The study of medical university is just a formality for Lu Cheng.

After all, with Lu Cheng's current medical skills, even famous doctors such as Bian Que, Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao, and Zhang Zhongjing can't teach Lu Cheng much. At most, they can sit down and communicate with each other and learn from each other.

After entering the medical university, Lu Cheng quickly gained recognition from many national medical masters with his outstanding performance. They all wanted to take him as a disciple and keep him in Yanjing.

In this era, students who were recommended by their units to study in universities generally had to return to their original units after graduation. Now, Lu Cheng has more choices.

However, Lu Cheng still planned to stay in northern Shaanxi for a while to make some contributions to the medical construction there.

After spending more than half a year at Yenching Medical University, Lu Cheng was ready to return to northern Shaanxi.

"Qinling, I'm going back to northern Shaanxi for a while. Are you going to go back with me, or stay in Yanjing and wait for me?"

"Of course I'll go with you. Wherever you go, I'll go."

Soon after, Lu Cheng and Qinling returned to the coal mine and continued their original work.

For a period of time afterwards, in addition to working in the coal mine, Lu Cheng sometimes went to hospitals at all levels to participate in exchange meetings and academic seminars, traveled to various cities and counties in Shaanxi Province, guided the training and learning of barefoot doctors, and contributed to the construction of rural basic medical care in the entire Shaanxi Province.

In just two years, Lu Cheng became a well-known expert in the medical community of the entire Shaanxi Province, and trained a large number of excellent doctors for various regions in Shaanxi Province.

At the beginning of 1972, Li Kuiyong and Xu Xiulan got married. By the end of the year, they gave birth to a big fat boy, and their lives were getting happier and happier.

In the same year, Lu Cheng and Qin Ling also got their marriage certificate, but neither of them planned to have children for the time being.

In 1973, Yenching Medical University transferred Lu Cheng back to teach. The leaders of the coal mine held a farewell party for Lu Cheng to thank him for his outstanding contributions over the years.

Not only that, the coal mine also gave this year's recommended admission quota to Qin Ling, recommending Qin Ling to study at Yenching's Conservatory of Music.

After the two returned to Yenching, Qin Ling entered the Conservatory of Music, while Lu Cheng became a teacher at the Medical University and served as a doctor at the Medical College.

The school allocated a special faculty dormitory to Lu Cheng, so Lu Cheng did not return to the courtyard to live.

Of course, Lu Cheng would occasionally return to the courtyard to see the Li family and supervise the learning of the Li family's children.

At this time, Li Kuiyong's family of three was still in northern Shaanxi.

In October 1977, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination spread throughout the country, and educated youth from all over the country began to actively prepare for the exam, and the six brothers and sisters of the Li family had been preparing for many years.

In the winter of 1977, 5.7 million candidates across the country entered the college entrance examination hall that had been closed for more than ten years, welcoming an exam that changed their destiny.

When the college entrance examination results came out and major universities began to issue admission letters, Li Kuiyong's family suddenly became the most prosperous family in the entire courtyard and even the entire street.

Li Kuiyong successfully entered the University of Mining and Technology, and Li Kuiyong's wife Xu Xiulan was admitted to the Normal University.

Not only that, among Li Kuiyong's five brothers and sisters, four also participated in this college entrance examination, three were admitted to universities, and only the second child Li Kuiwei failed.

As for the youngest girl, because she was still in the first year of high school, she did not participate in the college entrance examination this year.

It can be said that the fate of the Li family has been completely changed. From now on, they will directly achieve class leap, from ordinary people struggling at the bottom to a well-off society.

After the college entrance examination, Li Kuiyong's mother gathered the whole family together to express gratitude to Lu Cheng, and asked the children to remember Lu Cheng's kindness, etc.

In the early 1980s, with the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, China implemented a dual-track system for commodities. The planned part of the same product was priced uniformly by the state, while the unplanned part was regulated by the market.

Generally speaking, the market price of the planned part is quite low, while the price of the unplanned part is higher.

This gave many people room to operate, and also gave rise to a special group, that is, "smugglers".

Since when, a jingle began to circulate widely: "One billion people, 900 million are selling, and 100 million are looking for it."

Of course, at this time, the smugglers were mainly active in China and had not yet set their sights on the bear in the north.

In the summer of 1982, Zhong Yuemin, Zhang Haiyang, Ning Wei and others returned to Beijing from the army to visit their relatives and gathered with Lu Cheng.

A group of

People sat together and chatted. Zhong Yuemin and Ning Wei talked about a very dangerous mission they had carried out before. They narrowly escaped death in the jungle. Thanks to Ning Wei's outstanding performance, the team successfully completed the mission without casualties. Only two soldiers were injured when clearing mines, but neither was seriously injured.

Due to the confidentiality mechanism, the two did not talk too much, but Lu Cheng knew the general process of the mission through indirect inquiries and some plots in the original drama.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Mantun, the comrade of Zhong Yuemin and others, participated in that battle and was only slightly injured.

Lu Cheng also indirectly saved a person through Ning Wei's hands.

In addition, Ning Wei's brother Ning Qiang also served in another unit and has now become a battalion commander.

A group of people talked and laughed, and unconsciously recalled the days in northern Shaanxi, remembering that they didn't have enough food to eat, but they were still happy despite being poor.

In 1985, Zhong Yuemin did not want to continue to serve in the army, gave up his bright future, retired from the army, and returned to Yanjing.

Perhaps because of some changes in the time of Zhong Yuemin's retirement, he did not meet Gao Yue at the Military Resettlement Office.

After Zhong Yuemin retired, Zhang Haiyang also retired from the army, but Ning Wei stayed in the army and became a reconnaissance company commander of a special reconnaissance brigade.

If nothing unexpected happens, Ning Wei is likely to serve in the special forces formed in the early days and become a lifelong professional soldier.

In the mid-to-late 1980s, Lu Cheng, who had been a university teacher for more than ten years, also gave up his unchanging life, resigned from the school, and then took Zhong Yuemin to the northern bear country to do a big business of exchanging canned food for airplanes.

Because Lu Cheng had a certain understanding of the northern bear country, and was proficient in Russian, he was also quite popular in the north, and soon expanded his business and became the earliest billionaire.

During this period, Lu Cheng also took Qin Ling on several trips abroad to let her see the outside world.

After that, Qin Ling focused on music and stayed in Yanjing for a long time.

After getting along with Lu Cheng for a long time, Qin Ling had changed a lot, and his ideas were certainly different from before.

When he was 35 years old, seeing Li Kuiyong's family with two or three children living happily, Qin Ling suddenly wanted to give birth to a child for Lu Cheng.

So, in early 1986, Lu Cheng had his first son in this world.

After that, Lu Cheng often traveled between Yanjing and Moscow. With his personal charm, Lu Cheng also conquered several big girls from the fighting nation in Moscow and had several lovers.

Qin Ling never asked about these things. Even if he knew that Lu Cheng had a lover outside, he just pretended not to know. Anyway, as long as he didn't bring him home, it would not affect their relationship.

After entering the 1990s, Lu Cheng used the funds on hand to start investing widely, riding the express train of the times, and easily created a huge amount of wealth.

As for becoming the richest man, Lu Cheng can be said to be very skilled.

When everything in Lu's Group was on the right track, Lu Cheng also began to learn some new things, such as musical instruments, computers, etc.

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