After returning to Yanjing, Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong paid special attention to the study of Kuiwei, Kuiyuan and other brothers and sisters.

Since the second child, Li Kuiwei, inherited his father's tricycle, he has been busy making money every day, and his studies have been somewhat neglected. In addition, he is not very smart and has limited self-study ability, so he has completely fallen behind in his studies.

The third child, Li Kuiyuan, has worked in the coking plant for more than a year and has now become a formal worker. He is still studying hard and his grades have not fallen behind.

The remaining three children are also persisting in their studies, but their academic performance varies.

After checking the study of his brothers and sisters, Li Kuiyong had a good talk with his brother Li Kuiwei without Lu Cheng saying anything more, and urged Li Kuiwei to pick up books and study again.

Although these children of the Li family are not gifted top students, they are all relatively down-to-earth and serious in their work and life.

Now, Lu Cheng has pointed out the direction ahead for them, and how to go on the rest of the road still depends on them.

Just after the Spring Festival, Lu Cheng and Li Kuiyong returned to northern Shaanxi. First, they returned to the village with gifts, visited the villagers, and comforted some families in more difficult situations. Then they cared about the two educated youths who stayed in Baidian Village.

It is worth mentioning that Li Kuiyong and Xu Xiulan, the female educated youth who stayed in the village as a village teacher, finally expressed their feelings to each other and confirmed their relationship.

In the original play, Li Kuiyong did not get together with his beloved girl because of his family situation, which became his lifelong regret.

Now, the situation of the Li family has improved greatly. Li Kuiyong himself has become a formal worker. He has enough confidence and naturally dares to accept the love of the woman he likes.

For men, the money in their pockets is their confidence, and the thickness of their wallets determines the degree of their confidence.

On the other side of Shichuan Village, Zhong Yuemin is also leaving.

Ma Guiping used a back door for the son of his old leader and sent Zhong Yuemin to the army.

Before leaving, Lu Cheng, Zhong Yuemin, Li Kuiyong, Zheng Tong and others prepared some wine and food, gathered together, and saw Zhong Yuemin off.

"Zhong Yuemin, I knew you wouldn't be able to stay here for long. You are a restless person and you can't stand a monotonous life. As long as you have a chance, you will always try a new life. Being a playboy in the old city, a beggar in northern Shaanxi, and a soldier in the army are just a journey in your life."

"Brother Cheng, what you said really touched my heart. I didn't expect that you know me so well even though we haven't been together for a long time. Just for this, I have to toast you. Come on, let's go."

"Let's go."

Zheng Tong also raised his glass: "Yuemin, you have escaped from the sea of ​​suffering this time. From now on, this place is I am the only one left. When you become rich in the future, don't forget me, an ordinary person. "

Lu Cheng patted Zheng Tong's shoulder: "Why be sad? I don't think you will be willing to be an ordinary person in the future."

"Even if I am unwilling, so what? This is the fate of people, and I can't change it."

"Go to school, the book will have the answers you want."

In the original play, after Zhong Yuemin and others left, Zheng Tong also experienced a period of confusion, and then walked with Jiang Biyun, and then devoted himself to studying. The two supported each other and worked hard together. Finally, they were both admitted to university and returned to Yanjing. Jiang Biyun graduated from university and became a middle school teacher, while Zheng Tong was admitted to graduate school.

It can be said that these two people really changed their destiny by studying.

For people struggling at the bottom, studying may be one of the few ways to change their destiny in this era.

Of course, the situation is different in the future.

After sending Zhong Yuemin away, Lu Cheng returned to the mine and continued his work.

Since he became a doctor in the coal mine, Lu Cheng has been doing his job conscientiously and responsibly, while actively participating in the construction safety management of the coal mine. He has put forward many practical suggestions for safe construction, and brought out the valuable experience summed up by many people in later generations, and provided it to the coal mine for reference, so as to ensure the safety of the construction workers to the greatest extent.

Of course, even with more perfect facilities and more advanced mining equipment, coal mining is still a high-risk job. Even in later generations, there will be frequent coal mine collapse accidents, let alone in this era.

All Lu Cheng can do is to do his best.

Reduce the probability of accidents, or actively participate in rescue after an accident.

With his serious and responsible work attitude and outstanding performance, Lu Cheng has won the title of advanced worker many times, and was soon promoted to a doctor level and enjoyed better treatment.

At the same time, Lu Cheng and Qin Ling's love affair has been officially made public.

At the end of 1970, the mine recommended Lu Cheng to study at Yenching Medical University.

It was at this time that Qin Ling's mother wrote a letter asking Qin Ling to go to Yenching.

It turned out that not long ago, Qin Ling's mother went to Yenching with the Shaanxi Song and Dance Troupe. She will stay in Yenching for a long time in the future. She wanted Qin Ling to return to Yenching. On the one hand, mother and daughter can be together, and on the other hand, Qin Ling can learn dance and music in the song and dance troupe.

So, Lu Cheng and Qin Ling returned to Yenching together before the Spring Festival in 1971.

Li Kuiyong did not return to Beijing this year, but was going to accompany his lover Xu Xiulan to Xu's house to meet his future father-in-law and mother-in-law and discuss their marriage.

After Lu Cheng and Qin Ling returned to Yanjing, they first went to see Qin Ling's mother.

Qin Ling's mother is a very elegant woman. Although she is over 40, she looks like a woman in her 30s.

After a few simple chats, Lu Cheng understood why Qin Ling developed such a personality. This was completely influenced by her mother.

Qin Ling's mother was born in the Republic of China and grew up in the war years. She was exposed to Western learning very early. Her thoughts were relatively open and she advocated independence and freedom.

But the surrounding environment forced her to succumb to tradition. In the end, she married and had a daughter, and lived a life of raising her husband and daughter.

Perhaps she placed her ideal life on her daughter and did not want her daughter to live a dull life like herself. Qin Ling's mother taught her daughter to think independently, read books to understand reason, broaden her horizons, and enjoy the process of life rather than chasing a fixed result.

After Qin Ling's mother talked to Lu Cheng, she quickly recognized Lu Cheng: "Perhaps my daughter did not choose the wrong person. You are the best young man I have ever seen, and you can even say that you are the best man I have ever seen. Qin Ling's life should not be boring with you."

"Of course, I also like to experience different lives, and I will make myself live any kind of life I want through my own efforts. I have the confidence and the strength to do so."

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