After seeing Malena, Lu Cheng only looked at her from a distance and didn't pay much attention to her. Now is not the time to get to know Malena, and she won't run away anyway.

From the discussion of some people on the street just now, Lu Cheng also learned a lot of news. Malena had just been married for a month, and her husband went to the North African battlefield.

Not long ago, the leader of Italy, Mo, had just declared war on Britain and France, and the war on the North African battlefield had already started. It should be some time before the news of Malena's husband's death came back.

And Lu Cheng also had to gain a foothold in Syracuse first, have enough wealth, and the power to protect wealth.

In the next two days, Lu Cheng booked a room in a small hotel in the city, bought a second-hand bicycle, and walked around the city, figuring out all the streets of Syracuse, big and small, and collecting some useful information.

At night, Lu Cheng would go out to find out the activity patterns and patrol ranges of the patrol guards in the town.

Two days later, Lu Cheng had a clear understanding of the garrison situation in the town, the location of the police station, and the active range of some hooligans and ruffians.

Although the gang members were very low-key at the moment, Lu Cheng could still tell at a glance which were ordinary people, which were military police, and which were gang members in the crowd.

This was the eyesight he had trained after many reincarnations.

After figuring out the situation here, Lu Cheng also made a rough plan for himself:

The first step was to gather some small gangs and groups that could be used and form his own force.

The second step was to annex local gangs, further expand his power, and start doing business.

You have to have a gun in one hand and money in the other, and you have to grab both hands and make both hands strong.

The third step is to become the underground king of Sicily and expand overseas.

Moreover, Lu Cheng is also ready to make full use of his other face, two identities, one black and one white. If necessary, he can arrange a third identity as a backup.

At about ten o'clock that night, Lu Cheng changed into a convenient outfit, opened the window on the second floor of the hotel, jumped, landed steadily on the ground, and then swiftly climbed over the wall and came to the street.

Then, under the cover of darkness, Lu Cheng quietly crossed several streets and came to the door of a tavern on the western outskirts of Syracuse.

Although the city has implemented a curfew, this tavern outside the city is still brightly lit, and there are bursts of noise coming from it.

There is a distance from the town. Lu Cheng simply scanned it with the thermal induction radar. There are no patrolling guards within two kilometers nearby, only the noisy crowd in the tavern.

Lu Cheng glanced at the dozen bicycles parked at the door, then walked to the door of the pub and pushed it open.

The old wooden door opened with a creak, and the pub immediately became quiet. Everyone put down their glasses and turned to look at the door.

After seeing that there was only Lu Cheng at the door and no one else, everyone relaxed their vigilance a little.

Behind the counter of the pub stood an old man in his sixties with gray hair and a scar on his face. The old man looked Lu Cheng up and down, and then said, "Young man, this is not the place you should come. While we are happy now, turn around and leave immediately. Otherwise, you will be in trouble."

Lu Cheng took a look at the situation in the pub. The space inside the pub was not large. There were only five or six small square tables, and there were more than twenty fierce guys sitting there. At this time, they all looked at Lu Cheng with unfriendly eyes, as if they were very dissatisfied with Lu Cheng and his excitement.

Lu Cheng did not beat around the bush. He cast his eyes over everyone and then spoke loudly: "Who is the boss here?"

After hearing this, a group of people reached for their waists. Some of them pulled out a dagger directly from their waists, some put their hands on the hilt, and some took out a pistol.

"Hey, kid, are you here to cause trouble? If so, you may have come to the wrong place."

Lu Cheng laughed: "It seems that you are in need of a boss. Maybe I can be your boss reluctantly."

"It seems that this kid is tired of living and is looking for death. Badoglio, kill him!"

Then, the sturdy man closest to Lu Cheng stood up, holding a short knife in his hand, and looked Lu Cheng up and down, as if looking for where to cut: "Boy, you

You've come to the wrong place. It's not too late to kneel down and surrender. Hand over all your money and I'll spare your life."

Lu Cheng casually moved his wrist with a smile on his face, but in the next second, he suddenly took a step forward, cut the wrist of the strong man with his left hand, easily snatched the short knife in his hand with his right hand, and then leaned forward and directly knocked the tall strong man out.

Then, Lu Cheng turned around and punched the other guy who had just stood up to the ground with almost no pause.

In just a short moment, two guys were knocked to the ground, and Lu Cheng also had two more short knives in his hand.

Seeing this, the others immediately stood up and surrounded Lu Cheng.

The old bartender behind the counter was about to bend down to get the double-barreled shotgun hidden under the counter, and saw a flash of cold light, a short knife flew past his neck, and a voice came over: "Don't move. "

The old bartender was startled and touched his neck with his hand, which was already covered with blood.

Another guy just took out a revolver from his hand, and Lu Cheng nailed his wrist with a flying knife, and the revolver fell to the ground.

Then, Lu Cheng was like a tiger into a flock of sheep, punching and kicking, strong and powerful, and as fast as lightning, those strong men were knocked out one after another, either smashing a wooden table or knocking down a companion.

The two guys who were far away wanted to shoot, but before they found the opportunity to shoot, they saw a companion flying towards them, and the two of them immediately They collided with each other.

Another guy fired a shot, but he didn't hit Lu Cheng, but hit one of their own. Before he could fire the second shot, he was hit on the forehead by a flying stool. The second shot he fired subconsciously also hit the beam.

In a moment, all the twenty or so strong men in the tavern fell to the ground, wailing.

Lu Cheng picked up four pistols from the ground, took out the magazines and looked at them, then took a pistol in each hand and swept across the heads of those guys.

The guys who fell to the ground immediately begged for mercy: "I surrender, don't kill me."

"Be careful, don't fire accidentally."

Lu Cheng laughed, and his hands moved quickly. In a few breaths, he disassembled the two Beretta 1934 pistols into parts, and then ejected the bullets from the two revolvers and scattered them on the table.

"I've said before that I'm not here to kill people today. Let me ask again, who is the boss among you? "

Two people who were afraid of death pointed at a guy who was knocked unconscious by Lu Cheng's stool: "He is our boss, Cosimo."

Lu Cheng glanced at the guy in his thirties, who was relatively well-dressed and wearing a watch. He was the one who tried to shoot and was knocked to the ground by the stool he threw out. At this time, blood was flowing from his forehead. It was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

Lu Cheng stepped on the ground casually, and a dagger that fell to the ground bounced up and fell into Lu Cheng's hand. Then Lu Cheng threw it out directly and pierced the chin of the fallen man accurately, piercing his head.

Everyone was shocked, but Lu Cheng clapped his hands, as if he had just killed a chicken, and still smiled and said: "Okay, now you don't have a boss, I will be your boss. Who is in favor? Who is against?"

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