush to repay you with your body. It is still necessary to collect some interest first..."

When Qin Ling returned to the dormitory, he saw that the three girls in the same dormitory were all asleep.

, waiting for her with big eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy."

"Hey, of course we want to see if the golden flower of our educated youth has been picked."

"Yes, come, let me see if there is a mark on this neck..."

In the blink of an eye, it was already May. There was still a month before the wheat harvest. Many people's food at home had almost been eaten. Many villages began to go to the city collectively to beg for food. Some people were so hungry that they had no choice but to eat everything they could eat on the Loess Plateau.

On this day, Lu Cheng came to the health center of Hechuan Commune, preparing to replenish some medicines and alcohol.

As soon as he entered the clinic, he saw a man in his 30s carrying a little girl of seven or eight years old on his back, running into the clinic in a hurry: "Doctor, doctor, please save my daughter."

"Come in and put the child on the bed. What happened to this child?"

"I don't know either. Maybe because she was too hungry yesterday, the children caught two mice and roasted them to eat. They came back and told me about it."

Lu Cheng only took a look at the little girl on the man's back and found that the little girl was in a very bad condition. With the level of the three doctors in the clinic, it would be difficult to save the child.

Lu Cheng didn't have time to think about it and followed him into the house directly.

The doctor briefly checked the child's condition and shook his head: "It's a bit late to send her here."

The man knelt down on the spot when he heard this: "Doctor, I beg you, please save our daughter, she is only eight years old this year!"

Lu Cheng stepped forward, turned over the child's eyelids, and took the child's pulse, and then immediately said: "The child can still be saved, do as I say now, and prepare warm water first..."

While speaking, Lu Cheng first took out a small medicine bottle from his arms, poured out a pill, put it in the child's mouth, and then pressed several acupuncture points on the child's neck with his fingers. The child swallowed the pill subconsciously.

The three doctors were originally helpless, and seeing that Lu Cheng seemed to have a way to save the child, they immediately began to cooperate.

Mice carry a large number of bacteria and viruses. The roasted mice that the child ate should not have been fully roasted. In addition, some time was wasted, which caused poisoning and pulmonary effusion.

Lu Cheng gave the child a homemade pill and an injection of antibiotics. After the child's condition stabilized, he immediately asked several doctors to set up the ward and perform a thoracentesis and drainage operation on the child using the existing equipment...

An expert can tell the difference with one move.

Seeing Lu Cheng skillfully complete various surgical operations, the three doctors in the health center were stunned. Even when they were studying at the county hospital, they had never seen a doctor with Lu Cheng's level.

After confirming Lu Cheng's level, the three doctors quietly started to help and cooperate with Lu Cheng in all operations.

After half an hour of busy work, the operation was completed and the child's condition began to gradually stabilize...

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