The next night, when Lu Cheng came to the tavern again, there were about 30 people gathered inside, and all those who were not there yesterday came today.

Camillo brought two people and placed some money on the table: "Sir, this is the 36,000 lire we got from the house search yesterday. There are also eleven brothers who didn't come yesterday, and they are here today."

Lu Cheng took 2,000 lire from it, and then pushed the rest back: "The rest of the money, you all share it equally, it can be regarded as a gift from me to everyone. From now on, as long as you keep following me, I can guarantee that you will have money to make, wine to drink, and women to play with."

"Thank you, boss!"

"Call me sir from now on."

"Yes, sir."

After everyone divided the money, Lu Cheng moved a chair and sat down: "Such a small amount of money makes you so happy, it seems that you used to be 's life is not easy, right?"

"Sir, you may not know that since the Mafia family was suppressed, our Sicilian gangs are no longer as powerful as before. Once a gang is more active, it will be labeled as a Mafia, and then the army will come to destroy it. Moreover, many of the previous businesses can no longer be done.

During the war, the control of all aspects was very strong, and prices were constantly rising. It was not easy for us to get along..."

After the old Mexican came to power, although the Italian army often dragged its feet on the battlefield and surrendered at every turn, the old Mexican did a good job in dealing with the Mafia, which was also a good thing for the civilians of Sicily.

When the Mafia was active before, there were two governments on Sicily, one was the open government and the other was the shadow government.

The so-called shadow government is the underground force controlled by the Mafia family.

After World War I, the Mafia power on Sicily reached its peak, almost controlling all industries in Sicily. Every grain of food planted by the farmer, every livestock raised in the ranch, and every product produced in the factory will be taken away by the Mafia.

At that time, from street vendors to factory owners, everyone in Sicily had to pay protection fees to the Mafia in exchange for so-called safety. Once someone dared to resist, they would be retaliated in the most brutal way, and their homes would be confiscated and their families would be exterminated.

After Mexico came to power, he also sent people to Sicily to contact the Mafia families. Unexpectedly, the Mafia at that time did not take Mexico and the government he represented seriously at all, and treated the envoys sent by Mexico with extreme arrogance, leaving them there.

This also completely angered Mexico, and he directly sent a capable general, Mori, to deal with the Mafia in Sicily.

Mori first confused the Mafia, sent people to collect detailed information on the island, and after finding out the situation of the Mafia, he sent 4,000 soldiers and 6,000 policemen to launch a comprehensive encirclement and suppression of the Mafia, catching the Mafia off guard. Even the then Mafia Godfather Don Vito was caught and later died in prison.

This also led to the collapse of the Mafia and its escape.

Today, because of the war, the gang members on Sicily have a chance to breathe and survive.

But these gang members also miss the glory of the Mafia in the past, and they all want to establish a family like the Mafia in the past, but they do not have the corresponding strength.

For example, Cosimo, who was killed, was only a medium-sized force in the city of Syracuse.

In the whole Syracuse, there are more than a dozen large and small gangs, the big ones have hundreds of people, and the small ones may have only a few people.

Before, these people relied on some unspeakable means, and smuggled some tobacco, alcohol, candy, chocolate and other materials to earn limited money, most of which was taken by Cosimo. The income of others was about the same as those of workers, enough to make ends meet, plus some strong liquor to drink.

After learning the details, Lu Cheng said: "There are too many gangs in Syracuse now. If we want to grow stronger, we must eat up other gangs to have a larger territory and gain more benefits."

As he said, Lu Cheng turned his head and looked at Camillo and others on the side: "Who knows where to buy guns?"

One of the brown curly-haired men in his twenties stood up: "Sir, I know there is an arms dealer on the black market who can sell all kinds of revolvers, double-barreled shotguns, and rifles. I heard him brag before, saying that

Know a bigger arms dealer. As long as you have money, you can get the submachine guns used by the army. "

"Very good, Eric, you will go to the black market with me in a few days. We will get a batch of weapons. However, before that, we can first eliminate the two small gangs in the west of the city."

"Sir, we only have these few guns. If we rashly start to annex other gangs, will it cause dissatisfaction among the big gangs? Will they besiege us?"

"These are not your concerns. You just need to obey orders, that's enough."

"Yes, sir. "

Now that this makeshift team has just been set up, Lu Cheng, the boss, has to take action himself. On the one hand, he can further demonstrate his military power and intimidate his subordinates. On the other hand, he can take this opportunity to observe the performance of his subordinates, select a few with good performance, and focus on training some capable generals.

Lu Cheng took action personally, and he was dealing with some small gangs that were not well-known. He didn't need to make any battle plans, he just rushed in.

So, after a brief chat with everyone, everyone left the tavern, rode their bicycles, and headed straight for a nearby The base of a small gang.

Not long after, everyone came to a two-story building on the northwest outskirts of Syracuse.

Listening to the lively sounds inside, it is not difficult to judge that the people inside are playing cards. As soon as the thermal induction radar is turned on, Lu Cheng knows the situation inside.

Lu Cheng walked to the door, kicked it open, and walked in with more than 30 brothers.

The people inside immediately became alert and reached for the weapons around them.

Without Lu Cheng speaking, Camilo and Eric began to persuade them to surrender: "I advise you not to move, bullets don't have eyes. Surrender as soon as possible and you can still survive."

One of the guys just pulled out a pistol from under the table, and a dagger flew towards him and stabbed him straight in the forehead.

Everyone was shocked. The seven or eight people behind Lu Cheng immediately raised their guns and pointed them at the dozen people opposite: "Put down your weapons and hold your heads with your hands. ”

The difference in numbers and the lack of weapons meant that the other side did not put up too much resistance. They were just some small gang members, and there were not many real desperadoes among them. In the situation of absolute disadvantage, naturally few dared to joke with their lives.

Soon, all the weapons of the other side were confiscated, and Lu Cheng had three more pistols...

The work after that was much simpler. Kill the disobedient ones and subdue the obedient ones.

In the next two or three days, Lu Cheng led his men to annex all three or four small gangs in the west of Syracuse. The number of his brothers reached more than 80, and he had more than 20 guns, most of which were Bodeo M1889 revolvers.

The trigger of this revolver can be folded forward, and the cylinder of the cylinder cannot be removed. When loading, you need to pull the trigger. It takes one trigger pull to load a bullet, and it also takes one trigger pull to eject a shell, which is quite inconvenient to use.

However, for these men, this is already very good.

In the process of annexing those small gangs, Lu Cheng made many moves, relying on his superb skills and accurate shooting skills to intimidate a group of younger brothers.

Gangs also emphasize that the strong are respected, and strong combat effectiveness can also make the younger brothers more loyal.

Of course, in addition to the deterrence of force, they must also benefit.

However, in the process of cleaning up several gangs in the west of the city, it is inevitable that some people will be missed. Some people fled with their families, and some ran to the big gangs in the city to inform.

At this time, Lu Cheng was also ready to deal with the enemy...

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