After a while, the two of them were in a mess.

More than 20 minutes later, Lieutenant Card woke up from his coma, touched the back of his head, and cursed: "Damn it, what's going on?"

After saying that, Lieutenant Card suddenly found that his watch and pistol were gone, and he touched his pocket and found that the money in it was much less, only one hundred liras left.

After cursing a few words in anger, Lieutenant Card picked up the bicycle that fell on the ground. Just as Lieutenant Card got on the bicycle and was about to leave, he suddenly felt a heat in his lower abdomen, and a desire rose up uncontrollably.

Lieutenant Card wanted to suppress this feeling, but the feeling became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't suppress it at all.

After a slight hesitation, Lieutenant Card turned his bicycle around and headed for the brothel in the city.

After arriving at the brothel, Lieutenant Card could no longer hold back, and took out the remaining 100 liras in his pocket and handed them to the madam. He did not bother to choose, and randomly pulled two plump women into an empty room next to him.

You can imagine what happened next...

More than an hour later, Lieutenant Card fell on the bed. The two women pushed him away and tried to wake him up, but found that Lieutenant Card's eyes were bulging and the whole person was silent.

The news spread quickly, and the garrison and the police station immediately sent people to investigate. After carefully examining Lieutenant Card's condition, the doctor came to the conclusion that the lieutenant died of excessive excitement and cardiac arrest.

Because this matter was really not glorious and it would damage the image of the garrison, the garrison and the police station immediately blocked the scene and strictly prohibited the spread of the news.

But how could such a big gossip be sealed?

The next day, a piece of news began to spread in Syracuse that Lieutenant Card, a young and promising man in the city, had died on a woman's belly yesterday.

Once the news came out, it naturally caused an uproar. Lieutenant Card had always been very popular in the city with his handsome appearance and military image, and even became the object of love for many young girls and young women.

I never thought that idols would also fall.

As the news spread, the garrison, which was originally planning to hold a funeral for Lieutenant Card, also quickly gave up the idea and handed Lieutenant Card's body to his family for disposal.

After such a thing happened, even Lieutenant Card's family felt ashamed and buried him in a hurry without holding a decent funeral.

Hearing such news, Lu Cheng just smiled lightly. He is a person who doesn't like to hold grudges, and generally he will avenge his grudges as soon as possible.

On the other side, at Marlena's house.

"Mr. Lu, please sit down. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Yes, thank you."

"I have already drawn the design of the clothes. You can take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be modified."

"Yes, that's fine. If the clothes turn out well, I can introduce you to another friend who also wants to make two clothes."

"Really? Thank you so much."

Malena is unemployed now and relies on her husband's allowance to support her, which is barely enough to make ends meet. Therefore, she is eager to do more work and make more money.

"Mr. Lu, I actually like music very much, but I used to watch some operas and rarely heard music performances."

"Opera is also good, and it is just a different performance form from a concert. Just like suits and windbreakers, people like to wear them."

As he said, Lu Cheng looked at the photo frame on the table beside him: "Ms. Malena, is your husband a soldier?"

"Yes, his name is Nino, and he is now fighting on the battlefield in North Africa."

"Can you tell me about your love story?"

"Of course, I am a country girl. My husband met me when he came to visit our relatives. We fell in love at first sight and fell in love quickly. But my husband left just one month after we got married..."

A very clichéd love story, a young man from the city went to the countryside and met a beautiful country girl. After that, the two fell in love. The young man married the country girl and brought the country girl's father to the city.

It was just that the two had just got married when the war broke out, and the man had to go to the battlefield.

After chatting for a while, Marlena took out a cigarette and handed it to Lu Cheng: "Mr. Lu, would you like a cigarette?"

"Thank you, no, I don't like smoking."

"Actually, I don't like smoking either, but I usually smoke when I'm bored at home or when I'm working.

I like to have one, and now I have developed a habit of it. "

As she said that, Malena put down the cigarette in her hand and asked, "Mr. Lu, your performance is so wonderful, will you give a concert?"

Lu Cheng shook his head: "It seems that Asian faces are not very popular here, and I don't have the opportunity to give a concert."

"That's a pity. If Mr. Lu wants to give a concert, I will definitely buy a ticket to listen. To be honest, it is really a great enjoyment to hear Mr. Lu's performance every day."

"Thank you. As a performer, it is also a blessing to have a good audience."

"What instruments can Mr. Lu play?"

"There are many. I can play most instruments from the East and the West. Violin, flute, saxophone, piano, cello, I have no problem. However, I only have two Western instruments at home, flute and violin."

"Oh, it's amazing. I like the sound of the violin very much..."

The two chatted about music for a while, and before they knew it, it was noon. Lu Cheng got up and went home. He asked Mrs. More to prepare a lunch and sent it to Malena.

In the afternoon, Lu Cheng rode out of the house, then switched to his second identity, went to the newly built factory in the west of the city to check the production of lipstick, and then looked at the results of his subordinates' training. Finally, he called a few managers together and asked about business cooperation.

"Camilo, Eric, how is the cooperation with the store in the city going?"

"Sir, the store in the city has agreed to sell our products, but has reduced the price by 5%. "

"It's not a big problem to reduce the price a little. Let our distributors make money, they will be willing to sell our products, and we can make more money. In addition, you add another clause to the terms of cooperation. Every counter that sells our products can get an additional commission of five to ten liras for every lipstick sold by the salesperson. We will pay for this commission. ”

“Boss, the store will pay their salespersons, why should we pay this money? Our products are selling so well, those salespeople must be able to make a lot of money.”

“Don’t mind these small amounts of money, this money can make every salesperson more willing to sell our products. You can imagine that there are two kinds of lipsticks on the counter, one is ours and the other is someone else’s. The salesperson can’t get extra commissions by selling other people’s products. By selling our products, the salesperson can make extra money.

If you were that salesperson, when a customer came to buy the product, which one would you recommend to her?”

“I understand, boss. I’ll do it right away.”

“In addition, accompany me to buy a car tomorrow. We must quickly expand our business to Lentini, Catania, Messina, and let all women in Sicily and even the whole of Europe use our lipsticks. At that time, we will really make a lot of money, and you will also get rich with us.”

“Yes! Sir!”

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