The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides had a long-term plan.

In the winter of 1969, all primary and secondary schools in Beijing had resumed classes. Ning Wei's family also wrote to northern Shaanxi many times, asking Ning Wei to return to Yanjing and continue his studies. However, Ning Wei was reluctant to leave Lu Cheng and Zhong Yuemin, the elder brothers who took care of him, and was reluctant to leave.

"Ning Wei, it's not that we don't want to keep you, the conditions here are really bad. Besides, you are still young, it's time to learn knowledge, you shouldn't waste it here."

"But... I want to be with you, and I want to continue to learn kung fu from Brother Cheng."

Lu Cheng patted Ning Wei's shoulder: "I have basically taught you everything I can teach you. The rest you need to practice and understand slowly. If you want to become a real strong man, you must not only have brute force, but also have a smart mind and enough wisdom, all of which require you to study and learn.

If you want to make your own skills useful, you can choose to join the army in the future, hone your skills in the army, and exchange with real masters. Even go to the real battlefield. Only in this way can you become a real strong man."

"I understand, Brother Cheng."

Zhong Yuemin on the side also added: "A good man should be a soldier. Ning Wei, your family conditions are not good enough. Wrong, wait until you return to Yanjing, study hard for a few years, and join the army when you reach the age limit. Zhang Haiyang and Yuan Jun have already served in the army, you must surpass them and strive to be promoted earlier than them. You represent us brothers, don't embarrass us. "

"Don't worry, Brother Cheng, Brother Yuemin, I will work hard to serve in the army and be promoted as soon as possible."

Lu Cheng nodded, and then said a few more words: "Ning Wei, I know you are more aggressive in your bones, and you will be excited when you see blood. If you can't control it, it's easy to cause trouble. In the future, if you really serve as a soldier and go to the army, you must learn to control your emotions.

The knife and gun in your hand are aimed at the enemy, not to bully the weak. When to take action and when to hold back, you must grasp it well. Especially when facing ordinary people, you must pay attention to the degree. "

In fact, Lu Cheng had taught Ning Wei these a long time ago, and this time he just emphasized it again.

Ning Wei's bloodthirstiness seems to be innate. When he was in elementary school, he dared to hold the blade of the other party's knife robbery with his hand, snatched the knife while the other party was afraid, and stabbed the other party with a knife. He is definitely a natural ruthless person.

Such people are very suitable for being soldiers, and they are special forces, or killers.

But if his character is not controlled well, it is easy to hurt himself.

Just like in the original drama, when Ning Wei was in the army, he encountered a man who abused his wife. He kicked the man directly and seriously injured him. Several ribs were broken. In the end, the family of the man blackmailed Ning Wei and insisted that he pay a large sum of money. Ning Wei was forced to demobilize and leave the army.

Later, Ning Wei was cheated of money by his classmates. In anger, he beat his classmates seriously and suffered imprisonment.

In fact, Ning Wei's experiences are also related to his own personality and growth environment. The lack of school education and family education made Ning Wei lack sufficient self-control and independent thinking ability.

In the nearly one year since he came to northern Shaanxi, Lu Cheng has focused on training Ning Wei's self-control and thinking abilities in addition to teaching him kung fu.

Originally, Ning Wei could only become a platoon leader at most, even if he joined the army, and did not have the ability to become a mid-level or senior officer.

After being trained by Lu Cheng, Ning Wei has made significant progress. At least he has the potential to be a company commander or battalion commander, and is fully capable of commanding and managing a special operations team or squadron.

Of course, this only means that Ning Wei has enough potential. As for whether he can bring out his potential after joining the army, it depends on whether he can meet a good leader and a good mentor.

After sending Ning Wei away, Lu Cheng returned to the county and continued to guide the teaching of the barefoot doctor training class.

Soon after, the coal mine began to recruit workers in an all-round way, and the coal mine clinic was officially established. Lu Cheng transferred from the training class of the county hospital to the coal mine clinic as a formal doctor, and also enjoyed the treatment of a first-level formal doctor.

Under Lu Cheng's coordination and arrangement, Qin Ling became a warehouse keeper responsible for managing the distribution of materials at the coal mine, Li Kuiyong became a purchaser for the coal mine canteen, and Zhou Haipeng, Wan Chunyan and other educated youth also transferred to work at the coal mine.

Of the ten educated youth in Baidian Village, only one village doctor and one village-run small business were left.

The teachers of the school, the rest basically went to work in the coal mine.

Not only that, there are thirty or forty young and strong people in Baidian Village who have become workers in the coal mine and can earn a stable income for their families.

Baidian Village originally had more than 400 people. It was really difficult to feed so many mouths with limited and barren land. Now that the food consumption has been reduced by 1/10, and there is extra income, the situation of the whole village has immediately improved a lot.

In a blink of an eye, another Spring Festival is approaching. Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong asked for leave from the mine and prepared to go home to visit their relatives.

Qin Ling's family also called and asked her to go back during the Spring Festival.

After more than a year of getting along and dating for more than half a year, Qin Ling was really reluctant to separate suddenly.

So, just before leaving, Qin Ling took the initiative to come to the cave where Lu Cheng lived alone and presented the most precious thing a woman had to give to her beloved man.

That night, the kang in the cave dispelled all the severe cold, and the long-lost spring came to the small land...

"Lu Cheng, no matter what changes will happen in the future, no matter where you go, as long as you can remember that night and remember me, it will be enough."

"One night is not enough. Since we are covered with the same quilt, we should cover it for a lifetime."

"A lifetime is too long, I never think so far."

"Maybe you will in the future, people will always change."


In fact, Qin Ling is a bit like a female version of Zhong Yuemin, enjoying love but not pursuing marriage, always thinking about experiencing a different and wonderful life, and will not stick to an unchanging life.

Of course, Lu Cheng is also confident that if Qin Ling really leaves her, it will be difficult for her to meet a man who can catch her eye.

A day later, Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong boarded the train back to Beijing, and Qin Ling also returned home.

After three or four days of tossing, Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong returned all the way from northern Shaanxi to Sijiucheng.

Li Kuiyong was naturally a little excited to return to his familiar home. He had a good chat with his younger brother, sister and mother, and the whole family finally had a reunion dinner.

As for Lu Cheng, he did not have much joy in returning to his hometown.

After all, for Lu Cheng, he has quite a few hometowns.

Since he started this journey across the heavens, his hometown is just the place where Lu Cheng lives his whole life.

After traveling through the heavens and settling in all realms, my hometown is where my heart belongs.

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