The next morning, Lu Cheng asked for leave from the village party secretary, rode out of the village and headed for Shichuan Village.

When he arrived at Shichuan Village, he found Zhong Yuemin who was working and asked him to take him to find Chang Gui, the village party secretary of Shichuan Village. Lu Cheng then explained his purpose and planned to do a medical and health publicity for all the villagers in Shichuan Village.

It happened that Chang Gui was not too busy recently, so he agreed. In the afternoon, he gathered all the villagers together and Lu Cheng explained some medical and health knowledge to them, focusing on what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.

He also told the parents to keep an eye on their children to prevent them from eating things they should not eat.

Lu Cheng even used roasted mice as an example to apologize, emphasizing that children must not be allowed to eat mice, unknown insects, etc.

During this period, Lu Cheng also saw a little guy who chased Zhong Yuemin and called "Brother Yuemin". His name was Hanwa, which should be the child who ate roasted mice and was not rescued in the original play.

Lu Cheng took out a few fruit candies from his pocket and gave them to the child, telling him not to eat mice, insects, etc.

After completing the propaganda work in Shichuan Village, Lu Cheng returned the bicycle to the commune health center and mailed the letter he wrote to the county.

In the next few days, life was relatively peaceful. In addition to seeing the villagers from time to time, Lu Cheng returned to the fields to work most of the time.

It was not until half a month later that the village party secretary Bai Guixing suddenly came to inform Lu Cheng to represent the educated youth of Baidian Village to go to the county to attend the educated youth meeting.

When Lu Cheng rushed to Jingbian County, a group of educated youth representatives from various communes had gathered here.

Afterwards, the county sent a car to take this group of educated youth to the city, where they gathered with more educated youth.

That afternoon, representatives of educated youth from all over Yulin gathered together to attend the educated youth conference held by the city.

At the meeting, the city leaders first gave an impassioned speech, expounding the necessity and importance of the educated youth going to the countryside to receive re-education from poor and lower-middle peasants, and also encouraged the educated youth to actively participate in labor, integrate into the countryside, and build the countryside under difficult conditions.

Afterwards, the leaders announced that a group of outstanding educated youth would be given special praise and commemorative medals, honorary certificates, etc.

Among them, some of Lu Cheng's achievements in Baidian Village were highlighted and praised, and the educated youth were called upon to learn from Lu Cheng and strive to be the screws of construction.

After the commendation, some educated youth were sent back, while Lu Cheng and one educated youth were left behind.

Afterwards, the city leaders met Lu Cheng in person. After praising and encouraging him, they asked Lu Cheng to prepare for going to the province tomorrow to attend the provincial outstanding educated youth representative conference, and also asked Lu Cheng to prepare a speech in advance for the conference.

Fearing that Lu Cheng did not know how to write a speech, the city leaders also sent a secretary to guide Lu Cheng, telling him how to carry out education in rural areas, build medical care, and how to discover large coal mines.

Early the next morning, Lu Cheng took a car to the provincial capital to attend a larger-scale educated youth representative conference.

At the conference, outstanding educated youth representatives from various communes across the province took the stage to speak one by one, and Lu Cheng was also regarded as the last representative to appear on stage.

As soon as Lu Cheng walked onto the stage, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

His tall and handsome appearance and calm temperament left a deep impression on the educated youth and leaders present.

As the host introduced some of Lu Cheng's contributions, warm applause broke out at the scene.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng stood on the stage and talked about how he went from a big city to a rural area, how he got along with the villagers, how he found ways to solve the villagers' practical difficulties, what benefits the educated youth could bring to the countryside, etc.

From education, medical care, infrastructure, scientific farming and other aspects, he explained what was lacking in the rural areas of northern Shaanxi, and also pointed out the direction of future efforts for the educated youth.

When Lu Cheng stepped down from the stage, the applause from the audience lasted for a long time, and the leaders looked at Lu Cheng with more and more satisfaction.

Soon after Lu Cheng returned to the commune, he received a notice from the county that in July, Jingbian County would open a barefoot doctor training class and asked Lu Cheng to assist the doctors in the county hospital to carry out training.

At the same time, the coal mine exploration work has been completed and the mining work is being prepared. It is expected that after the autumn harvest, the coal mine will begin to be fully operational.


At this time, Lu Cheng had become the most outstanding representative of educated youth in the province, and his name appeared in the provincial newspaper.

For a time, educated youth from all over the country set off a wave of "learning from Lu Cheng", and even some female educated youth who had met Lu Cheng at the representative conference before began to write letters to Lu Cheng.

Some of the more daring ones even said that they wanted to form a revolutionary partner with Lu Cheng and build the countryside together.

For these letters, Lu Cheng simply replied with a few words of encouragement.

In a blink of an eye, it was the harvest season, and the people on the Loess Plateau began to get busy.

Due to the lack of agricultural machinery and the terrain restrictions, the harvest could only be carried out manually, and the process was of course more difficult.

Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong, the boys, were fine, but Qin Ling and the other girls suffered a lot.

After harvesting the grain, the educated youth were all exhausted, but seeing the grain allocated to them, everyone also experienced the joy of harvest.

Then, a better news came back, the coal mine began to recruit workers.

Since the Dongsheng coalfield is quite large, the province has established mining sites in five counties and districts. The coal mines in Jingbian County have also begun to recruit mine workers and miners.

A large coal mine not only needs many miners, but also transportation workers, logistics management personnel, canteen staff, procurement staff, medical staff, etc.

Since Lu Cheng was the first person to discover the coal mine, the mine gave priority to the villagers of Lu Cheng's educated youth site and Baidian Village when recruiting workers.

In addition, Lu Cheng himself is a very good doctor, and the mine is also preparing to hire Lu Cheng to be a doctor in the medical room that the coal mine is preparing.

Coal mining is very risky, so of course there must be a medical room and doctors to see patients.

However, before the medical room of the coal mine was established, Lu Cheng went to the county hospital first, impressed the county doctors with his medical skills, and became one of the teaching teachers of the barefoot doctor training class.

At the same time, considering that he would leave Baidian Village sooner or later, Lu Cheng selected a female educated youth from Shaanxi Province who was conscientious and careful in her work to come to participate in the barefoot doctor training, and take over his position in the future and become a barefoot doctor in Baidian Village.

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Biyun from Shichuan Village also became a student of this barefoot doctor training class with her good performance.

During Lu Cheng's lecturer in the barefoot doctor training class, the hospital paid Lu Cheng a salary of 35.5 yuan per month according to the normal first-level doctor, which can be regarded as an additional income...

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