The more you fight, the more you will be defeated.

To subdue a group of hooligans and gang members, you can't talk about big principles. Simple and crude means are often the most effective. Using force to deter and kill the chicken to scare the monkey is just the first step.

Then, Lu Cheng looked at the guys lying on the ground and continued, "Next, I will knock you all out, wake you up one by one, and ask each of you some questions. If anyone says something inconsistent with others, I will send him to see your boss immediately, so that your boss won't die too lonely."

Everyone was horrified when they heard this, and they looked at each other, as if they wanted to communicate something with their eyes.

However, Lu Cheng did not give them any extra time and attacked them at a very fast speed, hitting each of them with just the right amount of force, making them unconscious without causing any brain damage.

In a moment, the guys who were just enduring the pain fainted one by one, even the guy whose wrist was pierced by the dagger fainted at this time.

When Lu Cheng's eyes swept over the old bartender behind the counter of the tavern, the old guy immediately raised his hands and took two steps back to show that he was harmless.

Lu Cheng walked behind the counter, took out a double-barreled shotgun from under the counter, threw it on the counter, then took out a bottle of malt whiskey from the wine cabinet behind, took a clean cup, poured himself a glass, took a sip, then shook his head and asked: "Let's start with you. What's your name? What role do you play in this gang? What business does your organization do? Is Cosimo really your boss?"

"Sir, my name is Enrique. I'm just the owner of this tavern. I'm not a gang member and have nothing to do with these people."

"No problem? If it really didn't matter, would these people come to your tavern to party? The scar on your face was left 20 years ago, right? It's obvious that it was cut by a knife. Old man, don't try to fool me. I don't mind killing one more person."

As he said, Lu Cheng picked up the double-barreled shotgun, opened it to check the bullets inside, then closed it again and aimed it at the old man's chest.

"Hey, sir, I'll tell you everything..."

After that, Lu Cheng asked some more questions, and after waiting for the old man to answer, he knocked him out.

Afterwards, Lu Cheng kicked a guy who had fainted on the ground awake, and then asked some questions, some of which were the same questions he had just asked.

This guy's answer was not much different from that of the old bartender.

"Who else is in your boss Cosimo's family? Who is the most loyal to your boss? How many people are there in your gang? What's the situation in everyone's family?"

When Lu Cheng asked these questions, he would also observe the micro-expressions of these people to determine whether they were lying.

Although Lu Cheng had not studied psychology or micro-expression analysis, he had experienced several reincarnations and had hundreds of years of life experience, so it was not that difficult to determine whether a person was lying.

Through one question after another, Lu Cheng quickly understood the situation of this group of people.

This is a small gang in Syracuse, which has nothing to do with the Mafia. There are 34 people in total, most of whom are hooligans who have never seen blood. They usually make money by stealing, extorting, and reselling some materials.

More than 30 people, with only seven or eight guns in total, including the old double-barreled shotgun in the hands of old Enrique. From the weapons and equipment, it can be seen that the strength of this small gang is very ordinary.

After waking up everyone and asking them one by one, Lu Cheng woke everyone up, looked at everyone and said: "I am very satisfied with the performance of most of you, but two gentlemen seem to be not very honest. Now, I will fulfill my previous promise and send these two gentlemen to see your boss. However, I am more particular about hygiene and don't like to get my clothes dirty.

So, next I will ask each of you to give the two gentlemen a knife. Start now, do it."

After speaking, Lu Cheng casually pointed to the two guys lying on the ground.

The two guys had just been kicked in the Fengshi acupoint on the outside of their thighs by him, and their legs were paralyzed and they couldn't move. Hearing Lu Cheng's words, the two of them begged for mercy: "No, sir, we are willing to surrender, and we are willing to recognize you as the boss."

"It's a bit late, why don't you hurry up and do it, do you also want to accompany your boss like them?"

Twenty people looked at each other, and then one of them took the initiative to stand up and pick up

He picked up a dagger from the ground, walked up to the two men, and said sorry: "Sorry, man, I want to live too."

After saying that, the man stabbed one of them in the thigh, then pulled out the dagger and stabbed another man in the thigh, and then walked aside.

Lu Cheng nodded and asked: "Good job, your name is Camilo, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"From now on, you are my deputy and the leader of all of them."

After saying that, Lu Cheng casually handed him a Beretta 1934 pistol on the table.

The man took the pistol and immediately became excited: "Thank you for your trust, sir, I will do a good job."

Seeing that the first person who took action got the benefit, the others also became proactive. Soon the second and third stood up, walked up to the two men with knives, and each of them stabbed them.

Then, the others took turns to step forward and stabbed the two men.

More than 20 people, more than 20 knives, one of them is dead, and the other one is breathing more than breathing out.

Lu Cheng picked up two daggers and threw them out, nailing them on the forehead, completing the final knife to them, and then looked at the others: "Now, follow me to your boss's house and confiscate the house."

To deal with these gang members, coercion alone is not enough, after all, they will run away, and Lu Cheng can't keep an eye on them all the time. So, there must be inducement.

Lu Cheng naturally couldn't pay out of his own pocket to buy his men, and the money still had to be found from their boss.

So, everyone left the tavern, rode bicycles together, and headed towards the old man named Cosimo's house in the moonlight.

Although this group of brothers didn't do well, their boss had a manor in the suburbs, and it was not too far from the tavern.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the outside of the manor, broke into the door directly, and killed their way in.

Afterwards, with a few exclamations and screams, the leader of this small gang and his family passed away in perfect order.

As for the killing of the elderly, the weak, women and children, Lu Cheng did not take it to heart.

After all, Lu Cheng had experienced many years of war and killed countless people.

What's more, the gang leader was not a good person either. He had done a lot of kidnapping, extortion and killing innocent people. His family enjoyed the black money he earned, and they should bear the corresponding consequences.

Then, everyone searched Cosimo's house and found a pistol, more than 50,000 liras in cash, some gold and silver jewelry, several works of art, and a passbook of 200,000 liras.

The guy named Camillo respectfully handed the passbook to Lu Cheng and said, "Sir, I just interrogated Cosimo's wife and learned the password of this passbook..."

Lu Cheng took the passbook and was more satisfied with Camillo: "You did a good job."

Then, Lu Cheng took out the more than 50,000 lire, put it on the table, took out 10,000 lire from it, and handed it to Camillo: "This is what you deserve, and the rest will be divided equally among the others."

"Thank you, boss!"

Everyone was excited to hear that there was still money to be made. Especially when everyone saw the 10,000 lire in front of Camillo, they were envious.

Ordinary people have to work for at least two or three years to earn 10,000 lire, and it fell into Camillo's hands.

You know, they couldn't save much money in a year before, and they basically spent all the money they got on drinking and playing with women immediately.

Except for Camilo, the other 21 people divided more than 40,000 liras equally, and each person could get more than 2,000 liras, which was enough for them to live freely in the brothel in Syracuse for more than a month.

If following Lu Cheng before was just a helpless act under duress, now these people are willing to recognize Lu Cheng as the boss. Cosimo would not let them make so much money before.

"Boss, should we also raid Fernando and Jorge's house? I know where their house is."

Obviously, these guys who got the money wanted to kill the other two guys they killed.

Lu Cheng directly ordered Camilo: "Camilo, you take them to do the rest. I will come to the tavern again tomorrow night."

"Yes, boss."

After that, Lu Cheng turned around and left with some passbooks, gold and silver jewelry and artworks.

The younger brothers moved out all the valuables in Cosimo's house, including some wine, food, cigarettes, etc. One guy even dismantled the chairs and chandeliers.

After moving, everyone burned down the manor and left.

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